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Old 01-20-2010, 01:55 PM
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Originally Posted by ForeverBlessed View Post
Mike Pence would be a great candidate. I like him

btw, Thanks to Evan Bayh and legislation he signed when in office while Gov, my two youngest girls have full tuition scholarships to an Indiana public university of their choice with Twenty First Scholars.

I never was a fan really, but he did some good... Now Mitch Daniels is my man... he is cleaning IN government up....making some enemies, but doing a good job.
Sounds good.

Originally Posted by ForeverBlessed View Post
well I went to the site to see if it was the pic I remembered. It stated something about he was a law student, but I thought I read on another new site that he was also working to help his wife through college....

Here, I got this off one web page...

Cosmo's "America's sexiest man" 1982 was then a 22-year-old law student. Even then, he described himself as "a bit of a patriot".

"You don't see anything [in the centrefold]," he told the Boston Globe in a recent interview.

He got $1,000 for the shoot. At the time, he and Huff were models and actors in TV commercials, and met when they were trying to recoup money from their agents.
LOL! I knew it would say something about the "sexiest man". Well, they weren't lying. That's for sure. LOL!
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Old 01-20-2010, 02:53 PM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Havent read the whole thread but whoever is touting Brown for the GOP ticket in 2012 is wrong headed. We know very little about this guy. I like what I heard when he said he is in favor of funding for the weapons that will defeat the terrorists but opposed to funding the lawyers who will defend them in court. I like that he opposes the healthcare plan. I like that he is for lower taxes and more responsible fiscal policies. I dont like it that hes pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage. I wouldnt vote for him for president if he ran.

It is hypocritical if someone has been name calling those who vote Democrat because of abortion and then celebrates this victory in Mass. But many of us do not call such voters those names, and the hypocrite label in this case doesnt stick to most of us.

I think the GOP needs to think long and hard about their candidates for 2012. BO will still be a formidable candidate then even if he and his administration continue to overreach and go overkill on an extreme liberal agenda. My suspicion is that they will and they will lose, unless of course the GOP nominates a moderate candidate trying to appeal to the political center. Democrats have to move to the center to win presidential elections. Republicans lose when they move to the center. If the GOP nominates a true conservative, they should have no problem beating BO in 2012.

Scott Brown wont be on the ticket.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 01-20-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
Havent read the whole thread but whoever is touting Brown for the GOP ticket in 2012 is wrong headed. .

Scott Brown wont be on the ticket.
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Old 01-20-2010, 03:19 PM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

As far as the pictures are concerned, poor choice for a 20-something back in 1982. I would hate to be judged by some snapshots of my life forever recording poor choices and actions for the world to see. Stupid choice. What is the rest of his track record? Is there a steady stream of poor choices and unwise decisions? Did he associate with very extreme individuals throughout his life and claim certain people to be his mentors and close associates that had a track record of racism, terrorism, socialism, corrupt politics and anti-American rhetoric and actions? Then he's not worthy of my vote. But if he has served in the National Guard for 30 years, has a rank of Lt. Colonel, received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service in homeland security shortly after the 9/11 attacks, opposes a proposed multi-billion dollar tax on banks and prescribing bank executive compensation, opposed to higher taxes, especially in the midst of a severe recession on the grounds that the tax would likely be passed onto consumers in the form of higher service and ATM fees, has military experience that gives him a wider perspective on national security issues, has received the "Public Servant of the Year" Award from the United Chamber of Commerce for his leadership in reforming the state's sex offender laws and protecting the rights of victims, he has also been recognized by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) for his work in creating an environment that encourages job growth and expansion in Massachusetts. I'd vote for that guy even if he made some stupid decision in college. The track record sells itself. At least for some.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 01-20-2010, 05:55 PM
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
As far as the pictures are concerned, poor choice for a 20-something back in 1982. I would hate to be judged by some snapshots of my life forever recording poor choices and actions for the world to see. Stupid choice. What is the rest of his track record? Is there a steady stream of poor choices and unwise decisions? Did he associate with very extreme individuals throughout his life and claim certain people to be his mentors and close associates that had a track record of racism, terrorism, socialism, corrupt politics and anti-American rhetoric and actions? Then he's not worthy of my vote. But if he has served in the National Guard for 30 years, has a rank of Lt. Colonel, received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service in homeland security shortly after the 9/11 attacks, opposes a proposed multi-billion dollar tax on banks and prescribing bank executive compensation, opposed to higher taxes, especially in the midst of a severe recession on the grounds that the tax would likely be passed onto consumers in the form of higher service and ATM fees, has military experience that gives him a wider perspective on national security issues, has received the "Public Servant of the Year" Award from the United Chamber of Commerce for his leadership in reforming the state's sex offender laws and protecting the rights of victims, he has also been recognized by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) for his work in creating an environment that encourages job growth and expansion in Massachusetts. I'd vote for that guy even if he made some stupid decision in college. The track record sells itself. At least for some.

Hey deacon you left out two important votes Brown made. How about the one where he voted NO for funds for cleanup for the twin towers. He said there was not enough funds to help out. Of course at the same time he voted YES for the big golf coarse he wanted. Some how the was money to fund this project for the rich was found. How strange!!!
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:44 PM
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
FTR, I had no horse in the Mass. race.

I agree this Brown for President euphoria and temporary insanity is a case of slim pickings ...

As to aligning with Mitt ... speaks to me of a chameleon candidate who might be willing to change colors at a whim for political gain and expediency, imo.
He seems to be rather similar to Romney in many ways. They look like they could be blood brothers.

Romney has moved around a bit on the "social" issues over the years. But some of those things are difficult issues and most people will shift a bit over the course of their lives.

I just want to see the American government stop selling my grandchildren to the Chinese and Arabs. Those guys overseas are sitting on a mountain of American funny money that we foisted upon them to finance our "Great Society" and other social programs that ended up backfiring on us domestically. What happens when our kids have to pay the piper?
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:47 PM
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Originally Posted by Apocrypha View Post
Romney / Jindall 2012 would crush Obama.
Now that Barack is in office, with all the support and finances that are going to ACORN, I doubt he could be unseated in 2012. I saw my state of Ohio, with more registered voters in the Columbus (state capital) than actual people, and with ACORN registering people and having them vote early as they registered, and our state which usually votes Republican amazingly voted Democrat this time. We live in a city (Forest Park) which has about 2 African Americans for every Caucasian. So, phone numbers in this area have a two to one chance of being in an African American home. We received several (recorded) calls from Michelle Obama asking us to vote early because that was the only way her husband could win. I saw an Apostolic/Charismatic church with a predominantly African American congregation a few blocks from our home cover up their Church office sign and become an Obama headquarters where people could come in and register and vote early in one action. I really fear that with BHO who swam in the Chicago political sewer system now entrenched in the White House I have seen the end of honest elections in Ohio.
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:48 PM
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Originally Posted by Light View Post
Hey deacon you left out two important votes Brown made. How about the one where he voted NO for funds for cleanup for the twin towers. He said there was not enough funds to help out. Of course at the same time he voted YES for the big golf coarse he wanted. Some how the was money to fund this project for the rich was found. How strange!!!
I know you've got me on "ignore" Light, but maybe one of the others can tell me just when a Massachusetts State Senator was ever in the position to cast any kind of vote on the Twin Towers clean up in New York City, New York?

It's because of questions like these Light has me on and off again on his "Ignore" button.
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:30 PM
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
N David can you clarify your "thumbs up" to Hoovie's suggestion to a Brown-Jindal ticket here:

I said Jindal-Brown. Not really even serious - but would love Jindal with the enthusiasm and momentum of Browns campiagn.

I rarely vote for anyone who is pro-abortion. It was hard for me to even vote for McCain because I think he is moderate. I have been a local, and state delegate in the Republican Party and national delegate in the Reform Party representing PJB, and the primary motivation was abortion.

HOWEVER, I am about ready to vote for ANYONE with NO experience if it means stopping the current direction (including abortion). I am serious - my plumber would do better.
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Last edited by Hoovie; 01-20-2010 at 09:39 PM.
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Old 01-20-2010, 11:25 PM
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Re: The Hypocrisy of the Brown 2012 bandwagon

Originally Posted by Brother David View Post
I know you've got me on "ignore" Light, but maybe one of the others can tell me just when a Massachusetts State Senator was ever in the position to cast any kind of vote on the Twin Towers clean up in New York City, New York?

It's because of questions like these Light has me on and off again on his "Ignore" button.
Id like to know that too
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