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Old 01-19-2010, 11:47 AM
n david n david is offline
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If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Check out the worst American, the always trashy Keith Olbermann's comments about Scott Brown:

"In Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees," MSNBC host Keith Olbermann said, echoing the fear chamber that has included several senators making overt reference to the sex act in describing the conservative grassroots tea party movement.
Liberals whine about Limbaugh and Hannity preaching hate ... yet Olbermann's comments here are well beyond the line of what I've ever heard from Hannity or Limbaugh.

It's also completely unfounded and a blatant lie. While I know he wouldn't, Brown should file a suit against Olbermann and MSNBC for this kind of garbage.

By the way, if Olbermann cared to check, it was an aide for Coakley who walked a reporter into a railing and knocked him down. Who's advocating violence against whom?
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Old 01-19-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Check out the worst American, the always trashy Keith Olbermann's comments about Scott Brown:

Liberals whine about Limbaugh and Hannity preaching hate ... yet Olbermann's comments here are well beyond the line of what I've ever heard from Hannity or Limbaugh.

It's also completely unfounded and a blatant lie. While I know he wouldn't, Brown should file a suit against Olbermann and MSNBC for this kind of garbage.

By the way, if Olbermann cared to check, it was an aide for Coakley who walked a reporter into a railing and knocked him down. Who's advocating violence against whom?
You know that the far left can and do, say anything, and who will hold them accountable? When your heart is wicked, you have no restraint, anything to win, or justify your wickedness!! This man and his sidekick Rachel are the two most despicable two that I have ever encountered. I just cannot listen to anything they say, so I no longer even hesitate when I surf pass their heads.
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Last edited by crakjak; 01-19-2010 at 12:21 PM.
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:08 PM
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
You know that the far left can and do and say anything, and who will hold the accountable? When your heart is wicked, you have no restraint, anything to win, or justify your wickedness!! This man and his sidekick Rachel are the two most despicable two that I have ever encountered. I just cannot listen to anything they say, so I no longer even hesitate when I surf pass their heads.

These two are not as bad as Rush.

Rush says things that are purposely hurtful and he purposely says things that can be misconstrued as being insulting, racist or whatever type of donkey he feels like sounding like on that particular day.

Then, when you try to call him on it, you lose because he leaves himself enough room so as not to suffocate himself with his own poison gas.

Olberman, Maddow are witty, but hardly ever are they insulting to the point of Rush.

The insinuation of the above comment attributed to Olberman is very distasteful and is definitely not the norm for him.
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:20 PM
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
These two are not as bad as Rush.

Rush says things that are purposely hurtful and he purposely says things that can be misconstrued as being insulting, racist or whatever type of donkey he feels like sounding like on that particular day.

Then, when you try to call him on it, you lose because he leaves himself enough room so as not to suffocate himself with his own poison gas.

Olberman, Maddow are witty, but hardly ever are they insulting to the point of Rush.

The insinuation of the above comment attributed to Olberman is very distasteful and is definitely not the norm for him.
Olberman is consistently making just this type of remarks about GWB, and now since GW is no longer in the WH, he has found a new object of his twisted ideology!! I'm sure it is just my worldwide, but I can't stomach KO or RM.
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:21 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
These two are not as bad as Rush.

Rush says things that are purposely hurtful and he purposely says things that can be misconstrued as being insulting, racist or whatever type of donkey he feels like sounding like on that particular day.

Then, when you try to call him on it, you lose because he leaves himself enough room so as not to suffocate himself with his own poison gas.

Olberman, Maddow are witty, but hardly ever are they insulting to the point of Rush.

The insinuation of the above comment attributed to Olberman is very distasteful and is definitely not the norm for him.
Olbermann is crass and definitely NOT "witty." "Hardly even insulting..." try almost always, though it has tempered down since Bush is out of office.

What "purposefully hurtful" comment has Rush made that compares to the hate-filled rhetoric spewed by Olbermann here?

Watch it for yourself.

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Old 01-19-2010, 12:24 PM
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Olbermann is crass and definitely NOT "witty."

What "purposefully hurtful" comment has Rush made that compares to the hate-filled rhetoric spewed by Olbermann here?

Watch it for yourself.

Fortunately, no one is watching, since Fox consistently doubles or triples the viewership of the three liberal cable shows.
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 01-19-2010, 12:24 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

"In short, in Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees. In any other time in our history, this man would have been laughed off the stage as an unqualified and a disaster in the making by the most conservative of conservatives. Instead, the commonwealth of Massachusetts is close to sending this bad joke to the Senate of the United States."
Again, with another video link source....

Nothing like what Limbaugh or Hannity have said. Should be sued for these comments meant to keep voters from voting for Brown.

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Old 01-19-2010, 12:25 PM
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Olbermann is crass and definitely NOT "witty."

What "purposefully hurtful" comment has Rush made that compares to the hate-filled rhetoric spewed by Olbermann here?

Watch it for yourself.



Rush has a clearly established reputation and a history-- a rap sheet much longer than Maddow and Olberman, even if for no other reason than he's been on the air longer than the two of them.

Point is, what I stated was my opinion. I don't feel like reasearching every hurtful, insulting or hateful remark attributed to Rush.

What comes to mind immediately is what he said and how he said what he said about Michael J. Fox.

Rush is a low life.

When he dies, if I wasn't Christian, I'd be tempted to spit on his grave.
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:30 PM
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Oh but I guess my STRONG, STRONG dislike of Rush is completely groundless, right?

He's never been insulting, with offensive racial overtones, or anything like that.

He and the rest of the "right" are unbiased and present the truth in the most honest ways possible.

The "right" lives in a perpetual "no spin zone".
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: If You Think Hannity and Limbaugh are bad...

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Again, with another video link source....

Nothing like what Limbaugh or Hannity have said. Should be sued for these comments meant to keep voters from voting for Brown.

Only a totally deluded individual could listen to Martha Coakley and Scott Brown, then spew such bile, when he is supporting the ridiculous campaign of MC. How is one so completed brain dead???

All I have seen of Scott Brown, though he is more liberal than I, he has the appearance and presentation of a man with a grasp of the issues and articulates solutions in a true gentlemanly manner. Has Oberman even been watching or listening? NO, HE IS JUST SPEWING HIS IDEOLOGY WITHOUT ANY COMPREHENSION.
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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