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Old 12-22-2009, 12:56 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
NOW, that was interesting move on their part. Good for them.

At some point, he's going to come back and he'll be a hot item again for companies. Maybe they want to be the first in line and already have him under contract. But they could easily do that without putting this on the front page of their website. It looks like they wanted to make a statement.
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:26 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
At some point, he's going to come back and he'll be a hot item again for companies. Maybe they want to be the first in line and already have him under contract. But they could easily do that without putting this on the front page of their website. It looks like they wanted to make a statement.
I had heard that behind the scenes, his people are making it known that anyone who calculates and jumps overboard will not be accepted back should the USS Tigre upright itself. I wonder if that has been effective in making companies reconsider bailing. (I'm just in a nautical metaphor type of mood today)
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:38 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
I had heard that behind the scenes, his people are making it known that anyone who calculates and jumps overboard will not be accepted back should the USS Tigre upright itself. I wonder if that has been effective in making companies reconsider bailing. (I'm just in a nautical metaphor type of mood today)

Very possible. That's Tiger's MO. He remembers who "disses" him. Once, Mark Lye said on The Golf Channel....and this was when no one watched TGC except the broadcaster's mothers...that Tiger had "no chance" of winning a golf tournament. He said it after two rounds and Tiger was WAY behind. Tiger saw him say it and closed with two record rounds and won. When he walked off the last green, his first words were, "No chance to win, huh Mark?" and Mark Lye was a nobody. To this day, Tiger won't have anything to do with him.

Also, Peter Kostis questioned Tiger's swing change during a broadcast. Peter was the guy who would always interview the winner on the CBS coverage. Well, for the next 3 years, any time that Tiger won and CBS was doing the coverage, they had to have someone else to the winner interview because Tiger wouldn't talk to Peter Kostis.

So yeah....those that have treated Tiger poorly during this time might be in for some rough treatment!
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:44 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Very possible. That's Tiger's MO. He remembers who "disses" him. Once, Mark Lye said on The Golf Channel....and this was when no one watched TGC except the broadcaster's mothers...that Tiger had "no chance" of winning a golf tournament. He said it after two rounds and Tiger was WAY behind. Tiger saw him say it and closed with two record rounds and won. When he walked off the last green, his first words were, "No chance to win, huh Mark?" and Mark Lye was a nobody. To this day, Tiger won't have anything to do with him.

Also, Peter Kostis questioned Tiger's swing change during a broadcast. Peter was the guy who would always interview the winner on the CBS coverage. Well, for the next 3 years, any time that Tiger won and CBS was doing the coverage, they had to have someone else to the winner interview because Tiger wouldn't talk to Peter Kostis.

So yeah....those that have treated Tiger poorly during this time might be in for some rough treatment!
I wondered about that strategy when I heard it. I guess there are pros and cons. By letting it be made know that jumping ship might hamper future relationship, he just might leverage companies into sticking around when the easier thing would be to bail. Of course Nike always finds a way to spin everything into their favor anyway so I never expected them to jump ship. I'd halfway expect them to launch a new line of Tiger Woods "Playa" golf shoes.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:47 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
I wondered about that strategy when I heard it. I guess there are pros and cons. By letting it be made know that jumping ship might hamper future relationship, he just might leverage companies into sticking around when the easier thing would be to bail. Of course Nike always finds a way to spin everything into their favor anyway so I never expected them to jump ship. I'd halfway expect them to launch a new line of Tiger Woods "Playa" golf shoes.

As much as I love Tiger, I think even I would have to skip those shoes! I think Tiger has handled the aftermath of this really well. I hope he stays away from the game for a while...the longer he does, the more people will miss him, and the more we miss him, the bigger his return will be.

Speaking of Nike, the only really, really embarrassing moment of the "aftermath" was when Phil Knight said that someday this will be nothing more than a blip on the radar screen. Ugh.....really poor choice of words.
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:25 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

The absolute last thing Woods needs to do is take names and hold a grudge. His popularity is low, he's got a huge scandal and a mega-divorce to deal with.

He should be happy anyone would continue to endorse him ... he's definitely not endorsement material.

14 women, including two porn stars. Not someone to use as a company spokesman.

I doubt he'll change. He'll just learn to be more discreet and stay single.
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Old 12-22-2009, 03:02 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Gossip Rag InTouch claims Woods and one of his homewrecker's are still hooking up and continuing their affair. They claim Woods had a yatch 500 yards from where she rented a condo.

IF ... such a big IF ... I don't believe the majority of what I see in these rags, but if by chance they're right ... then it shows he's not sorry, he's not interested in doing what's right, he doesn't care about his wife or children or the vows they took. He's a selfish, self-serving jerk who's mad he got caught.

I find it just as hard to believe Woods has been holed up at home watching cartoons and eating cereal.

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Old 12-22-2009, 03:09 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by n david View Post
The absolute last thing Woods needs to do is take names and hold a grudge. His popularity is low, he's got a huge scandal and a mega-divorce to deal with.

He should be happy anyone would continue to endorse him ... he's definitely not endorsement material.

14 women, including two porn stars. Not someone to use as a company spokesman.

I doubt he'll change. He'll just learn to be more discreet and stay single.
I'm just saying that the strategy may be to float the idea that anyone who severs ties may wll be severing ties for good (even after Tiger becomes a valuable asset again). This would possibly serve to prevent companies from being able to run away so easily now.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 12-22-2009, 03:21 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Gossip Rag InTouch claims Woods and one of his homewrecker's are still hooking up and continuing their affair. They claim Woods had a yatch 500 yards from where she rented a condo.

IF ... such a big IF ... I don't believe the majority of what I see in these rags, but if by chance they're right ... then it shows he's not sorry, he's not interested in doing what's right, he doesn't care about his wife or children or the vows they took. He's a selfish, self-serving jerk who's mad he got caught.

I find it just as hard to believe Woods has been holed up at home watching cartoons and eating cereal.

Flawed men can be good men. I think we become overly judgmental. The psychology behind this line of reasoning is that we think that by attacking a man who exhibits the flaws we all struggle with we somehow insulate ourselves from acting out such behaviors. I’ll be honest, if I didn’t have the Holy Ghost and was as wealthy as Tiger, with all those women throwing themselves at me… I could fall into the same sin. Sometimes being an average Joe with the Holy Ghost who’s struggling to pay the bills is a blessing. Those that are rich pierce themselves through with many sorrows.

King David was a man who committed a sordid adultery with Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba. After getting her pregnant David tried to cover up his sin and ultimately had Uriah killed. David wasn’t remorseful or sorry until the prophet Nathan pointed his boney finger into David’s face and said, “Thou art the man!” Only after getting caught did David show remorse. David not only remained married to Bathsheba, Bathsheba became the primary wife of King David. Bathsheba even saved Israel two or three times with her judgment calls. You’d think that the adulteress would have been relegated to lesser status and swept under the rug. Yet after all was said and done God still called David a man after his own heart. Not only that, but for generations afterward David’s death God moved on behalf His “servant David’s sake”. David was terribly flawed with his multiple marriages and this adultery. Tiger may have some repenting to do… but like David our friend Tiger might still be a man who wants to do good deep in his heart.
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Old 12-22-2009, 03:30 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Flawed men can be good men. I think we become overly judgmental. The psychology behind this line of reasoning is that we think that by attacking a man who exhibits the flaws we all struggle with we somehow insulate ourselves from acting out such behaviors. I’ll be honest, if I didn’t have the Holy Ghost and was as wealthy as Tiger, with all those women throwing themselves at me… I could fall into the same sin. Sometimes being an average Joe with the Holy Ghost who’s struggling to pay the bills is a blessing. Those that are rich pierce themselves through with many sorrows.

King David was a man who committed a sordid adultery with Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba. After getting her pregnant David tried to cover up his sin and ultimately had Uriah killed. David wasn’t remorseful or sorry until the prophet Nathan pointed his boney finger into David’s face and said, “Thou art the man!” Only after getting caught did David show remorse. David not only remained married to Bathsheba, Bathsheba became the primary wife of King David. Bathsheba even saved Israel two or three times with her judgment calls. You’d think that the adulteress would have been relegated to lesser status and swept under the rug. Yet after all was said and done God still called David a man after his own heart. Not only that, but for generations afterward David’s death God moved on behalf His “servant David’s sake”. David was terribly flawed with his multiple marriages and this adultery. Tiger may have some repenting to do… but like David our friend Tiger might still be a man who wants to do good deep in his heart.
I agree ... but at some point King David knew he did wrong and made the decision to change. And it cost him the life of a child.

At some point Woods has to understand what he did was wrong and he has to change.

Thus far all I've read ... and again I trust and doubt reports equally - I don't believe he's curled up watching cartoons and eating cereal; and I find it hard to believe he's still seeing one of his homewreckers ... but from all reports, he hasn't recognized the wrong and isn't making changes to correct it.
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