Originally Posted by oletime
they all should drop him, but they wont because they need him and any black superstar they can find . always amazing how a lot of blacks dont like whites UNLESS they are blonde and beautiful ! most of the news organizations including espn are trading very softly on their meal ticket.when oprah gets done with him he will be back, to quote ex gov edwin edwards of louisiana" as long as i dont get caught with a boy or a dead girl ill be fine " he would know!
The supposed "explanation post" (#70) made no sense, but this post easily has to be the worst post in the history of AFF, and just maybe, the internet.
But in all the tabloid coverage and the public's incurable appetite for more details, and among all the jokes, we all seem to forget to very important people in all this.....two people named "Sam" and "Charlie." Those are the two children. The more TMZ and OMG and others, go after more names and mistresses, the more his reputation goes in the tank, not only with the public, but with his children someday that will need to love and respect their dad.
I know, I know.....he "did the crime". We all know that. But do his children deserve for him to have....as Jeffrey called it.....a mulligan called "grace"? I absolutely believe so.
Is his reputation with the public beyond repair? I doubt it. As soon as he starts winning golf tournaments again, Gatorade, AmEx, Nike, Gillette, etc., will all love him again. And so will we...the majority, anyway. But when Sam and Charlie someday learn how to use the internet, will his reputation be salvageable? I think that's a question worth pondering.