Originally Posted by tstew
Like I said. I'm not a fan of either bailout, but comparing them objectively there appears to me a bit more transparency and accountability in the Obama bailout package. Personally, I have not seen anything from either one. I don't recall info on what was going to states and what restrictions were being placed on the money given to companies. It seemed that the Obama administration for better or worse was more interested in being involved with the companies that received our money.
Just a few days ago, President Obama was questioned about GM using stimulus money for their overseas operations. His response dealt with how he had said all along he was not going to be in the car business, telling companies how to run their business. Didn't seem to be that way when he told GM's board the CEO had to go.
Reminds me of the Indian chief's response when the reporter asked how he felt about the politician's speech. "Much thunder", he said, "little rain."
President Obama says whatever he likes, and up till now, the media has not been holding him accountable. But the times, they are a' changing.