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Old 11-21-2009, 11:26 AM
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Re: WhooHooo!

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
His blood pressure is perfect though. However, I did research the tilt test and that seems to be what it's checking out.

Oh, he HAS to sit on the side of the bed for 10-15 minutes before he can get up. But, then that's it for the day.
BP can be perfect and still this occurs. It isn't the BP that is off, it is the body's ability to quickly adjust BP from laying down to standing (probably due to the lesser ability of blood vessels to constrict as quickly). BP is lower (or higher? I think lower) laying down. Then when you stand it adjusts for an upright position. Most of us don't notice the change, it takes place so quickly and naturally. However, as we age, some of us will get dizzy when we suddenly stand or sit. My understanding is this is because our blood vessels don't constrict fast enough to adjust for the change of position.

The tilt table will allow the drs to change him from standing to laying down positions testing bp the entire time, and let them know if this is what is happening. I didn't realize they would test for it that quickly now. My family fought for years for this test.

Our BP, from youngest to oldest, is lower than normal. If my BP is 120/70 my face is red and my heart is racing. My normal BP is only 94/60. The dr can't even always find my sister's BP. He looked at her embarrassed once and said, well, I know you have BP, you are still alive.... And he shrugged and left!

Hope they find out what it is quickly and that it is easy to resolve. If it is what we have, it isn't life threatening, just annoying.
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Old 11-21-2009, 02:16 PM
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Re: WhooHooo!


I hope that's all it is too. We are thankful it's not his carotid artery!
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