More and more I'm politically ambivalent, and believe too many in the church are too engrossed in politics anyway. They invest in it with their time, emotions and countless hours of worthless debate. They fill their pulpits with it, to the point where evangelicalism is associated with a political party -- not wise IMO. Be involved, Discussed, be a member of a civic institution, but let's keep the main thing the main thing.
More and more, I like the kook, Ron Paul myself.
I'm with you.....well, I don't know about Ron Paul. But I used to care SO much. Now? I only care about the mission of "The Church" and I really don't think the government has a hoot to do with it. Historically, "The Church" has succeeded more greatly when opposed most greatly by government establishments.
So mostly, I no longer care. I vote, but that's about it.
I completely disagree but I suspect that as a partisan, I won’t be treated as one speaking as an American so much as one who opposes Obama.
In my opinion, Obama is projecting American weakness. Clearly Obama intends to project America as a more humble nation that what he perceives we did under GWB. I might disagree with him about that but that is an “in house” disagreement. This action however, was over the line. American Presidents do not bow to foreign leaders.
It stands against the very thing America was founded on. That all men are created equal. That no man by virtue of birth is superior to another. It further projects weakness before other nations and that America stands ready to bow to everyone.
It would be vastly different if the act were done in compliance with standing international custom; however, we have a very nice video in this thread that proves that no other national leader acted with such deference. What Obama did was out of character for all National leaders.
It is also important to take it in context with other flubs Obama has done related to this kind of thing. Consider that he bowed to the Saudi King, took heat for it and denied the act.
Consider that on the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Poland, Obama withdrew support for a missile defense system being deployed to Poland! Deference to the Russians for no good reason! While at the same time he bows to these men he refuses to see the Dalai Lama because the Chinese won’t like it, and he snubs the English who knows why. Then trying to make up for that he sends the queen of England an Ipod with his speeches on it!
It is insane what he is doing. It is maddening and there has not been an over reaction. If anything, there is an under reaction. Obama is working hard to lower America’s image in the world ,and in doing so he is projecting serious weakness.
Ferd, this reaction goes back to what I said about symbolism and protocol and how so many people these days don't care about it. Many people these days are of the opinion that the perception of American strength in the real world is a product of our superior military might and economic strength. People do not fear America because we stand the straightest. If the President of Timbuktu stood any straighter his country would not appear any stronger.
To say he shouldn't have done it is one thing. To beat it to death and say that now people will think America became weak in two seconds is not a message that resonates with many younger people.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
To say he shouldn't have done it is one thing. To beat it to death and say that now people will think America became weak in two seconds is not a message that resonates with many younger people.
Stew, beating things to death is what we do... .and Obama didnt make america weak because of this....
however as the old saying goes... it is just one more nail in the coffin.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
A friend of mine and her husband were missionaries to Japan at one time, and so I emailed her and asked about Obama's bow. Here is her answer:
"Interesting! I don't know about the Saudi bow thing, but this would be the "appropriate" bow to the Emperor - notice his eyes are down cast - not bowing while looking up - that's in poor taste to anyone - especially to the emp. My guess is that he had advisors that instructed him on Japanese/Emp. etiquette. I think you're right, though - it probably looks exaggerated because of his height. What's the deal w/ the Saudi king??"
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
Sometimes I think conservatives want gun blazing redneck in office. There is such a thing as statesmanship. Being a statesman means that we are polite and respect a dignified protocol and bearing.
Let's imagine that a leader came to the United States and there was a press conference. It's customary to stand, walk to the President, shake his hand, position one's self behind the podium, and thank the President for the privilege of being allowed to speak and deliver what you have to say. Imagine if the President introduced a leader and when he did the leader didn't shake his hand, make eye contact, or say thank yous... but rather simply took the podium and offered his rant. It would be seen as being rude and inconsiderate. That's how conservatives want our Presidents to be.
Also, conservatives have major short comings in the brains category, especially when it comes to culture. For example, because bowing means surrender to the Western world they fail to see what it means in Japan. Bowing is much like a hand shake, polite wave, salute, or gesture of respect. For the early church it was a "holy kiss" as can be seen in many Middle Eastern nations today. Consider these pictures....
If Obama's bowing to a Japanese President is demonstrating that he is weak and has surrendered... Bush's observance of the cultural norms of Arabia must mean he's gay!
This is an example of Conservatives thinking that the America people are stupid and lie, lie, lie to us constantly to keep mental midgets among us in a heightened state of emotional frenzy... all so they don't loose their voter base.