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Old 11-17-2009, 01:16 PM
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Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Soooo...SP was on Oprah yesterday, and here are my thoughts:

Sarah Palin came across as terse, cagey, tense, and as slippery as an eel when it came to answering questions in a straight forward manner--unfortunately she wasn't adept enough to make her dodges imperceptible. Instead, they looked exactly like what they were--dodging legitimate questions. In the first few minutes of the interview, she claimed to not be aware (during the campaign) that Oprah had "snubbed" her for an interview during the campaign, then backtracked and stated that it didn't "register" and wasn't the "center of her universe", implying that she knew but didn't care.

I was also quite put out with her continued deflection of the "who will take care of the kids" question. As a conservative woman with conservative views on motherhood and possessing the old-fashioned belief that it's ideal for a woman to stay home and care for her children, I was completely disappointed in her answer. Oprah tried to press the point that even though it wasn't a "fair" question in today's liberated society, that it was still a valid question, because our society still believes the mother to be the primary nurturer. Being a Sarah Palin fan requires for me to actually OVERLOOK what I consider to be first-class maternal neglect--putting career ahead of children. Dr. Laura wrote a good article about this during the campaign.

Basically she kept going back to the point that she and Todd have an equal relationship, but she never clearly stated that he was 100% in charge of childcare. She also referenced the fact that she and Todd were used to being apart, which isn't something I associate with a strong marriage, but she insisted their relationship was very strong.

I felt that Palin was overly vague, that she seemed less than honest, and she certainly didn't display the openness and vulnerability that an Oprah audience might have enjoyed. (And that may have endeared her to the audience, even if misinterpreted yet again by critics.)

I wanted to buy her explanations about press releases being sent out in spite of her objections, but she just didn't come across as telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Furthermore (and worse), her comments about Bristol's pregnancy were just strange. I can't put my finger on it, but her parenting style is just kind of...awkward.

Don't get me wrong--I like Sarah's professed position on several important issues. She just has some annoying habits, and absolutely does NOT do a good interview. She can't seem to relax, and even when she laughs, it seems strident and forced. The entire interview had my teeth on edge. Oprah was trying to give her a fair shake, and she didn't take advantage of it by letting her guard down. IMO, this will see SP fading into the background of major politics. She may pop up elsewhere as a sort of celebrity, but she won't be a major political player. Goodbye, Sarah.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:26 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Was religion discussed much? I keep wondering if she's a Pentecostal, like a lot of AFFers and many others seem to think, though the McCain people issued a statement shortly after announcing his running mate that she does not consider herself Pentecostal. Can't recall hearing her say either way.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

I don't agree with you, Bratti. I thought the interview went very well. I thought Oprah was not as warm as she is with most guests. At least the ones I have seen. I rarely watch her show. She really perked up when she told Palin that she heard rumors of having a talk show. Palin said that Oprah was the "Queen" and couldn't be replaced. That was the only really warm scene that I witnessed from Oprah.

I just picked up her book on the way home this morning and will decide if I still feel the same after I read it. I paid full price because she deserves to have her turn at bat!

Okay, pouring some organic coffee with fresh cream from the dairy, curling up on the sofa with - Going Rogue!

Last edited by Pressing-On; 11-17-2009 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I don't agree with you, Bratti. I thought the interview went very well. I thought Oprah was not as warm as she is with most viewers. At least the ones I have seen. I rarely watch her show. She really perked up when she told Palin that she heard rumors of having a talk show. Palin said that Oprah was the "Queen" and couldn't be replaced. That was the only really warm scene that I witness from Oprah.

I just picked up her book on the way home this morning and will decide if I still feel the same after I read it. I paid full price because she deserves to have her turn at bat!

Okay, pouring some organic coffee with fresh cream from the dairy, curling up on the sofa with - Going Rogue!
I think Oprah was in an awkward position, because she isn't a Palin supporter. However, she didn't attack Palin, and she wasn't catty like Katie Couric. In that sense, I think it was a fair interview. Palin didn't take advantage of it, and never seems to let her guard down.

Her book may be much better than her interview--but I'm not reviewing the book (yet)--just the Oprah interview.

What do YOU think of the childcare question, btw? Wouldn't you also be in the "give her a pass on that one" category?

Palin doesn't do good interviews. In a couple of them, she's come off as nearly hysterical with the high vocal tones and sounding very defensive rather than just simply answering questions rationally and honestly. It's annoying, to say the least. Unfortunately when you see everything as a trap, and read between all the lines, it puts YOU in the bad light, instead of the person doing the interview. She would do better to let herself have the flub ups and misinterpretations than to be constantly in "protective" mode.

I won't care to watch her again, (although I reserve the right to change my mind) and I don't think I'm the only one who feels that way.

Time will tell, though, so if she's the presidential candidate in 2012, I guess you can say "I told you so." Personally, I think hell will freeze over first.
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Last edited by MissBrattified; 11-17-2009 at 01:42 PM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I don't agree with you, Bratti. I thought the interview went very well. I thought Oprah was not as warm as she is with most guests. At least the ones I have seen. I rarely watch her show. She really perked up when she told Palin that she heard rumors of having a talk show. Palin said that Oprah was the "Queen" and couldn't be replaced. That was the only really warm scene that I witnessed from Oprah.

I just picked up her book on the way home this morning and will decide if I still feel the same after I read it. I paid full price because she deserves to have her turn at bat!

Okay, pouring some organic coffee with fresh cream from the dairy, curling up on the sofa with - Going Rogue!
Surprise Surprise

Seriously, if the GOP runs her out as their candidate in 2012, it may be the death of the party....and I am not overstating my opinion.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Was religion discussed much? I keep wondering if she's a Pentecostal, like a lot of AFFers and many others seem to think, though the McCain people issued a statement shortly after announcing his running mate that she does not consider herself Pentecostal. Can't recall hearing her say either way.
It wasn't discussed specifically in the interview, although she does discuss her faith a lot in general.

Watch this for an idea of her religious views:

Part 1

Part 2

This is quite a shame:

"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Surprise Surprise
Stop it!!

Seriously, if the GOP runs her out as their candidate in 2012, it may be the death of the party....and I am not overstating my opinion.
I am not ready for her to run for any office and I am not sure of what she is going to do. At this point my only thinking is - Its your turn, Sarah! Go out and speak without being shackled.

There is no way, just logically, that people can say she is ignorant when she started out in the PTA and ended up Governor of Alaska. This is all I want her to show. I've read countless newspaper articles with quotes by her and I KNOW the women is NOT stupid.

If she worked herself and did well, I could see 2016. But, no, I agree - not 2012. I just don't think she could pull it off, but who knows. Who really thought Obama had a chance? Without the help of Acorn and the Media - He didn't!
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:51 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

It's funny that you posted this just now.... I just hung up the phone from talking to my husband, he called to rave about the Sarah Palin interview he had just heard.

It was on the radio, not sure which show. But he loved her and what she had to say. He's hoping she's on the ticket in 2012.

(I really haven't been paying any attention since the election, I'm pretty burned out on politics right now)
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:53 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
It's funny that you posted this just now.... I just hung up the phone from talking to my husband, he called to rave about the Sarah Palin interview he had just heard.

It was on the radio, not sure which show. But he loved her and what she had to say. He's hoping she's on the ticket in 2012.

(I really haven't been paying any attention since the election, I'm pretty burned out on politics right now)
You know, it's possible that if you hear clips without seeing her facial expressions and mannerisms, it may sound better.

I LIKE Sarah Palin--but I was and am disappointed with her answers about child care, and I'm disappointed with the way she comes across on live TV.

Now, she had a couple of speeches during the campaign that were really GOOD--but it seems like when she's put on the spot, she fumbles, to put it mildly.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:56 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I think Oprah was in an awkward position, because she isn't a Palin supporter. However, she didn't attack Palin, and she wasn't catty like Katie Couric. In that sense, I think it was a fair interview. Palin didn't take advantage of it, and never seems to let her guard down.
Oprah was in an awkward position because of her support for Obama in the first place. His ratings are dropping. She was one of the major factors for getting him elected. You noticed she only complimented him and never said one negative thing about him. She steered away from that - nicely!

Her book may be much better than her interview--but I'm not reviewing the book (yet)--just the Oprah interview.
I thought the interview went really well.

Some points she brought out:

1. Obama was respected for saying his kids were off limits. Unfortunately, I didn't get the same respect for mine.

2. Katie Couric asks about the magazines I have read, as though, we are stupid and backwoods in Alaska. I was annoyed and answered the way I did because of it. Could have been a better interview, but there it is.

3. Obama's people were up in Alaska digging through the dirt. Glad she pointed that out. Oprah changed the subject.

What do YOU think of the childcare question, btw? Wouldn't you also be in the "give her a pass on that one" category?
They have a bit of a different situation with Todd working on the slopes for months at a time. That is probably why the political career for her works in their family. They have plenty of family to take care of the kids.

Michelle's mother lives with them in the White House and I'm sure she is with them more than their parents right now.

Palin doesn't do good interviews. In a couple of them, she's come off as nearly hysterical with the high vocal tones and sounding very defensive rather than just simply answering questions rationally and honestly. It's annoying, to say the least. Unfortunately when you see everything as a trap, and read between all the lines, it puts YOU in the bad light, instead of the person doing the interview. She would do better to let herself have the flub ups and misinterpretations than to be constantly in "protective" mode.
The Couric interview was bad, but Couric is more of a bully than Barbara Walters can be. Palin did a really good interview with Hannity. Why is that? Because he let her TALK! lol

I won't care to watch her again, (although I reserve the right to change my mind) and I don't think I'm the only one who feels that way.
I enjoyed the show and watched it again on-line when it was over.

Time will tell, though, so if she's the presidential candidate in 2012, I guess you can say "I told you so." Personally, I think hell will freeze over first.
Yes, time will tell. Like I said, I just want her to have her day. She's worked hard and deserves to thrive wherever it works for her. She told Barbara Walters that she wanted to work for the American people IF they would have her. I like her.
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