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Old 10-27-2009, 07:51 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
What if God told a man to take his family and flee to the United States?
Give us an example.

This is a cute question. God would ask someone to flee to any of 200 countries. Bet you wouldn't ask "what if God told a man to take his family and flee to North korea"

My God opens doors. Carnal man has to jump a fence. (at night)
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Old 10-27-2009, 07:54 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Lot of hate in the world.

Grace is a forgotten term.

He will get as much mercy as he gives.

Which of the 10 commandments are illegals breaking?
Most illegals are not dangerous criminals. They are just wanting a chance at life. A chance they aren't getting where they come from. If I was born where some of these people were born I'd flee here too.

In a way you have to admire their tenacity and hunger for freedom. They risk their lives to get here in many cases... they get here and life under the table fearing every day that they'll be found, arrested and sent home. Yet they still come. The beacon of hope and freedom burns bright and the human soul can't resist it. We should be honored that they would stop at nothing to get here. In a way, they're earning their citizenship with blood, sweat, and tears. Souls crying in the night for freedom, for hope... for a chance. A chance that most of us born here take for granted. They see the Statue of Liberty and brave the waters and the dogs to live in her shadow. We say, "Awe, what a nice statue." Many if found are deported... only to try to flee here yet again. Some have been deported serval times.

Maybe they love our country more than we're giving them credit for....

Just a thought.
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Old 10-27-2009, 07:55 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Give us an example.

This is a cute question. God would ask someone to flee to any of 200 countries. Bet you wouldn't ask "what if God told a man to take his family and flee to North korea"

My God opens doors. Carnal man has to jump a fence. (at night)
No dear Coadie, desperate men jump fenses. You obviously don't have any clue as to the God given freedoms you enjoy. If you did... you'd want all men to have these freedoms.

Last edited by Aquila; 10-27-2009 at 08:24 AM.
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:01 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

It was once illegal for slaves to flee to the North for freedom and a better life. Christians in that time were the only people in society most of them could trust to shelter them.

I lived next door to illegals. I had them do a few jobs for me and paid them well. I talked to them about God, about freedom, about where they came from. I got to know their significant others and their kids. Beatuiful kids. I looked at pictures of spouses and children who were still in Ecuador. I saw the tears roll down a man's face as he shared how much he missed his family and wished they could live in a place like America. He'd send so much of his money home sometimes he was living on next to nothing. What clothing and furniture he had were used. He just wanted a better life for his family.

Last edited by Aquila; 10-27-2009 at 08:24 AM.
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:07 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Give us an example.

This is a cute question. God would ask someone to flee to any of 200 countries. Bet you wouldn't ask "what if God told a man to take his family and flee to North korea"

My God opens doors. Carnal man has to jump a fence. (at night)
It was just a hypothetical question.

Don't put God in a box Coadie. This world doesn't write the rules that God goes by.

God might impress upon a man, "Flee tonight.", and he uproot his family and run to the United States. Hypothetically, what would you do to him?

If you lived in the 1800's and a slave fled to the North and lived next door to you or attended your church.... would you shoot him? Turn him in and send him back to the plantation?
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:48 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Give us an example.

This is a cute question. God would ask someone to flee to any of 200 countries. Bet you wouldn't ask "what if God told a man to take his family and flee to North korea"

My God opens doors. Carnal man has to jump a fence. (at night)
Many illegals have come here after much prayer and after getting here God has opened doors for them to become legal.
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:43 AM
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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Many illegals have come here after much prayer and after getting here God has opened doors for them to become legal.

I am in whlehearted agreement with you on this issue! I cannot believe the attitude that some people have towards their own Brother or Sister!

Remind me to be careful of whom I sit next to in Church!
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:46 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Think of America as a hospital cruiser in waters full of ships trying to stay above water. Many from these sinking ships have dived into the waters to swim to our vessel and are desperately climbing the netting on the side of the ship. And some of us are trying to find a way to get them aboard and safe... others are kicking them in the teeth causing them to fall back into the sea. When asked why, those individuals argue they should have come over on the authorized vessels.

These are human beings risking it all to be free. We can find a better way.
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:48 AM
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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Report them, once we have the knowledge that they are indeed illegal.

No witch hunt is needed by the church, but if it is ever made apparent to church leadership, there is Biblical precedent set by the case of Philemon which should compel the church leadership to facilitate the deportation of the illegal immigrant.

Under no situation, should the church knowingly harbor criminals.

I will go one step further.

If I ever get to know someone and it becomes clear to me that they are an illegal immigrant, I will notify the proper authroities, church member or not.

There is not a smiley and I am not joking-- not in the least bit.

This is one of the stupidest things that you have declared on this forum! You have come up with some doozies but this takes the cake!

You need to realize that the Church is immune from prosecution for helping illegals, they cannot be charged with a crime for harboring them! Pres Bush signed that into a law during the first gulf war appropriations bill! You have no LEGAL OBLIGATION to turn your Bro or Sis into the law of the land!

Somewhere you need to get a hold of the idea that the purpose of the Church! Sounds like you are more interested in the purpose of the gov then the purpose of the Church! Get the Holy Ghost! Love your Brother!

No smileys and I am not joking!
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:52 AM
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Re: Your answer to illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Think of America as a hospital cruiser in waters full of ships trying to stay above water. Many from these sinking ships have dived into the waters to swim to our vessel and are desperately climbing the netting on the side of the ship. And some of us are trying to find a way to get them aboard and safe... others are kicking them in the teeth causing them to fall back into the sea. When asked why, those individuals argue they should have come over on the authorized vessels.

These are human beings risking it all to be free. We can find a better way.
You know Aquila,

It seems that some have forgotten that a Christian lives in two worlds. The physical and the Spiritual! We have two laws to look at and observe! We are in this world (physical) but not of this world! We are children of the Physical world!

I wonder what Jermyn and Coadie would do if and when it becomes illegal to be a Christian? I wonder if their WORLDY duties are going to force them to turn their Bro's in?

They absolutely do not understand the difference it seems!
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