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Old 07-17-2009, 11:59 AM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
With all of the evidence pointing to him being a citizen, I would say that they know the truth. I would say they are just catering to their readership instead.
I guess what is acceptable as evidence to some is not sufficient for others. I believe there is more to this story. Hopefully, it will come out, but I have come to an all time high of not trusting our government. Sad to say.
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:12 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I guess what is acceptable as evidence to some is not sufficient for others. I believe there is more to this story. Hopefully, it will come out, but I have come to an all time high of not trusting our government. Sad to say.
Summary of evidence

My court experience is from everything from medical malpractice, bank fraud cases, embezlements and one case that went to the State Supreme court,
One Lawyer used notebooks for everything. An evidence note book:
Obama is born
He is a citizen somewhere
He was born most likely one of 3-4 places
There is a recent fake certificate on the web
The stories change.

One court case of a client took 14 years. Another took a little longer and involved an attorney that turned the case to his son. a lawyer. This will be in court one day and it will see resolution.
One law firm in my office building had a case with a truck load of files.

This one calls for a couple of passports and a Real certificate. As soon as it is shown he will lose. Never give evidence that will lose your case without a fight.
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:39 PM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

This is all ridiculous conspiratory blather from people who hate Barack Obama and have lost all rationality on the matter. I'm sure you still have doubts as to whether we actually landed on the moon, etc...

Everyone who agrees BO is a legal citizen is certainly "liars" according to roadie and others. Here's a link to factcheck.org another reputable website that has actually physically held and examined the birth certificate and reported it to be valid(aka the raised, three dimensional seal and stamped by the Hawaii state registrar). Have any of you ever held the birth cert.? Of course not, but you'll opine about it's validity. Silliness.

You believe the state of Hawaii just printed out a false birth cert. as a part of your grand fictional conspiracy and the "truth" of course is he was born in Kenya? Ridiculous hogwash! On the page I linked to is the copy from the Honolulu Advertiser from Sunday, August 13, 1961 of a birth annoucement of who else but Barack Obama. I'm sure the Honolulu Advertiser was in on this grand scheme as well, even dating back to August of 1961!

A denial of all of these facts is just blindly stupid, IMO. You're certainly entitled to your own wrong opinions if you'd rather believe imaginative conspiracy theories. Have fun with your imaginations!

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Last edited by MikeinAR; 07-17-2009 at 12:44 PM.
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:49 PM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
A denial of all of these facts is just blindly stupid, IMO.
Obviously you do realize that it is as you stated...in your opinion....and the very opposite is just as true, if you are blindly stupid to the facts presented.
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Old 07-17-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
So much has been debated about whether or not Barack H. Obama II is or is not a Natural Born US citizen. The problem is that so many people are totally uninformed as to the law as it existed in 1961 as it relates to the transmission of citizenship to a child born outside the US or its Outlying Possessions (OLP).

In an effort to clear the air, to get the FACTS out so people can clearly see the issue without opining or guessing as to the legalities, allow me to pontificate a bit. For the record, I am a recently retired Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, with more than 25 years experience. Part of that experience is understanding and comprehending immigration and nationality law which is at the center of this issue. In short, I know a "little bit" about what I speak of.

In 1961, as opposed to TODAY, Section 301(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (INA) required the following: A child being born to one alien parent (i.e.. Non Citizen) and one citizen parent in a marital relationship, required that the sole US citizen parent to have resided in the United States for a period of ten years, five of which must have been over the age of 14. Today's version of the law has somewhat different residency requirements for the US citizen parent. But the law, as it applied on August 4, 1961, required ten years presence, five after the age of 14.

Barack Hussein Obama I (dad), was a citizen and national of Kenya. He was not, nor had never been, a United States citizen. Ergo, he is the "alien" parent in this scenario. Stanley Ann Dunham (mom) was a US citizen by virtue of having been born in the US. At the time of Barack Hussein Obama II's birth on August 4, 1961, Ms. Dunham was 18 years old, having been born in November of 1942. As such, if Barack Hussein Obama II was born outside the US or its Outlying Possessions, on August 4, 1961, then Ms. Dunham could not transmit her citizenship to her son because she failed to have accumulated the necessary physical presence requirements that the LAW (that pesky and inconvenient thing that oftentimes gets in the way of "change") demanded.

The earliest in which Ms. Dunham could have transmitted her citizenship to a child born outside the US would have been when she was 19 years of age, which was in November of 1961 and NOT in August of 1961, when Obama was born.

It's that simple. If he was born in Kenya, or anywhere else for that matter, other than the US or its OLP's, then he is not, nor can never be, eligible to hold the office of President of the United States of America inasmuch as he does not, nor never can, fulfill the requirements of Article II, Clause V of the Constitution of the United States. It's not an optional thing, regardless of whether or not someone thinks it's fair or not. It's the law, that pesky, recurring inconvenience that seems to get in the way, time and time again.

Now, the question remains to be answered if he was born in Kenya or not. The State of Hawaii has weighed in and states that there is a record of Mr. Obama's birth on file in the Department of Vital Statistics. However, THAT is not enough. There are two entirely different and distinct birth documents issued by the State of Hawaii.

The first is a Certificate of Live Birth which is the traditional birth certificate we all are familiar with for children born IN Hawaii.

Then there is a different document entitled Certification of Live Birth, which is issued to children born OUTSIDE of Hawaii but whose birth is registered in Hawaii pursuant to a quaint and scarcely known Hawaiian law, Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17.8. This law allows for the registration of a birth in Hawaii for a child who was born OUTSIDE Hawaii to parents who, for the year immediately preceding the child's birth, claimed Hawaii as their principle place of residence.

Dunham and Obama Sr. both resided in Hawaii for the year immediately preceding Senator Obama's birth. Ergo sum, his birth, even if it occurred in Kenya, could legally be registered in Hawaii, and a Certification of Live Birth could have been issued, giving the uninitiated the impression that he was born in Hawaii when in fact, he was not.

It is misleading when the State of Hawaii states that they have examined Obama's birth record and it is valid. It could very well be the case. The ISSUE however, is whether or not he was born in Hawaii as he claims, or if he was born in Kenya. There is of course, a plausible scenario in which he could've been born in Kenya and yet have his birth recorded in Hawaii as having been born in Hawaii when in fact he was not. It's quite simple actually. His mother could have lied. That's right. Ann Dunham could have given birth in Kenya, brought Obama back with her to the US and then fraudulently registered the birth in Hawaii. Is it likely? Who knows? Is it possible? As Sir Aruthur Coynan Doyle has written: Once you have eliminated what is impossible, whatever remains, however unlikely, is possible.

In this case, anything is possible. And it's so unfortunate that all but one relative on Ms. Dunham's side of the family are deceased. His maternal grandmother, who he conveniently just visited in Hawaii, is the one living relative that could possibly shed light on this subject. A simple question asking her if her daughter went to Kenya prior to Barack's birth would end the speculation, assuming of course, her response is truthful. And therein lies the rub. With so much fraud being perpetrated by the DailyKOS, Stop the Smears, and others, it's difficult to believe anything at this point.

And isn't it oh so convenient that Obama goes to Hawaii on October 23, 2008 and the Hawaiian Department of Health, after his visit to Hawaii, issues the statement that the document they have is legitimate. The wording of their statement leaves a lot to be desired. It's a non answer to a question. Yes, the document is valid. And? Was he born in Hawaii?????? Silence.

The now infamous document posted on Stop the Smears and the DailyKOS, which has been determined to be a forgery by no fewer than three court certified Forensic Document Examiners, was a Certification of Live Birth and NOT a Certificate of Live Birth or Birth Certificate. However, in an effort to obfuscate the issue, the term "Birth Certificate" has been used interchangeably with "Certification of Live Birth".

Assuming that Mr. Obama has a legitimate Certification of Live Birth, the question must be asked: "Why post a forgery?" The answer is as follows:

A: There does not exist a legitimate, authentic birth document for Obama showing birth anywhere in the US.

Steve Marquis


Look at page 2. In 2004 he said Queens
citizen of Indonesia.


Sworn affidavit of his birth in kenya.

I do not believe Obama is in any way honest about this issue. From this point on, I have no reason to believe people defending Obamas contradictory claims are truthfull.

The truth did NOT change in the last 30 days.
I typically don't read extremely long posts, but that was very interesting
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Old 07-17-2009, 01:11 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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poor mike

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
This is all ridiculous conspiratory blather from people who hate Barack Obama and have lost all rationality on the matter. I'm sure you still have doubts as to whether we actually landed on the moon, etc...

Everyone who agrees BO is a legal citizen is certainly "liars" according to roadie and others. Here's a link to factcheck.org another reputable website that has actually physically held and examined the birth certificate and reported it to be valid(aka the raised, three dimensional seal and stamped by the Hawaii state registrar). Have any of you ever held the birth cert.? Of course not, but you'll opine about it's validity. Silliness.

You believe the state of Hawaii just printed out a false birth cert. as a part of your grand fictional conspiracy and the "truth" of course is he was born in Kenya? Ridiculous hogwash! On the page I linked to is the copy from the Honolulu Advertiser from Sunday, August 13, 1961 of a birth annoucement of who else but Barack Obama. I'm sure the Honolulu Advertiser was in on this grand scheme as well, even dating back to August of 1961!

A denial of all of these facts is just blindly stupid, IMO. You're certainly entitled to your own wrong opinions if you'd rather believe imaginative conspiracy theories. Have fun with your imaginations!

Democrats in the koolaid. Obama says he was born at Queens and this month switches to a different hospital. It it must hurt covering for The One.

I posted the report from Indonesia where he is under the name "Barry Soetero" and registered as a citizen of indonesia. Are you honest enough to admit no one has seen the document of change of citizenship?

It is painfull for Pro abortion folks to have their hero caught with forked tongue by the enemy.

Pro life folks find his supreme court nominee is perjuring herself.


Yes I have held a forged document before. The person was convicted when I testified the information that was altered. It was settled in judges chambers. Original and authentic paper and all. all you have is some one saying some one touched.
I also posted that any one could report a birth, but for some reason the hospital did not or they refuse to submit a hospital originated documents.

Where is the real one? Republicans are entitled top know.
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Old 07-17-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: poor mike

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Democrats in the koolaid. Obama says he was born at Queens and this month switches to a different hospital. It it must hurt covering for The One.

I posted the report from Indonesia where he is under the name "Barry Soetero" and registered as a citizen of indonesia. Are you honest enough to admit no one has seen the document of change of citizenship?

It is painfull for Pro abortion folks to have their hero caught with forked tongue by the enemy.

Pro life folks find his supreme court nominee is perjuring herself.


Yes I have held a forged document before. The person was convicted when I testified the information that was altered. It was settled in judges chambers. Original and authentic paper and all. all you have is some one saying some one touched.
I also posted that any one could report a birth, but for some reason the hospital did not or they refuse to submit a hospital originated documents.

Where is the real one? Republicans are entitled top know.
I have no clue what pro abortion and pro life has to do with BO's birth certificate, but...

Coadie you and I can and will disagree on issues, but please don't bear false witness against me. I am 100% opposed to all abortions with the only exception being in the very rare case that the life of a mother is threatened. In those cases, you or I or any outsider has no business deciding between the mother or the baby.

I've consistently said that in my posts and people like Tstew, Jermyn, and PO can back that up.

You can say whatever you want about my opinions on subjects, but please don't make up lies that you have absolutely no basis for.
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Old 07-17-2009, 01:20 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Obama is a cheater

Originally Posted by gloryseeker View Post
I typically don't read extremely long posts, but that was very interesting
Conner's complaint establishes that in June 2005, Mutual Bank President and CEO Amrish Mahajan and other Mutual Bank officers "approved a loan to Rita Malki Rezko which was guaranteed by Antonin Rezko so that Rita Rezko could purchase a 9,090 square foot vacant parcel of the real estate at 5050 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago."

The complaint also confirms as undisputed fact, "On or about January 4, 2006, Rita Rezko entered into an agreement with Senator Barack and Michelle Obama to sell a ten-foot strip of the S. Greenwood property to the Obamas."

Conner's complaint charges that Mutual Bank removed from the file an inconvenient appraisal he conducted.

Connrr contends fraudulent appraisals were submitted to permit the Rezkos and the Obamas to collude with one another on both the initial purchase of the double-lot property and the subsequent sale of the vacant 10-foot sliver of land.

Conner's complaint argues the initial fraudulent appraisal over-valued the property to permit the bank to loan the Rezkos the maximum possible to complete their side of the transaction.
Conner's complaint then argues Mutual Bank subsequently discounted the initial appraisal by as much 50 percent – arguing the 10-percent strip was unbuildable alone – to arrive at a price low enough for the Obamas to afford buying enough of the vacant lot to effectively prevent future development.

The doctor who owned the double-lot property wanted to sell the vacant lot and the house at the same time, even though the two properties were separately listed.

The list price for the home was $1.95 million, outside the reach of the Obama family, until Rezko came up with the idea that his wife would simultaneously purchase the vacant lot portion of the project.

The deal concluded with the Obamas buying the house for $1.65 million, at a discount of $300,000 from the initial asking price, while Rezko's wife closed on the vacant lot on the same day for the full asking price of $625,000, of which she borrowed the maximum allowable 80 percent from Mutual Bank.

Conner alleges his appraisal was removed from the Mutual Bank file and he was fired from the bank "'under pretextual reasons"' after complaining about what he considered the problems with the appraisals used by the Rezkos and the bank to complete the Obama property transaction.

The FBI, through a federal grand jury, subpoenaed the Conner file in October 2006, according to the Washington Times.

Even when buying his home, he weaves a transaction with a felon and the bank fires a lender because he is ordered to put in a fraudulent appraisal.

Rezco at this time is broke and in foreclosure in business. However Rezco who is now in Jail, at that time got some money from a crook in europe to place on his side of the deal. Obama was instrumental in getting rezco money from the Ill government. ChicAgo suntimes wrote a lot on this. Rezco took about 50 million to rehab poor housing and never did it. Many places never even had gas hooked up in the winter. typical slumloard fraud and good old barry helped him out. Obama is a cheater and no one wants to tough him and be called racist.
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Old 07-17-2009, 01:53 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: poor mike

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
I have no clue what pro abortion and pro life has to do with BO's birth certificate, but...

Coadie you and I can and will disagree on issues, but please don't bear false witness against me. I am 100% opposed to all abortions with the only exception being in the very rare case that the life of a mother is threatened. In those cases, you or I or any outsider has no business deciding between the mother or the baby.

I've consistently said that in my posts and people like Tstew, Jermyn, and PO can back that up.

You can say whatever you want about my opinions on subjects, but please don't make up lies that you have absolutely no basis for.
People that support Obama covertly support abortion.

Obama is a democrat. They set up the party platform It distinctly portrays what people vote for.

Abortion (called "Choice")

The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.

Here is what people that voted for Obama voted for.
Obama was clearly the most extreme pro abortion candidate ever.
His first swift move was to

President Obama signed an executive order today reversing the ban that prohibits funding to international family planning groups that provide abortions, as first reported by ABC News.

President Obama is starting to worry some of his supporters on the left as he tries to reach out to the right. Julian Zelizer, a political science professor at Princeton University, says his move to the center could cost him friends.
(AP/ABC News)Under the hotly debated "Mexico City Policy," the U.S. government could not provide funding for family planning services to clinics or groups that offered abortion-related services overseas, even if funding for those activities came from non-government sources. It essentially barred recipients of U.S. foreign aid from promoting abortion as a method of family planning.
As a psychologist, I fail to see how people oppose abortion and with their feet go vote for this. Obama is against smoking. He smokes. A rule of thmb is if talk and behavior clash, look at behavior.

When people make absolute statements and behaviors contradict them what do I conclude?

People like yourself join others when I Observe contradiction.
The policy, dubbed the "Global Gag Rule" by abortion rights groups, was introduced by the administration of Ronald Reagan in 1984 in Mexico City, and was instituted that year. It was then overturned by President Bill Clinton in 1993 and restored by George W. Bush at the beginning of his office in

I am sure people can tell me Obama is against abortion. If I see him send money for abortion, I look at the behavior.
When I see people with awesome education read the emocratic party platform as i have and vote for the person that will do everything he promises, I will look at how they act.
Integrity is simple. I can't vote for someone that makes promises I oppose.
If I was a Catholic and said I opposed abortion. It is a non negotiable, I would be unable to vote for kennedy.
Read the book of Daniel.
This is about the birth certificate. Cool down and tell us why Obama changes his mind on facts.

Obama's health plan includes my taxes going directly for abortions.

I oppose abortion and have no choice but to oppose Obama if for no other reason. Obama said he would not require a single payor and now I see he has flipped flopped on insurance also.
My convictions are not for sale.
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Old 07-17-2009, 02:42 PM
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Re: poor mike

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
People that support Obama covertly support abortion.

Obama is a democrat. They set up the party platform It distinctly portrays what people vote for.


Here is what people that voted for Obama voted for.
Obama was clearly the most extreme pro abortion candidate ever.
His first swift move was to

As a psychologist, I fail to see how people oppose abortion and with their feet go vote for this. Obama is against smoking. He smokes. A rule of thmb is if talk and behavior clash, look at behavior.

When people make absolute statements and behaviors contradict them what do I conclude?

People like yourself join others when I Observe contradiction.

I am sure people can tell me Obama is against abortion. If I see him send money for abortion, I look at the behavior.
When I see people with awesome education read the emocratic party platform as i have and vote for the person that will do everything he promises, I will look at how they act.
Integrity is simple. I can't vote for someone that makes promises I oppose.
If I was a Catholic and said I opposed abortion. It is a non negotiable, I would be unable to vote for kennedy.
Read the book of Daniel.
This is about the birth certificate. Cool down and tell us why Obama changes his mind on facts.

Obama's health plan includes my taxes going directly for abortions.

I oppose abortion and have no choice but to oppose Obama if for no other reason. Obama said he would not require a single payor and now I see he has flipped flopped on insurance also.
My convictions are not for sale.
And as a non-pyschologist, I have no idea why someone who claims to be pro-life would continue to ardently defend and give votes away to Republicans who have appointed the majority of Supreme Court justices for the last 30 years. Talk about a difference in what is said and done!

Given the history on abortion, I certainly don't understand how anyone who votes Republican feels they have any type of moral high ground to criticize people like me who vote for third party candidates.

I'm looking forward to a great weekend. Hope all of you guys have one as well.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
My Countdown Counting down to: My daughter's 5th Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Callie!!
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