If you'd come out from under your rock you'd know what Meet the Press is and you'd have a more valid, informed opinion.
typical ad hom attack from the left.
You watch too much teevee. I was told mine doesn't work. Rumor has it going digital requires new equipment. Teevee is very important for some people for some reason.
You watch too much teevee. I was told mine doesn't work. Rumor has it going digital requires new equipment. Teevee is very important for some people for some reason.
You started the attacks with your previous posts.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Incredible. Is it not possible that both administrations need to be investigated? I don't understand this pressing need to defend people who we don't know, who were involved in things that we don't know much about....
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
are coming out. It's becoming more and more evident that Cheney and others in that administration had no regard or concern for oversight or our system of checks and balances in three seperate branches of government.
Secret programs that Congress didn't even know about for an 8 year period of time? I certainly don't support every move the Obama administration is making, but it's a relief that those Neo-Con's aren't in power anymore.
In the course of American security interests, certain people handle classified information. Re-elected thanks to the Chicago machine, Schakowsky has rarely been held accountable for her views on foreign policy. But after her performance in Washington last week, more Americans will begin to ask why a politician who abuses classified information to pursue political vendettas should have access to it at all. Mike it is clear you have vendettas and so do the leftists like Schakowsky. The more loose lipped these childish Congressmen become, the more tightlipped the CIA will need to be. Actually people that receive classified information agree to keep it confidential. Has anyone seen the real birth certificate?
Incredible. Is it not possible that both administrations need to be investigated? I don't understand this pressing need to defend people who we don't know, who were involved in things that we don't know much about....
Rahab the harlot didn't release classified information.
You watch too much teevee. I was told mine doesn't work. Rumor has it going digital requires new equipment. Teevee is very important for some people for some reason.
anybody that has a tv, that watches tv, that partakes of tv, is of the wrong side!!! They are worse tham bush or obama!
anybody that has a tv, that watches tv, that partakes of tv, is of the wrong side!!! They are worse tham bush or obama!
Explain oh gaseous one, how TV factors into making a person WORSE than both GWB and President Obama (both of which also watch the one eyed devil)? Your wisdom on this subject is anxiously anticipated!
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Explain oh gaseous one, how TV factors into making a person WORSE than both GWB and President Obama (both of which also watch the one eyed devil)? Your wisdom on this subject is anxiously anticipated!
I been found out! Whoop and TJJJ are one and the same!
Gotta find another alias to cause strife and contention!
Incredible. Is it not possible that both administrations need to be investigated? I don't understand this pressing need to defend people who we don't know, who were involved in things that we don't know much about....
Much truth here.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.