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Old 06-22-2009, 07:38 PM
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What Makes You A....

Republican, Democrat, Independent, Constitutionalist, and etc?

For example:

I am a Registered Republican and will remain so.

I am for abortion only to save the life of the mother.

I am for the death penalty, but only when the DNA evidence present convicts the person being put to death.

I am pro-business and believe that if state and local governments were more pro-business in their policies, the "problem cities" of the north wouldn't be so problematic as there would more jobs and more opportunities for people to make a decent living legally.

I firmly believe that illegal immigrants should be summarilly deported- not to their homelands, but to mexico since it has been the role of the Mexican government to help these folks for so many years.

I think public-charter schools are a great concept-- the perfect blend of government cooperating with private citizens in a venture that everyone has a stake in.

I am for higher taxes on the wealthier, with giving them meaningful incentives that affect their tax rate when they make business decisions that benefit Americans, specifically at the local levels-- the more local and positive the immediate impact of their business decisions, the greater the tax "incentive" should be.

I see many gun control measures as anti- Constitutional, but there are modern issues that must be addressed. Just how, I am not completely sure. It may be best to simply leave this issue in the hands of the local governments (city and county) as the issues of Milwaukee are not the same as Kenosha-- but they are within the same state.

Homosexuality should not be codified by our government, but there are alot of sins our government codifies that are not hot-button issues for us. Why? Simply because we are repulsed by homosexuality-- but our repulsion should not be the basis for public policy if we are not going to be morally correct across the board.

I rejoiced when the Supreme Court refused to hear the most recent case to challenge the military's, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

I consider myself to be a Moderate Republican. How about you?
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:02 PM
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Re: What Makes You A....

Im independent because I am unregistered
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Old 06-23-2009, 09:08 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: What Makes You A....

Registered Independent. Left the Republican Party in 2004 or 2006, not sure which election. W was a disappointment, especially in his 2nd term ... took us to the brink of fascism. The R party in general is a disappointment with their lack of fiscal discipline and inability to do much of anything, even when in control of the WH and both houses of Congress.

In some areas, I'm more Libertarian than Republican ... definitely don't align politically with Democratic politics.
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Old 06-23-2009, 05:29 PM
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Re: What Makes You A....

I'm registered as an Independent. I'm not 100% in agreement with either Republicans or Democrats (although Democrats get very little agreement from me whatsoever).
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Old 06-23-2009, 10:03 PM
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Re: What Makes You A....

Where we live, Hamilton County and State of Ohio, in the Primary elections we have to register as either Republican or Democrat to get that ballot and to vote. Our primary ballots are either Republican or Democrat. I have been a registered Republican for several years. I have registered as a Democrat on several occasions so I could vote for one of the candidates on that ballot. Here if you are registered one party and ask for the other party ballot you are "challenged" The "challenge" is just a question they ask to make sure you want to register with that party. You can change parties each time you vote in a primary here.

I cannot, in good conscience, consider myself a Democrat or support the Democratic party because their stand on abortion and some other issues.
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Old 06-24-2009, 09:18 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: What Makes You A....

Because of my Independent status, I was unable to vote in the presidential primaries ... but I was able to vote in the general election.

However .... I was also harrassed at the voting booth and forced to fill out a provisional ballot, which meant my vote wasn't counted.

According to the definition or rules for the provisional ballot, they must be used if:

The voter refuses to show a photo ID (in regions that require one)
The voter's name does not appear on the electoral roll for the given precinct.
The voter's registration contains inaccurate or out-dated information such as the wrong address or a misspelled name.
The voter's ballot has already been recorded
What made me so furious was I had a voter ID card, my picture ID, a letter that came with my voter ID showing me which precinct I needed to vote at ... and yet I was still forced to cast a provisional ballot. I wasn't the only one either, the line was pretty long and people were not happy. One lady had to be taken aside and spoken with by security because she started screaming about her being disenfranchised and how she was being oppressed because she was trying to vote for BHO.

I ended up speaking with some group outside the precinct who was polling and monitoring the results. They said they were receiving a lot of complaints from Independents having to fill out provisional ballots, and also from Hispanics also being made to fill out provisional ballots.

I'm in John McCain's homestate ... unfortunately.

'Twas quite the scene last year...
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Old 06-24-2009, 10:04 AM
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Re: What Makes You A....

I am a Republican and a little more conservative than you. However, I am "green" and believe that everyone needs to start doing more about being good stewards of God's green earth.
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Old 06-24-2009, 10:57 AM
EVAunit01 EVAunit01 is offline
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Re: What Makes You A....

I'm a capitalist.

I'm against any government intervention in economics no matter how slight.

I am an anarchist.

My reasons for being an anarchist are many and I do not have the time to list all of them in detail. Here is the briefest I can be:

To exist governments must steal. This theft is legitimized by courts set up by the government and called taxes.

All governments are hypocritical. They say they have derived "their just powers from the consent of the governed", but I never consented to be taxed or be a subject of the Federal government. This is a violation of the natural rights of every individual.

Governments claim they exist to serve and protect their citizens but this could not be farther from the truth.

To make an analogy think about how it would be if some individual wanted to help you out by offering protection for you. First, if some individual is really wishing to do me good, he will leave me alone when I ask him to. He will not force his help on me then demand payment for his services. If he is acting morally he will not hinder me from seeking out protection from others or, if I wish it, to not hire the protection services of anyone. He will not follow me around and claim that I must swear loyalty to him for the unwanted services he offers me. If he is acting morally, he will not throw me in prison or execute me if I try to rid myself of him or try to keep him from stealing my possessions.

Take an individual who did those things: forcing payment of services of which another individual does not want, or at least has never consented to - he is called a criminal. Whether a common thug or a member of organized crime, there is no difference in the moral status of the individual. Yet the government does the same immoral actions that the criminal does. Why do people view them differently?

The difference in perception in these two groups is that the state has done the most evil act of all, an act which the common criminal is far too honest to do: The state has called evil good. Taxes aren't theft, the state says. They are necessary for peace and stability. (Another lie.) Conscription and the draft isn't slavery, it's doing your patriotic duty. REAL ID, biometric scans of your retina and fingerprints, computer chips in your passport, palm and forehead - those things aren't evil. No, those things are necessary for national security.

I know a lot of you won't agree with me. But my position is not that different from most people here. You want small government? I do too! I just want a smaller government than you do. You want lower taxes? So do I! I just want them lower than you want them. If you disagree with my position then answer me this: Where are the limits we set on how small a government should be? And why do we set them there? Why may we not set them smaller?

Well, I typed a lot more than what I meant to. If anyone wants to know more about how a stateless society would work, just let me know and I'll be happy to start another thread about it.
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Old 06-24-2009, 11:00 AM
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Re: What Makes You A....

I'm a liberal because I was dropped on my head as a baby.

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Old 06-24-2009, 11:07 AM
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Re: What Makes You A....

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I am a Republican and a little more conservative than you. However, I am "green" and believe that everyone needs to start doing more about being good stewards of God's green earth.
You and others have raised an interesting issue: why do some people just sign up for the whole package of the conservative or liberal agenda, all or nothing? Some seem to feel they have to be against (or for) abortion, women's rights, gay rights, environmentalism, animal rights, "big government", etc. etc. Why not pick and choose a stand on each issue as you see fit? I see some good ideals in both sides - lib and con.

Maybe it's easier just to agree with the prevailing conservative (or liberal) position on everything. Don't have to think, that way!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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