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Old 04-17-2009, 02:15 PM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

On another note...I have been in Atlanta for the past couple of days. We have been having a great time. I am not just saying this because Vicki is my friend, but, this project is going to be...by far...her greatest. I was in the band rehearsal yesterday just going over some vocal things and God came into that room. Vicki was singing and overcome with emotion...the band is great and are not just musicians, they are worshippers. These guys know how to play and worship at the same time. On top of that, there is not a song on this project that I do not like....I like it all. That is a rare thing for me to say but this is GREAT! It will be out June 30th.

We went to a couple of radio interviews yesterday and the one we did with the guy who is syndicated in 16 markets (Co Co Brother) was one of the most anointed interviews I have ever been in. There are interviews and then there are interviews that take a whole 'nother direction. The DJ said he hardly ever does this but felt Vicki had a word for someone and Vicki started singing and then spoke about praise...our praise. There were people calling in, thanking her and then people leaving notes on her Facebook page to let her know they heard what she said and thanked her.

This is going to be a GREAT recording and wish all of you could be here to experience it. Look for it to come out June 30th!
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Old 04-17-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post
Why would there need to be "clarity" about this?

She is coming in to support Vicki. Vicki was a member of their church for a long time and they remain close friends to this day.
Is there a problem with clarity?

Does the rest of your post mean that you don't know whether Sis Mangun is singing on the project, or, that you do know, and you don't want to say?
". . . as I suspect was true for those teaching Scriptures, I found that my students often felt they knew the Constitution without having really read it. They were accustomed to picking out phrases that they'd heard and using them to bolster their immediate arguments, or ignoring passages that seemed to contradict their views." Barack Obama in "The Audacity of Hope"
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Old 04-17-2009, 05:10 PM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

Originally Posted by Stephanas View Post
Is there a problem with clarity?

Does the rest of your post mean that you don't know whether Sis Mangun is singing on the project, or, that you do know, and you don't want to say?
NO answer means what?
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Old 04-17-2009, 09:25 PM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post
On another note...I have been in Atlanta for the past couple of days. We have been having a great time. I am not just saying this because Vicki is my friend, but, this project is going to be...by far...her greatest. I was in the band rehearsal yesterday just going over some vocal things and God came into that room. Vicki was singing and overcome with emotion...the band is great and are not just musicians, they are worshippers. These guys know how to play and worship at the same time. On top of that, there is not a song on this project that I do not like....I like it all. That is a rare thing for me to say but this is GREAT! It will be out June 30th.

We went to a couple of radio interviews yesterday and the one we did with the guy who is syndicated in 16 markets (Co Co Brother) was one of the most anointed interviews I have ever been in. There are interviews and then there are interviews that take a whole 'nother direction. The DJ said he hardly ever does this but felt Vicki had a word for someone and Vicki started singing and then spoke about praise...our praise. There were people calling in, thanking her and then people leaving notes on her Facebook page to let her know they heard what she said and thanked her.

This is going to be a GREAT recording and wish all of you could be here to experience it. Look for it to come out June 30th!
These guys who know how to worship - Do they know who to worship?

Here's the statement of faith that they worship under:

We believe that there is but one God, eternally existent and manifested in the triune Godhead, three persons co-equal in power and purpose--God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (I John 5:7, Matt. 28:19). Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. He is the living Lord of the Bible and the living Lord of today. He is the head of the church.
". . . as I suspect was true for those teaching Scriptures, I found that my students often felt they knew the Constitution without having really read it. They were accustomed to picking out phrases that they'd heard and using them to bolster their immediate arguments, or ignoring passages that seemed to contradict their views." Barack Obama in "The Audacity of Hope"
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Old 04-17-2009, 09:29 PM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
NO answer means what?
SoCaliUPC is busy giving interviews???
". . . as I suspect was true for those teaching Scriptures, I found that my students often felt they knew the Constitution without having really read it. They were accustomed to picking out phrases that they'd heard and using them to bolster their immediate arguments, or ignoring passages that seemed to contradict their views." Barack Obama in "The Audacity of Hope"
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Old 04-17-2009, 09:44 PM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

My sincere desire is that this project will be all that Sandra hopes for it to be, and that it will be a blessing to all who hear it. May it be successful beyond her wildest dreams and open a channel of financial blessing that will flow into the Ugandan orphanage. Blessings upon the sister who blesses the children.
". . . as I suspect was true for those teaching Scriptures, I found that my students often felt they knew the Constitution without having really read it. They were accustomed to picking out phrases that they'd heard and using them to bolster their immediate arguments, or ignoring passages that seemed to contradict their views." Barack Obama in "The Audacity of Hope"
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Old 04-20-2009, 10:57 AM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

Has anyone heard how it went ?
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Old 04-20-2009, 12:27 PM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

Yes, we got a play-by-play from Socali on Facebook and a couple others!

They said it was over the top! Went great!!
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Old 04-20-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: April 18th 7:00 pm Recording my 1st Live CD/DV

Good to hear!!!! I hope she recieved alot of support for the orphanage.
The high cost of living is nothing like the cost of living high.- Jamie Johnson
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