Re: Convictions
There are some things that the Bible clearly speaks against like idolatry, murder, gossip, drunkenness, complaining, adultery, etc.
There are other things that the Bible does not mention by name but which could become addictive or could become a god to us. This would be things like golf, chocolate, nicotine, caffeine, tv, iPod, wife, computer, and a whole host of other things. Each of us has to consider if some of these things may be applicable to certain scriptural prohibitions though not literally mentioned by name. We also have to consider how they affect our walk with God. One person may be able to watch tv moderately without it adversely affecting his/her thought life and without it taking away time for Bible reading, fasting, and prayer. Another person may have to avoid tv all together. The same could be said about movies, video games, sports, etc. So we may have a personal "conviction" about some of these things or God may "convict" us about the time we spend/waste on these things. They are "personal" convictions. You should not judge any one else by what are your "personal" convictions.
I know a woman (a good Christian woman) that had a conviction against wearing certain earrings but could wear others with no problem.
I know people who cannot (because of conviction) use alcohol or nicotine in any amount and others who have no problem using them in moderation. Again, whether you smoke or dip or not, neither should judge the other. The same with alcohol. Those who do not drink should not judge those who do and vice versa.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship