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Old 03-23-2009, 11:10 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Thanks, Baron, but I wasn't intending to use legalese.

Obviously something can be legal, but still unchristian. Backbiting is not a Christian thing to do, and I don't believe Sherri's thread qualifies for the label.
Legalese aside slander is spoken not written. Which label does it not qualify for? backbiter? I would agree there was no malice involved nor do I doubt the truth of what she said.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:12 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post

Is it because they never had a grounding in real godliness?
Yes, usually.

Originally Posted by n david View Post
It's not a question of believing what she says. I don't doubt the post, I'm just saying that, other than therapy and a kind of her getting this off her chest, there's really not much to discuss in a forum without a source or more story to it.

Apparently there is something to discuss, since we're discussing it.

Originally Posted by Blubayou View Post
I think this is a symptom of a systemic problem and goes to the root of one of the real weaknesses in our organization-or set of beliefs- We teach dos and don'ts but do not teach people about being principled Christians. Because we do not develop character in our people or teach them to question and search out their walk with God- they do not have balance in their lives. Then they do not a have an internal moral compass to direct them. There are many things that are right about the UPC and I support it, but this is something that has bothered me for years. I have seen many people come to grief because of it.

Very true.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:14 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by Dordrecht View Post
You are right, and I also do not mean any offense, but I classify this as useless gossip.

It's absurd to accuse someone without coming out with proof.

This thread boils down to the tongue.
The Bible is very clear about these kind of issues.

Proverbs 25:23 and Romans 1:30 make mention of a backbiting tongue. A backbiter is someone who uses their tongue against you when you aren't present, yet they will not face you with their charges when you are present. This is a cowardly backbiter who would rather stir up problems than solve problems.

A backbiter would much rather talk ABOUT someone than talk TO the person. A backbiter would much rather talk ABOUT some weak Christian in the church than offer some words of encouragement TO them. A backbiter is of no use to anyone, and no one has ever been strengthened or edified through backbiting. Beware of the backbiters, especially the ones who sow discord among brethren (Pro. 6:19)!
You have 33 posts and no cred. While she has a fine reputation and known by many. You calling her a coward and backbiter is like a new caddy telling Tiger how to swing...so stick around a while before you throw out accusations....oh, and go get my wedge.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
Legalese aside slander is spoken not written. Which label does it not qualify for? backbiter? I would agree there was no malice involved nor do I doubt the truth of what she said.
Just to clarify, I wasn't referring to you when I said "you and at least one other person."

I agree that it's hard to discuss something effectively without being able to independently review the source. However, admin would probably remove any link because of the language, and if we start getting into specific names and churches, other problems arise.

Kind of a can't win for losing request, to ask for the source on this one.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

I think this is very typical of people who leave works based churches. For a period of time their very foundation is shaken. Because they never really had their faith in Jesus Christ to begin with they don't always put their faith in him when they leave the UPC/Apostolic churches. They might leave the standards but will still cling to the damaging doctrines and toxic faith that they always had.

It is impossible to live freely in Christ without being "in" Christ completely. Without the Holy Spirit working in our lives daily we cannot have a Christian walk. Works based churches have tons of rules and peer pressure to keep people in line and many people never learn to trust in God because the religion brings about a false sense of righteousness.

Though we cannot know for sure I would question whether or not this person has ever truly been born again though she may just need to mature a little.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:20 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by deltaguitar View Post
I think this is very typical of people who leave works based churches. For a period of time their very foundation is shaken. Because they never really had their faith in Jesus Christ to begin with they don't always put their faith in him when they leave the UPC/Apostolic churches. They might leave the standards but will still cling to the damaging doctrines and toxic faith that they always had.

It is impossible to live freely in Christ without being "in" Christ completely. Without the Holy Spirit working in our lives daily we cannot have a Christian walk. Works based churches have tons of rules and peer pressure to keep people in line and many people never learn to trust in God because the religion brings about a false sense of righteousness.

Though we cannot know for sure I would question whether or not this person has ever truly been born again. She may just need some maturity.
And then we get this...sheesh, come on my lib friends, please defend us who are still in the ark!!!!!!

DG, this post was garbage
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:20 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I was just reading a blog of an ex-UPC pastor's wife this week - and don't even ask, because I won't tell who it is. They are pastoring a church somewhere in the U.S. In her blog, it had at least three curse words (and I'm not talking about the "iffy" words), and several references to drinking. It literally made me sick to my stomach!

If I were from the First Church of the Frigidare, I can't imagine wanting my pastor's wife to act/talk like this. Maybe I'm just out of touch, but I don't want to try to be so relevant and cool and I lose my mind.

Anyway, just ranting here, but.........this is why we get a bad reputation - because of people who have left UPC and just gotten ridiculous. God help me; I just want to be holy in His sight.
I probably wouldn't have posted, but thus far this thread is just a bunch of people agreeing with each other, and I thought at least if I shared my thoughts It would be more interesting!

For the record. I swear, and quite frequently. I did before I was UPC. And I picked it back up after I left.

I've said this before, and I will mention it again. I do not believe that swearing is an outright sin. I personally don't believe that there is any difference to God what words we use to describe human waste or sexual relations. It wasn't Jesus who declared that one word was acceptable and another was offensive. It was us....society...culture.

That is why, I stated that I don't believe it is an outright sin. However, anything can be become a sin under the right circumstances. Purposely causing offense to another, or being cruel through name calling (whether it is a "swear" word or a so-called "acceptable" one), is not acting in love.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

I read Sherri's post this am and am reminded that bitterness is an ugly thing. The lady in question and I say lady treading softly because Sailor talk is not a good thing must harbor alot of bitterness and hurt inside. I don't think it matters if one is conservative or moderate or anything else. Cursing is a sure sign of hurt. I read a book just this week and in this book someone was very mean and abrasive and there were a few children who heard and the writer in the scene incorporated the fact that the man using the mean language was some one who has an ouchie on the inside. I do think it gives pentecostal people a bad rap but it also takes understanding on our part to correct the situation. I think contacting the woman would be a good thing and especially in a kind and soft spoken manner. Something is wrong in her spirit. Jesus loves us way past the opinion of others. Thanks Sister Sherri for reminding us that our behavior is important for a witness.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

The bottom line is that a pastor's wife should not be cussing, online or any other place.

That Sherri showed concern over this shows her spiritual good sense...that she didn't reveal the individual involved shows character and wisdom.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:24 AM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Michlow, I do believe culture determines what is essentially offensive and obscene in regard to language. Since I also believe that Christians are to have a good reputation and represent Christ in their language and actions, then offensive and obscene words should be avoided on that principle alone, although I could pull in countless scriptures that refer to keeping our speech "clean."

In addition, I believe when we refer to God, no matter what pronoun, title or name we use, it should be with respect, and never used informally or as a curse, so any word that "takes God's name in vain" would be out for me.
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