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Old 01-24-2009, 03:48 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by jdm05 View Post
Obama said quit listening to Rush Limbaugh, hmmmmm.....as much as people to not like Rush, he is almost always right. That's what Obama doesn't like.
I am not a Rush "fan"...I can't say he is almost always right. Personally I consider him a Republican patsy. But coming from a President it almost sounds dictatorial.

I prefer to listen to someone that hits on both Republicans and Democrats
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:49 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by Innocuous View Post
Bill-O the clown, don't get me started. And now Hannity is becoming the Right's answer to Obermann. You're right, there is no unbiased news coverage.

I tend to prefer Newshour on PBS. At least they don't argue and talk 100 mph and slam other networks. All the others seem like 24 meets Walter Kronkite mashes to me.
If there is no unbiased news coverage then even MORE reason to be disturbed by what Obama said.
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:53 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by Thomas Trini View Post
As Rush pointed out on hi show this last week, this is coming from the same group of people who told us when Bush 43 was in office that dissent was patriotic. Now that Bush is out, they want us all to drink the same Kool-Aid.
BTW, when Obama leaves The White House in 4 years, I hope GOPer's will show show Obama just as much disrect and cat calls (if not more) as the Dem's did to Bush 43 at Obama's "immaculation."
BINGO! You got it! This is exactly it!

Bush got it hard from the left leaning media AND the Democratic political mouths in congress, senate and Hollywood...and now they are trying to prevent the same thing happening to Obama.

But when you cast negativety all the time, all the time, all the time you weave that into the fabric of society. They were leaders. Rather than them getting their views from the public, they instead dictate TO the public their views. Now America is even more racially and politically divided than ever and they have themselves to blame for a lot of it. Both sides are to blame.

But it's insane for Obama and his team to tacitly tell America "don't treat us like we treated them"....You reap what you sow
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:55 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
I totally disagree.

We dont have to stoop to their level.
If democrats/leftists want to operate down there in the gutter, then let them. But we can still take the high road.
Don't have to, but it just might happened. That is the atmosphere they generated with all their hate talk for Bush and conservatives
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:55 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Hate is even more now a part of our culture
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Old 01-24-2009, 04:27 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
If there is no unbiased news coverage then even MORE reason to be disturbed by what Obama said.
?? Why so, some of them are biased AGAINST him. Isn't that the status quo?
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Old 01-24-2009, 04:40 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

I didn't need Obama to tell me to stop listening to Rush, I realized that Rush was nothing but a propaganda mongering idiot a couple years ago when working with CIS. The man's looney.
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Old 01-24-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by Innocuous View Post
?? Why so, some of them are biased AGAINST him. Isn't that the status quo?
why so? You are essentially asking me "why not censor opposing viewpoints".

Obama is saying "censorship...don't listen to anyone that disagrees with ME...I won. I decide"
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Old 01-24-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by commonsense View Post
Rush rules! I'm not able to listen everyday, but I love the program.
His large staff with their access to many sources keep me informed!!!
Where else can you get the facts ?

Not the network national news, that's for sure. Now, they have a bias,,,,,
This is why I am now in my 5th year as being a Rush 24/7 subscriber. I never listen on the radio, only to his podcasts. They are also MUCH quicker since they are commercial free and don't have any of the normal parody stuff. I know a lot of people like those (including myself from time to time) but I would rather hear the meat of the program.
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Old 01-24-2009, 05:26 PM
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Re: Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
why so? You are essentially asking me "why not censor opposing viewpoints".

Obama is saying "censorship...don't listen to anyone that disagrees with ME...I won. I decide"
??? He didn't say that.
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