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Old 12-19-2008, 03:22 PM
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

Originally Posted by Sweet Pea View Post

No, he doesn't wear a ring - neither does his wife - as far as his watch - I think you're wrong on this as well. He is a very frugal man. He would not wear a rolex or any watch like that - probably a timex....

I have to step in here for I cannot remain silent.
SweetPea is absolutely correct! If you really knew Kenneth Haney you wouldn't have to wonder if he wore a ring or an expensive watch. A nice watch may have been given to him but I can assure you he would never spend the money to purchase one. I've known the family for more than 60 years and they are as financially conservative as you can get, believe me. Some of his BIL's and I used to trade funny stories on how "frugal" Kenneth Haney is.
Raven posted!!! YAY!!
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Old 12-19-2008, 03:29 PM
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

I have to step in here for I cannot remain silent.
SweetPea is absolutely correct! If you really knew Kenneth Haney you wouldn't have to wonder if he wore a ring or an expensive watch. A nice watch may have been given to him but I can assure you he would never spend the money to purchase one. I've known the family for more than 60 years and they are as financially conservative as you can get, believe me. Some of his BIL's and I used to trade funny stories on how "frugal" Kenneth Haney is.

Watch it!!!! someone will be condemning him for that too!
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Old 12-19-2008, 03:31 PM
Theresa Theresa is offline
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

Originally Posted by sbo1971 View Post
I have to step in here for I cannot remain silent.
SweetPea is absolutely correct! If you really knew Kenneth Haney you wouldn't have to wonder if he wore a ring or an expensive watch. A nice watch may have been given to him but I can assure you he would never spend the money to purchase one. I've known the family for more than 60 years and they are as financially conservative as you can get, believe me. Some of his BIL's and I used to trade funny stories on how "frugal" Kenneth Haney is.

Watch it!!!! someone will be condemning him for that too!
I dont think anyone was condeming anyone - someone asked a question. Now no one knows WHY they want to know, they might have wanted to do some condeming but no one has so far.....
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:11 PM
Sweet Pea Sweet Pea is offline
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

Originally Posted by Raven View Post

doesnt he drive a jag?
The jag was a gift from Christian Life Center for their 40th wedding anniversary and 30th anniversary as pastoring CLC. It was given to them just before they left to go to St. Louis. Believe me - HE would have never bought one, unless he got it at an auction used and for a GREAT deal!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:13 PM
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

[QUOTE=Sweet Pea;663007]
Originally Posted by Theresa View Post

The jag was a gift from Christian Life Center for their 40th wedding anniversary and 30th anniversary as pastoring CLC. It was given to them just before they left to go to St. Louis. Believe me - HE would have never bought one, unless he got it at an auction used and for a GREAT deal!
then it makes sense...
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Old 12-19-2008, 05:27 PM
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

Originally Posted by Theresa View Post
I dont think anyone was condeming anyone - someone asked a question. Now no one knows WHY they want to know, they might have wanted to do some condeming but no one has so far.....
just kidding OK.
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Old 12-20-2008, 07:08 AM
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
You're asking about pizza not being in the Bible, and I'm talking about the model of church polity IN the Bible, being disregarded by unbiblical organizations and roles (like "General Superintendent").

-Bro. Alex
Calling organizations and organizational roles unbiblical makes about as much sense as calling indoor plumbing at the Church and Church custodians unbiblical.

The early church adopted organizational models from the structures that they were familiar with. Elders from the synagogue and Overseers from the Greco-Roman form of governance, etc.

When it comes to a para-church structure, like an organization, God's people are free to organize in any way that is functional for their need and culture. God recognizes human government and the Church's right to establish roles, rules, and structures of authority and submission.

Organizations are voluntary constructs, cobbled together by fallible men for good purposes. Nobody is forced to belong, but those who choose to belong should align themselves with the roles and rules of the group.
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Old 12-20-2008, 08:55 AM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

Originally Posted by Stephanas View Post
Calling organizations and organizational roles unbiblical makes about as much sense as calling indoor plumbing at the Church and Church custodians unbiblical.

The early church adopted organizational models from the structures that they were familiar with. Elders from the synagogue and Overseers from the Greco-Roman form of governance, etc.

When it comes to a para-church structure, like an organization, God's people are free to organize in any way that is functional for their need and culture. God recognizes human government and the Church's right to establish roles, rules, and structures of authority and submission.

Organizations are voluntary constructs, cobbled together by fallible men for good purposes. Nobody is forced to belong, but those who choose to belong should align themselves with the roles and rules of the group.
Not when elders are to be ordained in every city, and deacons are apppointed in Acts and given their qualifications by Paul. We also have a five-fold ministry... should we add a few extra ones, like Church Treasurer or Church CEO (for the megachurches of course).

By the way, Stephanas, how are those "ministry-addicts" of yours, you know, the ones that meet in your house? - the first fruits of Achaia, and baptized by Paul (hopefully they're not going around saying they're of Paul or anything crazy like that... You, of all people should know that house churches are integral to the church's mission and that we should build the church right, without these unbiblical titles/roles/organizations and methods. Remember, organisms are alive, and organizations, well... they just are.

I see a lot of these organizational people as being like Diotrephes...

-Bro. Alex
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Old 12-20-2008, 11:02 AM
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
Not when elders are to be ordained in every city, and deacons are apppointed in Acts and given their qualifications by Paul. We also have a five-fold ministry... should we add a few extra ones, like Church Treasurer or Church CEO (for the megachurches of course).

By the way, Stephanas, how are those "ministry-addicts" of yours, you know, the ones that meet in your house? - the first fruits of Achaia, and baptized by Paul (hopefully they're not going around saying they're of Paul or anything crazy like that... You, of all people should know that house churches are integral to the church's mission and that we should build the church right, without these unbiblical titles/roles/organizations and methods. Remember, organisms are alive, and organizations, well... they just are.

I see a lot of these organizational people as being like Diotrephes...

-Bro. Alex
May God have mercy on the arrogance that labels some of the most godly men to have ever walked in shoe leather, men who have literally given their lives in service to their brethren, “like Diotrophes.”

We have ran out of any reason to continue this conversation.
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Old 12-20-2008, 04:40 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: Can someone answer a question for me?

Originally Posted by Stephanas View Post
May God have mercy on the arrogance that labels some of the most godly men to have ever walked in shoe leather, men who have literally given their lives in service to their brethren, “like Diotrophes.”

We have ran out of any reason to continue this conversation.
I said "a lot" of those people not all, and the fact of the matter is still that the Bible gives us a blueprint on how leadership in the church should work, what the qualifications are ect... Why the angry contention? Should we not study and prove all things? This matter of church polity is fairly important... This is GOD's church that's in the building and that we're apart of!

-Bro. Alex
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