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Old 10-22-2008, 11:44 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
I have honestly been fighting the temptation to say that ever since I read your post last night. I probably should have fought harder
I disagree! Find that hard to believe in this section, huh?

Actually, I believe posts like yours and then my reply helps alleviate some of the tension. Shows just how ridiculous some of this stuff has gotten.
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:48 AM
El Apostolico El Apostolico is offline
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Hide in a cave, buy a gun, and read Lamentations is my approach...

...yeah right...
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Old 10-22-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

I will go to work, attend classes at school, love my kids, do good, and continue to grow in Christ. Imo, people make too big a deal about who is Prez. So many talk about not putting our faith in men, but then we do exactly that way, way too often. God is still sovereign whether it's Bush, McCain, Caligula, or Obama in the seat of governmental power. If we can survive Bush and Clinton, we can survive Obama. All the Chicken Little stuff is overdone.

It'll be fun to read and hear about all the wacko right wing conspiracy stuff that'll keep being spewed out for paranoid consumption. That's always entertaining.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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Old 10-22-2008, 03:35 PM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post

It'll be fun to read and hear about all the wacko right wing conspiracy stuff that'll keep being spewed out for paranoid consumption. That's always entertaining.
Then you have been greatly amused these past eight years with all of the wacko left wing conspiracy stuff, huh?

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 10-22-2008, 04:19 PM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
I'll be doing lots of praying for the man since he will be my president. I will continue to try to change the world for Jesus through the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, my Lawgiver, my Judge, and my King (Is. 33:22).
One of the few responses I agree with in this thread. I fully expected to see Chicken Little running around this thread with all of the people calling for the sky to fall because of a President.

Of course the blatant fallacy presented in this thread is that somehow who is elected President coincides directly with the moral condition of the country. That would have meant that this nation would have become much greater morally since GWB took office in 2000. That of course is NOT the case. These great parallels being drawn between who is President and the morality of America are silly.

What will change this country morally and spiritually hasn't changed. It's up to the church to preach truth and influence change in this country. That kind of change doesn't come out of Washington D.C.
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Old 10-22-2008, 06:05 PM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Jane, I wonder if there will end up being a revolution in this country.

I don't know how mad people have to get to decide they must take it back

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Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
The perfect love of God casteth out all fear........I don't fear what man can do to me and I know the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

However, I have concerns that my child and any future grandchildren will be a generation that turns from God and that there will be a generation that does not know God as we know Him...In the power of the Holy Ghost, miracles, the love of the Church. ...I am concerned that our Christian values will be lost in multiculturalism and the thought that one "religion" is as good as the other. I am concerned that America will lose the dream it was founded upon - freedom of religion, rugged individualism, capitalism....being rewarded for a day's work and enjoying the fruits of one's labor...Not expecting the government to figure everything out for me and provide for me from womb to tomb.
Originally Posted by meBNme View Post
I have a 2 yr old, and one on the way, and yes, I am concerned for their future.

Yes, I am concerned about an Obama presidency.

I am very concerned about the direction our country is going. I believe America has reached its peak, and is on a downward spiral. I believe it peaked about 20 years ago and only momentum kept it rising for the last 18 years while the foundations were crumbling away.
I think we have reached a point now where the foundations of our country have been compromised so greatly that now the tower that was America is starting to crumble and fall. We are currently at a turning point. I think it is possible to save America, by turning back to the constitution, enforcing the laws we have, reforming the tax system, and electing people into office that will stand for whats right and appoint judges who will back up the constitution, bill of rights, and ignore special interest groups.

Right now, I believe Sarah Palin is the only person who even comes close to fitting that bill.

The media, and politicians are so deceitful, and the populace are literally led along like lambs to the slaughter that I really don't see it happening without a literal miracle from God. I believe we should pray for that.

I sincerely believe that if Obama wins, we will have turned the corner and passed the point of no return. He will push America over the edge and it will crumble to a far less powerful and free country.

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Gods promises do not change with the economy, or the abundance or lack of freedoms in a country. His promises do not change with the rise and fall of nations. . . .

No matter how big the giant, how dark the hour, how evil the world. GOD IS GREATER.
We must never look at the size of the challenge. We absolutely must keep our eyes on the size of our God.
Originally Posted by George View Post
Ps. 9:17 - The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

America's only hope is: 2 Chronicles 7:14

What gets me about the above scripture, is it says the people of name must turn from their wicked ways. I believe too many Christians have put God on a shelf and don't realize they have pursued ways not pleasing to God. They must first realize wickedness has entered the camp and then begin to seriously repent. JMHO
I agree that we should place our faith, trust, and hope in God. I believe that God can get us through dark times - in fact, He excels at doing just that!

I disagree that a revolution is forthcoming or in order. There might be some riots and such, but a revolution such as what founded American is no longer a technical possibility. The people's hunting arms are no match for the sophisticated military hardware, including night vision and hi-res realtime satellite imagery, that have been perfected in Iraq and Afghanistan and would be brought to bear on any attempt at secession or insurrection.

Here are a couple of things to ponder:

Japan has had a lot of recent experience with bursting economic bubbles and recession, and they are a changed culture for it - most say for the better. Japan still maintains a great deal of expertise and dominance that has carried through, but they do it with a little more humility, a little less hubris, and a little wiser. Who is to say that America and the U.K. would not benefit from a similar period? This doesn't have to be the end of the world. It could be a new beginning. Let us not forget that 60% of this country is conservative. Many that consider themselves liberal actually live as conservatives. All that is needed is a leader to strike a tone that resonates with them.
How Japan learnt how to stop worrying and love the recession
After the bubble, street-level philosophy changed even more starkly for Japan. Views on economic right and wrong swerved left: the leniency extended to the banks soon morphed into a sense that ordinary companies and individual borrowers were owed mercy. The Government borrowed heavily to make that happen, and the British Government has begun to do the same.

Profit was OK, but excess profits became faintly disgusting. Companies took to hiding their success - not by stashing the loot in dodgy offshore subsidiaries to cheat the taxman, but by paying back creditors earlier than necessary. The idea of the shareholder as deserving more attention and reward than employees or customers quickly withered.

Belief in the fast buck - via property or stock investment - was stripped from public consciousness and replaced with a mass conversion to the religion of tortoise v hare. Bubble-phobia became the underlying policy of successive Cabinets and anything resembling one was crushed by legislation. A society that thought of itself as socially homogeneous suddenly started identifying “winners” and “losers” - categories directly related to who kept or lost their jobs. The education system lost its power to act as a guarantee. Tokyo taxi drivers had engineering degrees, and waiting lists for cramming schools tripled.

Japanese instinctively hoarded cash for a rainy day: financially and philosophically, companies and the general population began carrying umbrellas even when the forecast was good. Household risk aversion now commands cultish devotion: books about living on a fiver a day sell in millions, and TV programmes on the theme are primetime fare.
I would also like to ponder for a bit about our often-confusing nostalgia for a return to constitutional purity. This is often couched in terms of asserting founders' intent on some issue or another, and juxtaposing founding intent with current practice. Most then point to the 1960s as the start of decline down this slippery slope away from a constitutional republic guaranteeing liberty to the individual. Some are more astute and point to the 1930s and FDR and his Stalin-inspired policies. Some will go a bit further and point to the turn of the century, pointing out such unconstitutional hijinks as TR's warmongering ways and Wilson's income tax and globalist vision.

But the truth is that the Republic died at Appomattox, and we got a Nation with a strong centralized federal government, instead.

The myth and legend swirling around out there about President Abraham Lincoln are larger than the Greek temple built to memorialize him. However, some criticisms of Lincoln and his acts are becoming very difficult to ignore.

America was transformed into an empire with a strong central government by Lincoln's conquest of the South. Even Karl Marx called it a "tariff war."

I maintain that George Washington remains our greatest president, and that is very difficult indeed to contemplate undoing what Lincoln did to our country. All the talk of Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and John Adams is purely academic, as their lofty ideals are no longer applicable in our present construct. We cannot simply revert back to a constitutional republic. Attempting to unwind 40 or even 80 years worth of misguided policy is not sufficient. The very premises under which those attempting it are operating are invalid. Attempting to overlay the themes and memes of the founders, from which a limited republic was derived, onto our present system of a strong, controlling central government, is the source of much confusion among critics of government and policy.

It's not a free country. Natural rights and the Bill of Rights have been superceded by the tyranny of the majority. Most of the laws passed since 1911 or so are not constitutional. After the 1930s, when FDR packed the supreme court, the constitution was really no longer in the picture. It is a nostalgic bit of parchment, but no longer a guiding light.
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"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Old 10-22-2008, 09:24 PM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by keith4him View Post
How will you respond?

Keep in mind that the New Testament was written under the Auto-cratic Roman System that brought forth leaders such as Caligula and Nero.
It will take me to July 4th each year to work for my tax bill.

Instead of May whatever it is now...
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Old 10-23-2008, 10:10 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I'll get up Nov. 5 and go to work just like I always do.
Me too.
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Old 10-23-2008, 10:11 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
I'll be doing lots of praying for the man since he will be my president. I will continue to try to change the world for Jesus through the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, my Lawgiver, my Judge, and my King (Is. 33:22).
Amen. Great post! Of course, I feel the same if McCain gets elected.
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