Very well said. it is obvious who the look-aid drinkers are. We have admitted that the choices for president or poor, that McCain has problems that we do not like. However, he is much better then Obama.
You who support the "chosen one" can find no fault with him. It is obvious that you do not have the ability or will to lay out both candidates and choose the best of the two.
That is a shame, I can only pray that the majority of Americans still love the principles of capitalism, and the principles of God that has made this country great. Because if not, they with your help, will elect a twit that seeks to destroy those great principles.
I am tired of arguing as well. Facts are what they are. Good Day.
Vr the point is that it is just as possible to have Republican koolaid drinkers. I know because I used to be one. One that bought into the lip-service played to the things that I hold to be sacred and moral. The evidence of kool aid drinking on either side is when you can see a flaw in one and not recognize the exact same flaw in the other.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Cn, I was just pointing out the fact that on this thread as well as in others, Obama's perceived propensity to skip votes was specifically pointed to as a serious flaw. When I pointed out that McCain was significantly more deficient in this exact same area, it seemed that the significance of that area of governance diminished. All I'm saying is that if you are going to roast someone for doing something, at least have the balance to roast the other if they are significantly worse in the exact same area.
I really don't think many voters look at this Brother Stewart. They just follow what they see on TV, read in the newspapers. In other words, allow the media to choose who they will vote for. And we all know how unbiased the media is.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
Last edited by Cindy; 08-02-2008 at 12:49 PM.
Reason: Add something.
Clean, icy, refreshing Koolaid.
Good thing Dr. Dobson, at least for now, sees the double-mindedness in McCain.
But then again Dr. D is not an Apostolic discerner of hearts.
A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. LOL! Not to worry deap, I clearly see the inconsistency; however, Obama is still not my choice. I will not vote for either of the canidates.
I really don't think many voters look at this Brother Stewart. They just follow what they see on TV, read in the newspapers. In other words, allow the media to choose who they will vote for. And we all know how unbiased the media is.
My problem is that that is the undoing of the true democratic process. You end up with people who vote one way because they are Black and a party knows how to pay lip service to them. You also end up with people who vote one way because they believe the Bible and one party pays lip service to that. I wish to God that the Republicans that I have supported my entire life had created the kind of America that I want. The issue is that they don't actually have to do anything significant to enjoy die-hard support either way. There are plenty of kool-aid drinkers on both being poured by a man, the other by an entire political party.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Vr the point is that it is just as possible to have Republican koolaid drinkers. I know because I used to be one. One that bought into the lip-service played to the things that I hold to be sacred and moral. The evidence of kool aid drinking on either side is when you can see a flaw in one and not recognize the exact same flaw in the other.
Vr the point is that it is just as possible to have Republican koolaid drinkers. I know because I used to be one. One that bought into the lip-service played to the things that I hold to be sacred and moral. The evidence of kool aid drinking on either side is when you can see a flaw in one and not recognize the exact same flaw in the other.
Exactly why I will no longer support the GOP that I do notconsider a viable option. I still refuse to support a Democrat though.
Vr the point is that it is just as possible to have Republican koolaid drinkers. I know because I used to be one. One that bought into the lip-service played to the things that I hold to be sacred and moral. The evidence of kool aid drinking on either side is when you can see a flaw in one and not recognize the exact same flaw in the other.
I have to respond. lol, last one.
I vote for issues, not because someone tells me. I study each candidate and choose them according to their policies. If they have a fault,, I will tell you.
We all have two choices in an election. One is a democrat, one is a republican. I am a conservative. The republican party's platform at this time is closer to sharing the principles that I hold.
Does that mean their are not some who hold the republican name that go against some of my principles, of course not.
Obama openly says he is for gay marriage, that he is for abortion in all stages, even after the baby is born. He is against drilling for oil, he is against the free market that has made America the strongest economy in the world. He is for higher taxes, he is for punishing those who have worked hard and done well.
He is for rewarding those who are lazy and refuse to do better by taking from the unlazy. He is for a socialistic economy, you cannot argue that fact. A socialistic economy does not work, never has, never will.
John McCain is for lower taxes, smaller government, stronger military, drilling for our own oil, and he is for a capitalistic economy which works, it has made us the greatest nation in the world.
He is against abortion, he believes the definition of marriage stay the way it is. he would support Supreme court judges who will not legislate from the bench, Obama will not.
I did not get my principles from Rush or Hannity, though I share many of the same principles that they do. I study issues, I stay informed and make my own decisions.
When looking at these two candidates, it is clear they are both flawed, but one is better then the other. Ones policies would destroy the principles that has made America great.
Therefore the only choice I have is to vote for McCain, not because he is perfect, but because he is closer to perfect then what Obama is.
__________________ Never burn the bridge of mercy... You never know when you will need it to cross.
Doctrine makes a wonderful servant but a horrible master!
Exactly why I will no longer support the GOP that I do notconsider a viable option. I still refuse to support a Democrat though.
For me it is not even an issue of who you support, it's just that if you do things like that you lose credibilty with someone who is objectively trying to find facts. The biggest problem with that approach is that whole new generation of voters is becoming very involved in the political process in unprecedented numbers and they have been raised in the information age and have been raised to question everything. That is evident both in politics and in church these days. Cliches, lip service, and double talk will not fly in either arena if you are trying to win those people.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
I vote for issues, not because someone tells me. I study each candidate and choose them according to their policies. If they have a fault,, I will tell you.
We all have two choices in an election. One is a democrat, one is a republican. I am a conservative. The republican party's platform at this time is closer to sharing the principles that I hold.
Does that mean their are not some who hold the republican name that go against some of my principles, of course not.
Obama openly says he is for gay marriage, that he is for abortion in all stages, even after the baby is born. He is against drilling for oil, he is against the free market that has made America the strongest economy in the world. He is for higher taxes, he is for punishing those who have worked hard and done well.
He is for rewarding those who are lazy and refuse to do better by taking from the unlazy. He is for a socialistic economy, you cannot argue that fact. A socialistic economy does not work, never has, never will.
John McCain is for lower taxes, smaller government, stronger military, drilling for our own oil, and he is for a capitalistic economy which works, it has made us the greatest nation in the world.
He is against abortion, he believes the definition of marriage stay the way it is. he would support Supreme court judges who will not legislate from the bench, Obama will not.
I did not get my principles from Rush or Hannity, though I share many of the same principles that they do. I study issues, I stay informed and make my own decisions.
When looking at these two candidates, it is clear they are both flawed, but one is better then the other. Ones policies would destroy the principles that has made America great.
Therefore the only choice I have is to vote for McCain, not because he is perfect, but because he is closer to perfect then what Obama is.
I can buy that, but the problem is that so many people are so entrenched that they cannot be objective enough in conversation to even appear balanced. That is what gives the appearance of a koolaid drinker on either side.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois