I went to college with Joel's sister, and John's daughter.
John Osteen was baptised in Jesus' name and claimed a knowledge of the oneness of God. He was an excellent preacher. He had a weak heart for years and lived every day by faith. His wife Dodie was healed of terminal cancer--still alive for all you AFF doubters. John had a reputation of integrity and love for all people, still taught living a holy life.
I have a very good friend who manages a very well known singing group. Dodie is a big fan. They visit Lakewood and sing every year. My friend told me that Joel and his wife and Dodie are always gracious and perfect hosts. They have eaten together after the services and are received in the "green room" before church. My friend told me Lakewood has a production each week that can stand toe to toe with anything that Nashville has produced.
Persoanlly, Joel's preaching does nothing for me...I would like for him to present repentance, etc. But if he is helping somebody...........
I went to college with Joel's sister, and John's daughter.
John Osteen was baptised in Jesus' name and claimed a knowledge of the oneness of God. He was an excellent preacher. He had a weak heart for years and lived every day by faith. His wife Dodie was healed of terminal cancer--still alive for all you AFF doubters. John had a reputation of integrity and love for all people, still taught living a holy life.
I have a very good friend who manages a very well known singing group. Dodie is a big fan. They visit Lakewood and sing every year. My friend told me that Joel and his wife and Dodie are always gracious and perfect hosts. They have eaten together after the services and are received in the "green room" before church. My friend told me Lakewood has a production each week that can stand toe to toe with anything that Nashville has produced.
Persoanlly, Joel's preaching does nothing for me...I would like for him to present repentance, etc. But if he is helping somebody...........
Apparently, a few folks believe his ministry is helping them.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Apparently, a few folks believe his ministry is helping them.
Yes! Joel Olsteen's ministry is helping thousands....straight to hell. Can you imagine any apostle not being able to identify sin and that the judgment for sin is hell. Olsteen could not discern that when interviewed. Although his teeth are white, his soul is black with sin and false doctrine. Unfortunately, it tickles the ears of not only the world but many pseudo-apostolic Christians (so called).
His message is the same preached by pharaohs magicians...have miracles and stay in Egypt/bondage, while in stark contrast everything Moses' and Aaron did was for the purpose of getting God's people out of Egypt!
So he's a nice magnanimous guy who is helping some people......so are the LDS.
Yeah they are. I have done business with some LDS and would take their handshake over a contract.
I think this is one subject you and I can agree on. I am saying that many find comfort--if nothing more than how to make their lives better here on earth--in the teaching some of the "light churches." Could the masses ultimately be better served by a church or ministry that teaches more meat of the word? Of course. But it is hard to hold a negative position about someone doing so much good. It is like trying to say Mother Teresa was wrong while feeding the hungry because she was Catholic and did not present the plan of salvation.
Yeah they are. I have done business with some LDS and would take their handshake over a contract.
I think this is one subject you and I can agree on. I am saying that many find comfort--if nothing more than how to make their lives better here on earth--in the teaching some of the "light churches." Could the masses ultimately be better served by a church or ministry that teaches more meat of the word? Of course. But it is hard to hold a negative position about someone doing so much good. It is like trying to say Mother Teresa was wrong while feeding the hungry because she was Catholic and did not present the plan of salvation.
Just my opinion.
Righteousness without obedience to God's word is as (edit by admin) rags...
It is dangerous to give accolades to those who pervert truth by doing good...depart from me, I never knew you is what they will ultimately hear.