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Old 06-13-2008, 03:47 PM
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Re: Barak Obama Clinches Democratic Nomination

Originally Posted by jdm05 View Post
.... For starters Jackie did not say horrible things about America, yet Michelle had the nerve to say for the first time in her life she was "proud."

For all we know Obama can be the Anti-Christ.

I think the point she was trying to make was that she was unaware and now proud of America's progress. For the media to conclude that she was somehow "not proud" of her country would be to miss the point she was trying to make. She did not say her quote in the "spirit" that it is being made to seem.

For all we know, so could McCain. Seriously, wouldn't America be more blind to Mccain being used of satan? Everything Obama does from here on ot will be closely scrutinized by most-- especially those looking for the "anti-christ".
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Old 06-13-2008, 03:52 PM
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Re: Barak Obama Clinches Democratic Nomination

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post

and lets be clear about this, if we were not fighting these terrorists in Iraq, we would be dealing with them in the streets of America.
I simply don't believe this to be true. It's a scare a tactic, IMO, to justify the unjust war that we started and must finish to honor the Americans who have already fought and given their lives and to maintain our credibility in the world.
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Old 06-13-2008, 04:04 PM
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Re: Barak Obama Clinches Democratic Nomination

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
You don't seriously think that any politician in Washington comes back to their home state every Sunday to listen to their pastor preach, do you? In fact, I would venture to say that Obama missed that sermon and a whole lot of others.

As for the comment his wife made, she already explained what she meant. She was talking about being proud of the fact that so many Americans were embracing her husband's candidacy even though he's black. This country's history with racism and slavery is definitely something to be embarassed over. I think she honestly didn't think her husband would have a shot at the Whitehouse

See how you have fallen into this ridiculous "Osama" way of thinking? It's foolishness, Brother, and has no place in this election. Even if Obama is the anti-Christ (another absurdity being circulated among Christians), there would be nothing you could do to stop him.
No, I highly doubt a politician goes back home to their state to attend church. However, I do believe that word gets around and Obama heard about that semon and many more. Rev. Wright is a close friend of Obama, don't you think he would have heard about it? That's what I am saying. Haven't you missed a service and heard about the preaching or teaching from someone; that's what I am getting at. This sermon was something to remember and was talked about.

Please, Michelle is a very bright and intelligent woman. She knows what she said. What does the bible say in Matthew 12:34 for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
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Old 06-13-2008, 04:10 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Barak Obama Clinches Democratic Nomination

Originally Posted by jdm05 View Post
No, I highly doubt a politician goes back home to their state to attend church. However, I do believe that word gets around and Obama heard about that semon and many more. Rev. Wright is a close friend of Obama, don't you think he would have heard about it? That's what I am saying. Haven't you missed a service and heard about the preaching or teaching from someone; that's what I am getting at. This sermon was something to remember and was talked about.

Please, Michelle is a very bright and intelligent woman. She knows what she said. What does the bible say in Matthew 12:34 for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
I am not going to drag this out, but she's already explained what she meant. She hasn't been proven to be a pathological liar, so I have no reason not to believe her.

As for the JW, who knows what did or didn't get back to Obama? It's anybody's guess.
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