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Old 05-16-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover View Post
"SAN FRANCISCO - In a monumental victory for the gay rights movement, the California Supreme Court overturned a voter-approved ban on gay marriage Thursday in a ruling that would allow same-sex couples in the nation's biggest state to tie the knot. "

" Jeanie Rizzo, one of the plaintiffs, called Pali Cooper, her partner of 19 years, and asked, "Pali, will you marry me?" "

Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

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Old 05-16-2008, 04:37 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Gay marriage opponents vow to fight Calif. ruling

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Old 05-16-2008, 04:43 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Gay marriage opponents vow to fight Calif. ruling

Interesting how much time and effort some people put into preventing others from sinning (in their view). Why is that? Do they think those poor misguided people might make it to heaven, if we can only make them stop their sinful ways?

Do they also want laws passed against the ultimate sin -- rejecting Jesus?

Seriously. I don't get it.
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Old 05-16-2008, 05:56 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

More dirt.

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Old 05-16-2008, 09:00 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
They argue that legally civil unions are like having different drinking fountains for whites and blacks. It goes back to the “separate but equal” issues in civil rights. Even if we disagree…that’s where they’re coming from.
You make a great apologist for the gay agenda, but let's can the emotional arguments and appeal to racism and deal with reality. Gays CAN and always HAVE been allowed to enter into a MARRIAGE union just like Heterosexuals. It is NOTHING like blacks and whites and segregation. Gays are not segregated. They are not forced to drink out of special fountains or sit on the back of the bus. Marriages are for a specific purpose. It is NOT to legitimize homosexual couples. It never was. That takes a redefinition of the word and a total flipflop of all social norms. That is not segregation or racism. It's reality. And as for the emotive arguments and appeal to race ...Black people I have heard find it insulting to compare gay rights to racial equality....and as I said already gays already have all the same rights everyone else does. They can marry anyone they want of the opposite sex. Same with Heterosexuals.

The state has no power to “approve” of any private institution or contract. What’s at issue is legal “recognition”.
They just did. Aren't you paying attention. They gave approval to gay marriages. It's not a matter of what the state intended. It's a matter of what the GAY agenda wanted and perceives. As I stated already, in THEIR DELUDED MINDS......See if a higher authority says it is OK for them to marry then they hope this will begin a domino effect that will trickle down to all segments of society. The same effort is being pushed through the media
Now here’s where what you’re saying does come in though. Many Americans seem to think that if the state legalizes something that it’s “approved”. So on a social level of the citizen psyche people might assume it’s approved. That’s where we come in. We preach traditional values and let people know God doesn’t approve.
Wow...you waisted all that time telling me something that means nothing to what I said and here you should that you understood what my point was.

You ever hear the word obfuscation and Red herring arguments?

You’re cherry picking and generalizing.
What the heck does that mean? Show me where or how?

They do the same thing when they say all we want to do is criminalize gay people. Give me a break. Both of y’all on the extremes of each side are making life miserable for the rest of us. LOL
What in the world are you talking about? You aren't making any sense. Nobody said anything about criminalizing gay people...

I know a priest who served as Dean over the Anglican Academy of Columbus. He sees it as a religious liberty issue because he feels his church should have the right to marry whoever they so choose. He argues it well from a religious liberty perspective.
I don't care really....more obfusation. Let's deal with the current topic and keep it relevant. In not interested in "personal interest stories". So what if he sees that. That means nothing to me.

Dude…they say the same things about us.
Dude, I don't care what they say about "us". That proves nothing OTHER than "they say the same thing about us" nor does it disprove anything I said

This is like a war where neither side is willing to learn to live together and stop shooting.
Are you nuts? Nobody is talking about shooting anyone. Nobody is talking about NOT being able to live together. WE live together, We HAVE lived together. I have NO animosity towards gays. I never killed one. I never harassed one. You really are shooting off in the wrong direction

Both sides are going absolutely crazy and feel their side is perfectly justified.
Neither side is going absolutely crazy...look you can make the wildest false emotive claims you want. You can wave your arms frantically and accuse people of all kinds of nasty emotional feelings. It does NOT prove you right or anyone else wrong. Nobody is going crazy. We are discussing somethign pertaining to OUR nation and WE have a right AS Americans to vote HOW we feel is right to do. You sound almost as if you advocate we all just bury our heads in the sand or play see no evil hear no evil and not vote or do anything for what we feel is best for the nation...yet on other threads you are all Mr Politics.

We are Americans. We have a RIGHT to vote and a RIGHT to take political action. It does not require killing people. They do it. They have a very ACTIVE social and political activism network. That is their right. But we have the same right too.

I say this battle will never be “won”.
Battles are always won, wars continue. Any battle we lose it is because of apathy

The amount of money and time it takes away from the Gospel isn’t worth it.
Prove it! Prove ANYONE is taking money away from the gospel. One can make that argument about anything...sell your car and take public transportation and give your money to the gospel.

Give them the rights they want and shut them up.
Huh?!?! Just willy nilly make special rights for 3% of the population? What if the Muslims started demanding special rights JUST for Muslims? Why should anyone JUST give someone what they want? Let's give them the right to abort babies too...oh wait we did that. See the problem with just giving people rights and hoping they shut up? The only problem is they will NOT just shut up. They want to change the thinking of the American conscious to accept the gay lifestyle. See you just are not getting it. Again it is NOT about legalities. With civil unions they have or can have ALL the same privileges as heterosexuals

Don’t want them in the school system? Take your kids to private schools or home school.
You are just repeating yourself not and as I pointed out last time it is NOT that simple. Maybe you got money coming out of your ears but not everyone else does nor can they afford to have a stay at home parent. School is mandatory and as American citizens we have a RIGHT to say HOW our country should go all the way down to the the local schools. WE do it through voting. We do it through contacting representatives. And if YOU don't like it you can take YOUR kid to a private school...just incredible....If you don't like how things are going in your country are you going to take the option to go somewhere else? Or are you going to be apathetic and just wait for the big one to hit and wipe us all out when ALL along you like every other American HAD the ability to make changes.

This is a battle we’re not going to “win”.
OMG....do you realize how often you just repeat yourself ad nauseum?

It’s a never ending battle that will take away from the very reason we’re hear…to reach the lost.
Oh baloney. It does not take that much time or effort and IN THE PROCESS you might meet someone at the polling place and witness to them.

God didn’t call us to sanctify the government.
Oh brother...then don't do ANYTHING other than preach the gospel. Fine, you go ahead and do that. Stop waisting so much time defending Obama....why do you spend so much time NOT preaching the gospel by talking politics? Why are you even here now? You are waisting valuable time and perhaps even money. Get off the internet. Give that money to the gospel. Go out and preach the gospel and lead by example.
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Old 05-16-2008, 09:01 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by My Own Eyes View Post
I'm sorry, for not wording my opinion very well.

I have no problem with homosexual unions. I have no problem with homosexuality as a whole. I say to each their own.

However, I "dislike" the phrase "gay marriage", as by definition marriage is about a husband and a wife. I don't think its a proper term. It's a misnomer.

But I have no problem with their relationships being recognized as having the same legal rights as marriages.
This isn't about them having the same rights "as a marriage" because they can already have that. It really was just about gays getting married...being recognized by the state as a married couple
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Old 05-16-2008, 09:03 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by TheLayman View Post
Hellp Praxeas:

It goes beyond this my friend. I keep trying to tell people that the secular humanist Anti-Christ doctrine is already at war against God's people and against morality. Christians think the war is coming, but it still off in the future somewhere. Newsflash, the war has been here, it's been here for some time, and Christians have allowed themselves to be boxed into a little corner. The point is, strategically Anti-theism has the high ground and Satan isn't taking prisoners.

You see, this is a nation of laws, literally. And often, one law affects another law, and you can have a domino effect. First let me say that "gays" have no "right" to "Marry," unless of course you redefine marriage. So what the courts did in effect was redefine marriage, something the court should not do (but the danger of courts is that they can do anything they want because in that sense they are above the law, especially when you legislate from the bench).

But here's the main thing, the important thing, the real important thing. This isn't about acceptance, this is about direct warfare with "the church." You do realize that Californian has hate speech laws. How long to you think it will be before teaching that homsexuality is immoral, wrong, sinful (pick your word) is said to be hate speech by the "courts" and not protected speech. In other words, the courts are about to take away the church pulpit on this issue and start fining organizations and so forth.

Oh, those leading the "gay rights" agenda will take this one step at a time. First, they need to torpedo an amendment to the state constitution. If that is accomplished, the next move will be on two fronts. The direct frontal assault on the church: Morality vs. Hate Speech as defined by the courts. And gays will go to states where same sex marriage is legal (like California) to get married, return to their own states where the state has made it illegal and then file suit in federal court for civil rights violation and equal protection.

Folks, the anti-Theists have been waging an incredible war. They have convinced the majority of people that Atheist Materialism is actually science, seared the conscious of the majority of America into allowing mothers to "choose" to kill their own children while some stand by and say, "Can't see it from my yard, the blood isn't on my hands," congressman can mock people of faith and call them the "whackos on the Christian right," and so on.

It's about to get ugly, and it's going to be sooner rather than later. Our government is supposed to be "we the people." Better make your vote count, and make your voices heard as best you can.

You are absolutely right. And you have done a great job in pointing out the real issue. And I agree about the hate speech stuff and it about to get ugly. But so many of us are apathetic.
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Old 05-16-2008, 09:09 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
This is the thing. There is no way to legislate conviction. Even if laws were passed that make preaching against homosexuality a sin, there is nothing stopping God from convicting someone of that sin. I think we are too stuck in a mindset of having to hear the preacher specifically name sin for him to be preaching against sin. There is nothing that says a preacher has to name certain sins as such. He can preach against sin, and let God do the convicting on what sin is in someone's life. There seems to be so much fear about this or that happening that I think people are losing sight of the fact that God always leaves himself a way of getting His message across.
That is not necessarily true. Consider that Cornelius still had to send for someone to tell him what he needed to do. We are the light to the world. Faith comes by HEARING. Judgement begins at the house of God. How can they hear unless someone is sent? One sows another waters but God gives the increase. Paul even mentioned how the Jews sought to prevent him from preaching the gospel so that some might be saved. The word of God convicts. If we don't have to name sins why does the bible? We can all just go by what we personally feel.
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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 05-16-2008, 09:10 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by My Own Eyes View Post
A very wise man once shared with me, that God never promised to send us a book to comfort us, and counsel us, to lead us, and to guide us into all truth. However, he did promise to send us something else to do those things, that being The Holy Spirit.

And yet, you Christians seem to place the Bible above all else.
wrong. He sent us Apostles and Prophets and Jesus prayed for all those that would believe on him through THEIR word. He DID promise. He sent His Apostles WITH His Word
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Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 05-16-2008, 09:20 PM
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Re: Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
That is not necessarily true. Consider that Cornelius still had to send for someone to tell him what he needed to do. We are the light to the world. Faith comes by HEARING. Judgement begins at the house of God. How can they hear unless someone is sent? One sows another waters but God gives the increase. Paul even mentioned how the Jews sought to prevent him from preaching the gospel so that some might be saved. The word of God convicts. If we don't have to name sins why does the bible? We can all just go by what we personally feel.
Prax, the point is that a preacher doesn't have to specifically name any sin in order to preach against sin. We're stuck in that mindset that says the preacher has to tell me what's wrong in my life. The preacher doesn't have to spell out what is sin for God to be able to convict someone of their sin. A preacher can preach a generalized message on sinning against God, and God can then do the convicting. No one is talking about not preaching the Gospel. The Gospel is the death, burial, and ressurection of Jesus, not the preacher telling you what specific areas you are falling short on.
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