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View Poll Results: Would Condi Rice make a good VP?
Yes. 24 72.73%
No. 8 24.24%
WHAT kind of rice??????? 1 3.03%
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Old 05-05-2008, 11:07 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
well, I would have voted for her over any of the other candidates running.

hands down. but she didnt run....

i agree JM aiht sharing the stage. the only catch is, he can be self distructive. but conventional wisdom inside the beltway is she would be good, and McCain tends to look at beltway conventional wisdom and do the opposite.
he does love going against the grain for some reason, dotn you love that hilary tried to lay it on gwb that a company left indiana and went to china, and her husband is the one that did it, lol hilarious stuff, lol
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Old 05-05-2008, 11:21 AM
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
he does love going against the grain for some reason, dotn you love that hilary tried to lay it on gwb that a company left indiana and went to china, and her husband is the one that did it, lol hilarious stuff, lol
right now, I want her to save all her stupid stuff until after tomorrow.

we need her to win Indy and come close in NC.

she needs a slight lead in the popular vote.
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Old 05-05-2008, 11:29 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
right now, I want her to save all her stupid stuff until after tomorrow.

we need her to win Indy and come close in NC.

she needs a slight lead in the popular vote.
that is just funny, well i guess we can hope for that, for sure, dt
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Old 05-05-2008, 01:25 PM
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
right now, I want her to save all her stupid stuff until after tomorrow.

we need her to win Indy and come close in NC.

she needs a slight lead in the popular vote.
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Old 05-05-2008, 04:49 PM
Mosby48 Mosby48 is offline
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Since those "Secret Torture Dens around the world" are no longer "secret" would you care to identify a single one and to also identify who the victims of this "torture" were?

Can't do that can you? Just making stuff up and exaggerating the claims made the Left aren't we? Since when is yelling and loud music "torture?" Ever been to an Apostolic camp meeting?
Some of the "dens" are still secret but those indentified are France, Libya, Egypt, Qatar, and South Africa. I don't make stuff up just to justify a story. If you have the nerve read the latest "Washington Monthly". Totally about our torture and the spots they were done. Quotes by numerous Republican, administration, Democratic, and military participants on the futility, inaccuracy, and un-American actions being taken in the name of "security". It seems our military, prior to 9/11, had determined that information given under torture is unreliable and usually inaccurate. Seems the tortured will say anything to get the pain to stop.
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Old 05-05-2008, 05:25 PM
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by Mosby48 View Post
Some of the "dens" are still secret but those indentified are France, Libya, Egypt, Qatar, and South Africa. I don't make stuff up just to justify a story. If you have the nerve read the latest "Washington Monthly". Totally about our torture and the spots they were done. Quotes by numerous Republican, administration, Democratic, and military participants on the futility, inaccuracy, and un-American actions being taken in the name of "security". It seems our military, prior to 9/11, had determined that information given under torture is unreliable and usually inaccurate. Seems the tortured will say anything to get the pain to stop.
I hear your point... but there are 2 things to consider:

Professional interrogators have ways of vetting the information they get, to judge whether the intel is authentic or not.

Besides, if we had captured a couple of terrorists on 9/10/01... and torturing them ended up preventing the horror of September 11th, I think I'd be okay with that. And if torturing one person ends up saving the lives of thousands, in the end I think I can still sleep pretty well at night.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

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Old 05-05-2008, 05:32 PM
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by Mosby48 View Post
Some of the "dens" are still secret but those indentified are France, Libya, Egypt, Qatar, and South Africa. I don't make stuff up just to justify a story. If you have the nerve read the latest "Washington Monthly". Totally about our torture and the spots they were done. Quotes by numerous Republican, administration, Democratic, and military participants on the futility, inaccuracy, and un-American actions being taken in the name of "security". It seems our military, prior to 9/11, had determined that information given under torture is unreliable and usually inaccurate. Seems the tortured will say anything to get the pain to stop.
Well, I had the nerve to google "Washington Monthly" and I think I found you recommended journal. I even had the nerve to read down the list of articles but didn't find anything about "secret prisons." Going through the links proved exhausting, boring and fruitless.

Totally what? How about a link? Either that or I'm calling your doctor.

And quoting mining is a serious past time for journalists. How about you give me some examples of "the futility, inaccuracy, and un-American actions being taken in the name of "security""?

"Futility?" It's a dangerous world and I'm sure we'll find some common ground on that point. The rest of the anti-American diatribe? I'm still waiting.

"Totally"??? Here's the link I found. What are you looking at? We need some examples of US government authorized and sanctioned torture post 9/11. Give me these examples so that I can register my complaint with my congressman.
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Old 05-06-2008, 07:45 AM
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Well, I had the nerve to google "Washington Monthly" and I think I found you recommended journal. I even had the nerve to read down the list of articles but didn't find anything about "secret prisons." Going through the links proved exhausting, boring and fruitless.

Totally what? How about a link? Either that or I'm calling your doctor.

And quoting mining is a serious past time for journalists. How about you give me some examples of "the futility, inaccuracy, and un-American actions being taken in the name of "security""?

"Futility?" It's a dangerous world and I'm sure we'll find some common ground on that point. The rest of the anti-American diatribe? I'm still waiting.

"Totally"??? Here's the link I found. What are you looking at? We need some examples of US government authorized and sanctioned torture post 9/11. Give me these examples so that I can register my complaint with my congressman.
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Old 05-06-2008, 08:40 AM
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Re: Would Condoleeza Rice make a good VP?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Well, I had the nerve to google "Washington Monthly" and I think I found you recommended journal. I even had the nerve to read down the list of articles but didn't find anything about "secret prisons." Going through the links proved exhausting, boring and fruitless.

Totally what? How about a link? Either that or I'm calling your doctor.

And quoting mining is a serious past time for journalists. How about you give me some examples of "the futility, inaccuracy, and un-American actions being taken in the name of "security""?

"Futility?" It's a dangerous world and I'm sure we'll find some common ground on that point. The rest of the anti-American diatribe? I'm still waiting.

"Totally"??? Here's the link I found. What are you looking at? We need some examples of US government authorized and sanctioned torture post 9/11. Give me these examples so that I can register my complaint with my congressman.
Mosby appears to be about as American as a college professor.
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