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Old 04-24-2008, 12:39 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

I have read this site and I do agree with many things that you have said also... I am not saying I think this was the right thing to do... just how some things appear. I have to head to Physical therapy in a few so I cant respond more right now but will later. And if I have indeed read and been told accurately where this branch began.. then yes this is indeed the exact group my great uncle was involved with. He had been forced from all of his family and well.... He was via my adoptive family but I have heard that I have more cousins by him than I could count with all the rest of my family...

I think there were many things done wrong however...Some things where done for the safety of the children and whether it was done right or not. At least they didnt leave them to rot in a bad situation. It would be nice if they had accurate information when they went in... but they didnt as far as the caller was concerned. But then we also are aware that they were investigation this same group before this incident.. I think they took it as one more thing.. not enough evidence but we will go ahead and go on in which was yes very wrong... but at least we didnt have another Waco.
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Old 04-24-2008, 12:43 PM
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
Wouldn't you do the same? The pictures also contradict the stories of a cult that was not allowed to smile or express emotion.
did the site address the alligation of rape?

remember that part? 13 year old girls being forced to marry?

if it isnt found, then they all go home. if however, they find a single 13 year old that got knocked up, then every single adult in that compound is guilty.
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Old 04-24-2008, 12:44 PM
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
1. What has this got to do with most of the children and parents? Why do they have the youngest children now? There have been no allegations of sexual abuse of young children. Where is the immediate danger for most of these children but for not caring for their religous ideas?
This is standard operating procedure with CPS in any reported cases of abuse. Why would they NOT? How could they take the chance and leave some behind?

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
2. Even if Texas finds evidence that some parents allowed teenage girls to "wed" that doesn't justify removing and traumatizing hundreds of children; especially given that they were ill-equipped to handle such a thing.
They didn't act on an allegation of 'marriage/polygamy', they acted on a report of rape and abuse.

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
3. As of 2004 it was legal to marry a 14 year old in Texas. As of 2007; Texas had the higest teen pregnancy rate in the nation. In fact, one out of four teenage births was to a minor mother who had already given birth at least one other time. Did they take those children away? I think not.
Were these cases of rape/abuse? I would like to see stats on the ratio of criminal behavior associated with these cases, and who was prosecuted for what. Either way, this really has no bearing on the actions against this cult.

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
4. I don't believe this is the same group your uncle knew. One can never step into the same river flow twice. I would also point out that it would be very unfair to judge a typical Apostolic church by snake handlers in the Ozarks.

5. The group prayed instead of taking up arms to defend themselves. The credit for peacefulness under extreme duress should go to the community not Texas.
Again, this is after the fact. I'm sure the authorities acted in the manner they felt was best given the unknown circumstances.

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
6. I believe the writers intent about drugs and prostitutes went to the opportunity to get the kids back instead of automatically filing for termination.

Finally, I would ask you to go and view this website....

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Old 04-24-2008, 12:50 PM
Newman Newman is offline
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
did the site address the alligation of rape?

remember that part? 13 year old girls being forced to marry?

if it isnt found, then they all go home. if however, they find a single 13 year old that got knocked up, then every single adult in that compound is guilty.
All the interviews I have seen deny that any bride is forced to marry.

WOW. Every single adult is guilty for one pregnant 13 year old? And they who came to Texas when the legal age for marriage was 14 should lose their children forever?
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Old 04-24-2008, 12:54 PM
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
Wouldn't you do the same? The pictures also contradict the stories of a cult that was not allowed to smile or express emotion.
I haven't heard that they were not allowed to smile or express emotion...but I HAVE seen that they are pretty expressionless. Maybe it's just the stress of it all, and they aren't showing their emotions in public as much as they would behind closed doors.
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Old 04-24-2008, 01:00 PM
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
All the interviews I have seen deny that any bride is forced to marry.

WOW. Every single adult is guilty for one pregnant 13 year old? And they who came to Texas when the legal age for marriage was 14 should lose their children forever?
you honestly think the interviews of members there are going to just tell the world that 13 year olds are getting married off?

Newman, in texas if you are sitting in the car when a friend goes into a store and robs the place, you get the same charge as the guy with the gun.

the adults in that compound all know what happens. we arent talking about a town of 500 people. they all know each other.

yes.... IF and it is a very big IF. I believe the age of consent in Texas is 16 not 14.

however, if they find no evidence of rape, then I and everyone else should be very intent on these people getting their families back.
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Old 04-24-2008, 01:05 PM
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Originally Posted by The Mrs View Post
This is standard operating procedure with CPS in any reported cases of abuse. Why would they NOT? How could they take the chance and leave some behind?

Again, this is after the fact. I'm sure the authorities acted in the manner they felt was best given the unknown circumstances.
The Mrs- The issue is about assigning collective guilt to the whole community because of the actions of a handful of people, if that.

A second issue goes to the very flimsy evidence they had before they began DNA testing. Could/or would that have been authorized if the phone call was known to be a hoax?

A third issue would go to how responsible we should hold mothers given the environment they were themselves raised in.

A fourth issue goes to what Texas could have done to prevent this sudden trauma and upheaval of the children.

For instance having meetings with all teenagers and letting them know there was life on the outside and a way out when they wanted; and letting the community know they would be monitored regarding future marriages and collective guilt by association.

The bottom line is that I have never seen or heard of taking out a whole community because of child abuse of a few children at the hands of specific individuals. What is going on in your church or neighborhood?
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Old 04-24-2008, 01:07 PM
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Newman, in a closed environment even with a "parental consent" do you think a 14 year old has the capasity to refuse marriage?
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Old 04-24-2008, 01:16 PM
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
The Mrs- The issue is about assigning collective guilt to the whole community because of the actions of a handful of people, if that.

A second issue goes to the very flimsy evidence they had before they began DNA testing. Could/or would that have been authorized if the phone call was known to be a hoax?

A third issue would go to how responsible we should hold mothers given the environment they were themselves raised in.

A fourth issue goes to what Texas could have done to prevent this sudden trauma and upheaval of the children.

For instance having meetings with all teenagers and letting them know there was life on the outside and a way out when they wanted; and letting the community know they would be monitored regarding future marriages and collective guilt by association.

The bottom line is that I have never seen or heard of taking out a whole community because of child abuse of a few children at the hands of specific individuals. What is going on in your church or neighborhood?
I think this is the crux of the problem right here. From everything that I've been seeing, this group was very evasive when this first happened. They wouldn't give last names, they kept changing their names. They wouldn't give the names of their mothers or fathers. The authorities didn't know who was related to who, and which child came from which family. How could they NOT order DNA testing, and how could they leave any one of the children behind?

I think their hands were tied. They had no other choice.
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Old 04-24-2008, 01:23 PM
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Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
you honestly think the interviews of members there are going to just tell the world that 13 year olds are getting married off?

Newman, in texas if you are sitting in the car when a friend goes into a store and robs the place, you get the same charge as the guy with the gun.

the adults in that compound all know what happens. we arent talking about a town of 500 people. they all know each other.

yes.... IF and it is a very big IF. I believe the age of consent in Texas is 16 not 14.

however, if they find no evidence of rape, then I and everyone else should be very intent on these people getting their families back.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. I would even be willing to pitch in with a donation to do just that. But I doubt that will be the outcome of this all, as I keep hearing news reports of the 'compelling evidence' in the face of the fact that the initial abuse report from 'Sarah' was a hoax.

On a brighter note...

It was just reported that these children are being farmed out to foster homes. Apparently they are not breaking all the children up, but they are going to GROUP HOMES. I think this is excellent. They are trying to be very careful to accomodate these children and allow them to live in a manner they are accustomed to regarding their diets, clothing, and schooling.

They are trying to be sensitive to the fact that these children are different and are trying to reduce the trauma and affects of being away from their homes as much as they can. I think this is greatly commendable.
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