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Old 03-17-2008, 10:18 AM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

It says that the policies and decisions of this current administration has done more damage to this country than good-- in the eyes of most Americans. Why on earth is everyone so "hungry for change"?
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Old 03-17-2008, 10:40 AM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
Ferd, I have a lot of admiration and respect for you, but don't you think that this is a pretty desperate reason to vote for someone? Practicality? I think that it is a shame we can't get someone who is better than what is being offered. What does this say for the USA when all we get is a bunch of flops for a choice?
My first preference? no. Desperate? also no.

Easty, we live in a world that has certain rules.

Gravity for instance, if you toss a baseball up in the air, you had better watch its trajectory least you end up with a knot on your noggin.

the same is true in politics. The simple fact is, we have exactly 3 choices on who the next president will be. if I go with the moral choice, I honestly dont have much of a leg to stand on. Obama seems to be the most "church going" fellow of the bunch but honestly one cannot make the claim that he will be a strong "moral" voice in America, he has just had to repudiate his pastor for goodness sake!

McCain' morality is a mixed bag. if you listen to Chris Hall, McCain eats babies.

Hillary...well vince foster should be enough to prevent anyone from naming her "Miss. Morality"

so that option is out.

Political position? I am well to the right of all 3. but McCain is closer to me than the other two. so, practically while McCain isnt what I am, he is much closer thus my vote is one of practicality.

Life is what it is. these are the options. I cant vote for the Queen of England or Ronald Reagan. One is dead and the other is constituationally excluded.
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Old 03-17-2008, 10:45 AM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

vote for the one i can live with the easiest, it wont ever be a lib, lol, dt
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Old 03-17-2008, 10:46 AM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
It says that the policies and decisions of this current administration has done more damage to this country than good-- in the eyes of most Americans. Why on earth is everyone so "hungry for change"?

you know, i have my dissapointments with this administration. spending is much higher than I would like to see but quite a bit.

the Surge in Iraq didnt happen fast enough. (personally I would have let Rummy go about 3 years into the first term).

we are looking at a pretty nasty economic cycle but it is more about preditory banking than about Presidential policy.

Juxtipose that with
the tax cuts worked to get us out of the Clinton resession.

We have not had another terrorist attack on the USA since 9/11 while stopping nearly a dozen plots.

GWB has appointed 2 extremely solid justices to the supreme court.

sorry. on balance, I just dont understand your disaffection.
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Old 03-17-2008, 12:24 PM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

What Clinton Recession? There was the dot.com bust, but most folks when they mention and think of Clinton, including me, do not remember a recession. I do remember the recession that ended the Presidency of Bush Sr. "READ MY LIPS-- NO NEW TAXES!" I was in 8th grade for that.

Kudos for GWB's appointing of Conservative judges to the Supreme Court.

Kudos for GWB's financial support of AIDS research and medical assistance to third world countries grappling with the disease.

Kudos for GWB's support of religious non-profit organizations.

Maybe there is something else positive-- oh yeah my pay is much better under him than it ever was under Clinton. Kudos for that for sure!

However, my disaffection is rooted in the idea that when I voted for GWB, I was voting for a Christian, a solid Christian that would carry out his terms in an ethical way. He used a line from that song, "Power in the Blood of the Lamb!" I know I wasn't the only one who saw the poster of GWB, Gen CP, and that other guy praying, suggesting that this is what they would do and indeed always did before their meetings-- suggesting that their decisions would be led and inspired by God more so than any other person who could have been elected.

For my civilian job, I work at the DOJ in DC. The U.S. Attorney firings that happened across the country was so uncalled for and so blatantly political. I wonder did they pray before making that decision! I have even been warned that if "the wrong person" was to overhear a couple of my remarks discussing my disdain over that and other issues I have had with this administration, I could even lose my job! They were serious and they were trying to instill into me a certain fear, of which I soundly rejected.
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Old 03-17-2008, 12:25 PM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

We agree on our sentiments for "Rummy". In fact, OIF has been based on deception from the beginning! We never had to lie to go into Iraq! When they shot at American aircraft patrolling the no fly zone, that was an act of war and reason enough to invade.

I am glad we are in Iraq. it is in America's best interest to have a strong presence in the Middle East and Iraq was the doorway that we bust through to accomplish that. It was the way we did it I find very dishonest. It is my hunch that there is a bigger reason, a bigger man-oriented plan in affect over there and we will not see it to fruition for another 20 years.

When things go well, we give GWB the kudos-- but they haven't gone as well as they could have gone, so we are willing to look the other way. You will be hard pressed to find any Republican willing to hold GWB accountable for the mistakes of OIF and OEF-- but the buck stops with him.

We do not focus enough energy, resources, manpower on Afghanistan-- the clearer American enemy and threat! Iraq has become more of an enemy-- but only since our invasion.

If good financial times were happening right now, we'd find a way to connect it to the Republicans and GWB, but since that is not the case, we try to look the other way.

By the way, do you honestly think that the money being spent on OIF and OEF would be spent on education, healthcare, crumbling infrastructure, or research for alternative fuels if those two wars were not happening? I can assure you, "NO" those dollars would have never been INVESTED on those issues because these issues are not important to GWB or to many of his coffers.

When it comes to accountability, mayor of New Orleans, Gov of LA, FEMA and ultimately, GWB, let down AMERICANS with their inadequate response to hurricane Katrina. Thousands of AMERICANS are still suffering because of that. Of course, the insurance companies did not have to pay out thousands of dollars to the AMERICANS who had paid faithfully on their policies for years!

The fact that there hasn't been another attack on the U.S is a good thing to bring up. Kudos for GWB for that-- but if Gore had been elected when 911 happened and if nothing else happened after that, would we be willing to think the Democrat Gore really had something to do with it?

GWB happened to be Pres when it happened and I am grateful to God that there hasn't been another attack. However, attaching GWB to the lack of a terrorist attack is similar to that former NY mayor trying to find national credibility for his "role" in responding to and "preventing" another attack on NY. That former mayor is a loser of the worst sorts! I won't type his name, I won't defile my computer keyboard!!!

Truth is, our society is too open to really thwart another attack of great magnitude if the attackers are determined.

If I have to choose between freedom and legislation to protect security, I choose freedom. I am not sure that is the idea of this administration.

If I think long enough, I can come up with more stuff to complain about this admin, and that is vain. The truth is, I am going to do what I got to do, whether or whoever is elected.

It's just the Repubs. will be hard pressed to get my vote so blindly, ever again. I mean, I really bought in to the "Christian Right's" portrayal of GWB. He could do no wrong, but indeed he has and his bad decisions have cost lives and fortunes while oil companies are more profitable now than ever before!

The economy and the dollar were on the downward slide before the foreclosure crisis. The predatory lending practices of many banks only exacerbated a bad situation. Thanks GWB!!!
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Old 03-17-2008, 12:41 PM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

gwb is more powerful than even i thought, not only is he responsible for the coming recession it seems, but now he controlled the mortgage lenders, too, by the way economically by definition, the country was in recession 6 monts before and after gwb took office, and came out of it in the summer of 2001, technically speaking, but that is gwbs fault too, i guess, come on, dt
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Old 03-17-2008, 12:45 PM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
Ferd, I have a lot of admiration and respect for you, but don't you think that this is a pretty desperate reason to vote for someone? Practicality? I think that it is a shame we can't get someone who is better than what is being offered. What does this say for the USA when all we get is a bunch of flops for a choice?
I think we Christians are looking for too perfect of a candidate. I think when it comes to politics the following prayer is very important:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Sometimes we spend all our time, money, emotional energies, prayers, and efforts focused on things we really cannot change and in the process we fail to support and/or address the things we can.

Our perspective has to mature into the 21st century and we have to take this world as it is and quit demanding that it be the way we want it. It never will be the way we want it. One day it will be the way Christ wants it...but until then we must realize things are what they are.

The Republicans have us so misfocused in their feverish efforts to lock us up as a voting block. And ultimately, the Repblicans have no intention on addressin gthe issues we're focused upon. Let's not forget that there are very important issues that the Democrats and others are willing to address...
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 03-17-2008, 12:49 PM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

you talkin again, whatever, lol,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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Old 03-17-2008, 12:49 PM
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Re: How Do You Vote?

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
What Clinton Recession? There was the dot.com bust, but most folks when they mention and think of Clinton, including me, do not remember a recession. I do remember the recession that ended the Presidency of Bush Sr. "READ MY LIPS-- NO NEW TAXES!" I was in 8th grade for that.

Kudos for GWB's appointing of Conservative judges to the Supreme Court.

Kudos for GWB's financial support of AIDS research and medical assistance to third world countries grappling with the disease.

Kudos for GWB's support of religious non-profit organizations.

Maybe there is something else positive-- oh yeah my pay is much better under him than it ever was under Clinton. Kudos for that for sure!

However, my disaffection is rooted in the idea that when I voted for GWB, I was voting for a Christian, a solid Christian that would carry out his terms in an ethical way. He used a line from that song, "Power in the Blood of the Lamb!" I know I wasn't the only one who saw the poster of GWB, Gen CP, and that other guy praying, suggesting that this is what they would do and indeed always did before their meetings-- suggesting that their decisions would be led and inspired by God more so than any other person who could have been elected.

For my civilian job, I work at the DOJ in DC. The U.S. Attorney firings that happened across the country was so uncalled for and so blatantly political. I wonder did they pray before making that decision! I have even been warned that if "the wrong person" was to overhear a couple of my remarks discussing my disdain over that and other issues I have had with this administration, I could even lose my job! They were serious and they were trying to instill into me a certain fear, of which I soundly rejected.
First of all, in 2000 the last year of Clintons presidency was a resession year.

secondly suggesting that the ATTg. Fireings was somehow unethical because they were polictial is a misnomer at best!

ALL Attorney's General serve at the pleasure of the sitting president. He can walk in a fire a guy because he doesnt like his shoes. Clinton asked for and recieved resignation letters from ALL AoGs did anyone call that unethical?

what an insanly silly idea.

GWB has not been ethical if you are a wild eyed liberal and you hate republicans. good grief.
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