TR, while I dont know if DA is serious, I do know that Che doesnt make the rank and file democrat's stomach turn.
True, but he makes the stomachs of not only conservatives, but many moderates, turn.
I think if the Republicans portray Obama as being as far to the left as he really is, he might not be as much of a shoo-in as many people now think.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
We may have to get used to hearing those terrible words.
To me, its a scary thought, that this man could be elected President of The United States less than 9 months from now. But it's starting to look more and more likely.
Latest poll numbers have Obama leading McCain by an average of 4.5%.
Interestingly, polls show McCain beating Hillary, but losing to Obama.
The the skin color thing is less and less of an issue today. But maybe his inexperience is a good reason for him to lose (not to mention his ultra liberal views being out of touch with much of middle America).
I mean, would you give the keys to your Mercedes to someone who just got their drivers license yesterday?
TR, as far as I am concerned a persons skin color means ziltch.
Louisiana just righted a wrong they did by not electing Bobby Jindal 4 years ago. (they just elected him 2 hurricans's too late)
I was mad as a wet hin when he was defeated the last time. and he lost because he was Indian and no other reason.
but I would not vote for Barak Obama for dog catcher. he is a massive liberal with vertually NO experience.
The good news is he is smart. when he utterly fails, they wont be able to blame his lack of intelegence. they will have to accept the fact that it is the stupid liberal policies that are wrong.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
TR, as far as I am concerned a persons skin color means ziltch.
Louisiana just righted a wrong they did by not electing Bobby Jindal 4 years ago. (they just elected him 2 hurricans's too late)
I was mad as a wet hin when he was defeated the last time. and he lost because he was Indian and no other reason.
but I would not vote for Barak Obama for dog catcher. he is a massive liberal with vertually NO experience.
The good news is he is smart. when he utterly fails, they wont be able to blame his lack of intelegence. they will have to accept the fact that it is the stupid liberal policies that are wrong.
McKain doesn't have a chance agains the momentum of Obama's candidacy.
The regional office of a political party and it's decor is not not necessarily representative of the candidate ...
Are there pictures of Robert E. Lee in the offices of politicos in South Carolina? There are confederate flags for sure.
Or pictures of David Duke and Strom Thurman in a Republican office.
Let's be real.
I am being real. You're missing my point, unless maybe you're just trying to be contrary as you seem to so often do.
The concept is simple "birds of a feather flock together".
The issue is that by his supporters brazenly having Che Guevara flags for all to see, they're displaying a far-left socialist bent that is out of touch with most of the American population.
Now you get real.. if there was a Nazi flag in Huckabee's campaign office, you dont think it would/should raise eyebrows?
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
I think it is incumbent upon us as Christians to support the canidates who have a reasonable chance of winning that best reflect Christian values. That is really all we can do.
If Christians throw away their votes on fringe 3rd party canidates or stay home on election day they have speeded up the move you described by allowing the election of liberal forces.
An example of this is the effect the midget Perot had on the 1992 election when he split the vote and insured Bill Clinton won even though Clinton had less than 40% of the popular vote.
i agree, skin color dont matter, it is what he believes and he believes in socailism, if condi ran i would vote for her in a minute, and she is a woman and............., i rest my case, i vote for the person not the color of there skin, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
I am being real. You're missing my point, unless maybe you're just trying to be contrary as you seem to so often do.
The concept is simple "birds of a feather flock together".
The issue is that by his supporters brazenly having Che Guevara flags for all to see, they're displaying a far-left socialist bent that is out of touch with most of the American population.
Now you get real.. if there was a Nazi flag in Huckabee's campaign office, you dont think it would/should raise eyebrows?
There are extremists on both sides ... so to use the affinities of those on the extreme is irresponsible ...
Most Americans will vote based on the moderate values they know ... and the beauty of our system is that candidates are accountable to their constituents.
McKain doesn't have a chance agains the momentum of Obama's candidacy.
You may be right but I don't think Obama can keep up the smoke and mirrors in the general election.
He has teeny bobbers all excited but what happens when he starts having to be specific? When he can't just intone "Hope!" and "Change!" at every stop.
There is also a chance that when adult voters start really thinking about a guy with just two years experience in the Senate and just state legislator experience before that heading up America in these difficult times they may prefer McCain.
I agree Obama has great momemtum but remember all of this adoration is from base Democrats who are very left wing anyway.