march -04 first post on an "apostolic themed" db.
Nov '04 - mid '05 self-imposed exile to re-evaluate if there is edification in these types of engagements with the brethren.
Addict? that would be an on-going condition that would be wide open door to some condemnation setting up house. I will confess that on several occassions I have been so appreciative of the opportunity to engage the brethren in topics that matter to me, that I have not exercised reasonable judgement concering the amount of time spent doing so.
I resolutely impose voluntary seperations from this kind of activity when I feel the urging by the Spirit of truth (and I accept the involuntary ones when seeking, study, family, making money, and raking leaves need priority)
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]