Originally Posted by Rico
This all sounds good, but it's off the mark. The reason premiums are as high as they are is because the healthcare system in this country is profit driven. It's all about making money. Insurance companies are in business to make money, period. Granted, the uninsured are part of the problem, but they're not the sole reason why premiums are as high as they are. Greed is the reason.
Most of the hospitals in the US, the place where most of the expensive healthcare is given are not-for-profit. The insurance plans are a mixed bag. My wife is a senior manager in the nation's largest not-for-profit hospital accounts payable system. Yet our health insurance provider there is the largest private for-profit entity, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Looking at their numbers I see them greedily raking about 5% into their net income. Sheesh, you wonder how they stay in business.
The largest HMO in the country is
Kaiser Permanente and they have $34.4 billion in operating revenue with about $1.4 billion of net income. Assuming that they pay their "fair share" of the taxes, the share holders must receive something under 3% on total revenue. Those are slim margins. Not much room for greed here.
For comparison purposes, my employer - a privately held IT services provider operates on a profit margin of between 25 - 30 percent. And no one has called them "greedy." Hey, they took me in from off the streets, they must have some heart.
But those are big numbers overall in the healthcare field. And what's more, the entire U.S. healthcare industry equates to something like 20% of the entire US economy. One fifth! That's huge. If a single political party could get their hands on one fifth of the largest economy in the world, then they would become the most powerful political force in the world.
Ah... now we see where the greed really lies. The free market (more or less; often less) US health care system is open and entrepeneurs can offer services like medical billing and record keeping services. A lot of the "work from home" radio comercials direct people into these programs.
Also, a doctor can hang his or her shingle up anywhere they want. If they prefer a rural setting and don't mind a bit less income, then that's where they go. If they're a hard charging alpha type and want big bucks and the cutting edge then they can go to any city they want. That's freedom.