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Old 02-01-2008, 08:59 AM
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Dear Partners,

Please read every single word of this letter. I feel the anointing oh so very strong this exact moment. It's as if the hand of God is writing this letter to you! That's how important this letter is......"Before I knew you. I formed you in your mother's womb to be a prophet to the nations." My friend, these were the exact words that the Holy Spirit whispered to me while I was growing up. As a girl in Chicago and Mississippi, I wasn't quite sure what all that meant, until God got a hold of my life and transformed me into His prophetess. My life was not perfect, but all agong, the hand of God was upon me. I eventually and miraculously embraced the Spirit of God---now, I am supposed to minister to YOU. Yes, you, Sis. Phyl....

I cannot express to you how much the anointing has overcome me as I write this PERSONAL letter to you.

If there is one thing that people can say about Juanita Bynum, is that---"She obeys the leading of the Holy Spirit!" And that's exactly what I have done this very moment. The Holy Spirit has impressed me to give you specific words of EXHORTATION and ENCOURAGEMENT! It is God's will for you to prosper!

"Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper anad be in health even as your soul prospers" What an amazing statement this is! My friend, THIS IS FOR YOU! God told me to share this nugget of truth with you, so you will not be under any bondage, but you may be FREED by the Holy Spirit to make more money! It is my desire that you meditate on that scripture for a moment and let it sink deep into your spirit. God is saying that above all else He desires for us and our well being...

We're in a very special Spirit-directed communication and relationship, so I am going to ask you a very personal question. Just how much money do you want from God? How much of a financial miracle are you seeking?

I've enclosed a very special anointed "point of contact" for your financial miracle! It is a green ribbon. Yes green represents MONEY. A financial miracle for YOU! Remember, obedience is also a part of your financial miracle. Please follow my specific, anointed instuctions here.......
1. TAke your "Financial Prosperity Prayer Page" and indicate the monetary miracle you are seeking God for. This will be totally confidential--just between you and me. I will take it into my private prayer room and pray immediately.
2. Cut the green ribbon I have enclosed in half with scissors or a knife, like in half. Keep one part of the ribbon as an ongoing point of contact and prayer reminder for your financial miracle.
3. Place the green ribbon on your dresser, under your pillow, in your checkbook, in the Bible, or wherever you wish, maybe even on top of your bills, overnight...as you continue to pray.
4. RETURN TO ME one portion of the green ribbon within 24 hours, along with your Prayer Page.
5. SEND YOUR SPECIAL SEED FAITH CHECK OR OFFERING that you are also using as a point of contact for your financial miracle. God sees your heart and your checkbook.
Now begin to praise Him and thank Him for YOUR financial miracle. It is yours...in the mighty Name of Jesus, Whom I serve.

In Covenant relationship with you for your Financial miracle,

Juanita Bynum

Did you sign up to be on her mailing list just so you could receive these letters for entertainment value?
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Old 02-01-2008, 09:08 AM
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

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Old 02-01-2008, 09:10 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

Originally Posted by Tina View Post

Did you sign up to be on her mailing list just so you could receive these letters for entertainment value?
I am betting one of his "prosperity doctrine believer" friends gets these on a regular basis and forwards them to him!!!!
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Old 02-01-2008, 09:11 AM
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

How can people be suckered in by charlatans like this? I just don't get it!
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Old 02-01-2008, 09:21 AM
Mercy Mercy is offline
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
How can people be suckered in by charlatans like this? I just don't get it!

We are emotional people. All it takes is for someone to get a hold on your emotions and you will do anything.

Right before Christmas we had a guest speaker at our church that I get that "money hungry" vibe from...yet he is a really good speaker so folks love him. He gets the crowd "hype" so to speak.

On this particular Sunday I was extra sad because the move of God was obvious...our children were pleading on the alter (10 and below) and I was cry out to God so deeply for thier souls. What an awesome time for these babies to recieve the best gift ever for Christmas.

In all that....the speaker grabbed a hold to the "excited emotions" in the room and asked for a $500 offering. I was sad. Instead of calling on the elders/parents to come and work with the children, he asked for money.

On the up side I know of one teen that recieved the Holy Ghost that day. But imagine what it would have been like if the attention was turned to the souls on the altar, and not the money in my checking account.
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Old 02-01-2008, 09:33 AM
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

Originally Posted by Tina View Post

Did you sign up to be on her mailing list just so you could receive these letters for entertainment value?

I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
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Old 02-01-2008, 09:44 AM
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
My thoughts (or retching!) exactly!
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Old 02-01-2008, 12:55 PM
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Dear Partners,

Please read every single word of this letter. I feel the anointing oh so very strong this exact moment. It's as if the hand of God is writing this letter to you! That's how important this letter is......"Before I knew you. I formed you in your mother's womb to be a prophet to the nations." My friend, these were the exact words that the Holy Spirit whispered to me while I was growing up. As a girl in Chicago and Mississippi, I wasn't quite sure what all that meant, until God got a hold of my life and transformed me into His prophetess. My life was not perfect, but all agong, the hand of God was upon me. I eventually and miraculously embraced the Spirit of God---now, I am supposed to minister to YOU. Yes, you, Sis. Phyl....

I cannot express to you how much the anointing has overcome me as I write this PERSONAL letter to you.

If there is one thing that people can say about Juanita Bynum, is that---"She obeys the leading of the Holy Spirit!" And that's exactly what I have done this very moment. The Holy Spirit has impressed me to give you specific words of EXHORTATION and ENCOURAGEMENT! It is God's will for you to prosper!

"Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper anad be in health even as your soul prospers" What an amazing statement this is! My friend, THIS IS FOR YOU! God told me to share this nugget of truth with you, so you will not be under any bondage, but you may be FREED by the Holy Spirit to make more money! It is my desire that you meditate on that scripture for a moment and let it sink deep into your spirit. God is saying that above all else He desires for us and our well being...

We're in a very special Spirit-directed communication and relationship, so I am going to ask you a very personal question. Just how much money do you want from God? How much of a financial miracle are you seeking?

I've enclosed a very special anointed "point of contact" for your financial miracle! It is a green ribbon. Yes green represents MONEY. A financial miracle for YOU! Remember, obedience is also a part of your financial miracle. Please follow my specific, anointed instuctions here.......
1. TAke your "Financial Prosperity Prayer Page" and indicate the monetary miracle you are seeking God for. This will be totally confidential--just between you and me. I will take it into my private prayer room and pray immediately.
2. Cut the green ribbon I have enclosed in half with scissors or a knife, like in half. Keep one part of the ribbon as an ongoing point of contact and prayer reminder for your financial miracle.
3. Place the green ribbon on your dresser, under your pillow, in your checkbook, in the Bible, or wherever you wish, maybe even on top of your bills, overnight...as you continue to pray.
4. RETURN TO ME one portion of the green ribbon within 24 hours, along with your Prayer Page.
5. SEND YOUR SPECIAL SEED FAITH CHECK OR OFFERING that you are also using as a point of contact for your financial miracle. God sees your heart and your checkbook.
Now begin to praise Him and thank Him for YOUR financial miracle. It is yours...in the mighty Name of Jesus, Whom I serve.

In Covenant relationship with you for your Financial miracle,

Juanita Bynum
I can see by the salutaion just how "PERSONAL" the letter is.
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Old 02-01-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Is this letter unbelievable or what???

surely people are no longer suckered into mess like this- tell me no!
YES - I know a UPC pastor that thinks she is wonderful! He talks about her from behind the pulpit!
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Old 02-01-2008, 02:03 PM
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Re: A Letter from Jaunita Bynum Ministries

If nothing else has confirmed it...this is it. What has happened to Juanita Bynum over the last few years is unbelieveable. What would people say if this ordinary saint or this other person said the same thing?

Crazy...and sad!
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