++++++Breaking News!+++++++++++++++
Did you hear the latest?
Renda is tired from the holidays & feeling overworked, can being underpaid be far behind? Is she wanting to retire????
Boom is a little frustrated that people will not report a post or use the ignore button?? Will he flip & ban at random????
CC1, & Pianoman, are wanting to work on thier back swing on the Golf course, can pitch & putt be in thier future???
Barb is feeling a little guilty because she had Prime Rib over the holidays and forgot to invite a certain poster from Canada??? Will feelings be hurt???
The Mrs would lik evry wun ta spul write & is oftun frustated at spuling & puntation?? Can thar bee spuling course sooon??
Steven Hover is feeling like is job is going up in smoke??? That he often feels his wages going up the Chimney?? Will a stint staring in a local play production
of Mary Poppins be in his future???
Ron is a little bored & is feeling tired of the negative threads, will AFF get bored of him????
All these inquiring minds want to know.
More breaking news as it happens.