Oh thou great Prophet, I have 2 bags of the dark chocolate macadamia nuts that I will gladly regift to thou as I hate them and was given them ... where doth I sendeth this offering??? LOL
Yall are so sure its not Thad... thing is.. That would make it more of a shock and he has been gone a lot and he does have a ton of friends on here who could be proofing it for him or maybe not???
Yall are so sure its not Thad... thing is.. That would make it more of a shock and he has been gone a lot and he does have a ton of friends on here who could be proofing it for him or maybe not???
My personal thoughts are IAM
I actually know who it is.........................................
it's The Prophet!!!!!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks