Originally Posted by Coonskinner
Pianoman, this is not up to your usual level of clarity...
What in the world do you mean?
This has nothing to do with the nuclear family unit.
We are talking about the fact that trying to compare the organization's relationship to pastors is not analogous to a pastor's relationship with saints.
We are discussig this Tulsa stuff, Pianoman, not whether the local church or the family is paramount.
The truth is that the family and the localchurch are supposed to work hand in glove, not in a hierarchial structure.
But that is a discussion that has nothing to do with Tulsa.
Level One - Family
The woman chooses the man whom she will submit to as her head. The children have no choice but to submit to both the father and mother. This choice of spouse can change if there is unfaithfulness in the marriage.
Level two - church
The family chooses which church and pastor that they will submit to. This choice can change several times in a family's lifetime. (re: moving, unhappy, doctrine, etc.)
Level three - church association or organization
The pastor or church chooses which organizational structure or association that they will submit to. This too can change over the years. (re: doctrinal differences, unhappy)
Rebellion against the structure that you submitted to is comparable on each level, but becomes more life altering depending on the level of submission.