Originally Posted by Ferd
Look, I have 3 sisters and not brothers. guess who grew up getting the brunt of it all? Guess what SEVEN YEAR OLD BOY had to go into the grocery store and PURCHASE unmentionables?
I know more about women than most women do!
My brother thought it was equatable to a warrior's honor to get 'things' at the store for our mother....haha.
I sent my son a couple weeks ago to get stuff for his sister cause I was too sick to go out anywhere and she was 'in need'. He didn't even bat an eye...hahaha.
Gullible men in my family, apparently.
I used to work at Dollar General, and men came in all the time to buy 'the stuff' for their women. I could tell from the look on their faces that things at home weren't going so well that day...LOL!