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Old 12-10-2007, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
I am very good friends with the Wheatleys and with Lonnie Weidner and his wife (Bro. Wheatley's daughter). I have many many friends who attend the Ball church. The majority used to attend Sanctuary of Praise but have migrated to Ball. The uncle wouldn't have a last name that sounds like the leader of Cuba and have a daughter named Anita and another named Retha would he?
Well, I don't have any idea who you are talking about, but I am laughing anyways!! No, my uncle's last name rhymes with pickles, and he has been known to line the windows of his house with tin foil when his meds are off!!

Sis. Weidner and I were buddies as teenagers!!! Well, long distant ones. The other friends that I mentioned pastored on the other side of Alexandria are her close relatives, you probably know who I am referring to. They were our music ministers while they were in CA.
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Old 12-10-2007, 10:49 PM
LaGirl LaGirl is offline

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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
You are soo right... she has been plying him with tapes and CDs. LOL

You know she had surgery right before Thanksgiving, right?

I think she is doing fine but I sure missed getting to see them and the boys. That Garrett is a real Corker n
NOOOOOO......i didnt know she had surgery!!!! those boys are so cute.
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Sandra View Post
Socali... many in the black gospel are known homosexuals its accepted among many NOT ME.
Thad can tell you that. Thad has not commented on this, I posted a question to him still waiting for his response.


I have heard the stories and I know there are some documented cases. However, unless someone has asked the source directly, or things have been printed to state such (from past "lovers")...I just don't buy it. It is not a matter of me putting my head in the ground...but it seems like more people know what goes on in the bedrooms of others than the person themself.

In all fairness, you asked Thad a question he can not answer. He has probably spoken to Kurt Carr for a total of 5 minutes. I don't think he (Thad) knows his (KC's) answer on the subject, either.

The whole thing is a matter of speculation.
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post

I have heard the stories and I know there are some documented cases. However, unless someone has asked the source directly, or things have been printed to state such (from past "lovers")...I just don't buy it. It is not a matter of me putting my head in the ground...but it seems like more people know what goes on in the bedrooms of others than the person themself.

In all fairness, you asked Thad a question he can not answer. He has probably spoken to Kurt Carr for a total of 5 minutes. I don't think he (Thad) knows his (KC's) answer on the subject, either.

The whole thing is a matter of speculation.

Kurt attended Cornerstone Istitutional MB church In Los Angeles Until James Cleveland's Death and then went over to West Angeles Temple COGIC. JCs church was known for what it was but of course KC was very young when his mother moved there.
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:26 PM
SecretWarrior SecretWarrior is offline
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Originally Posted by Sandra View Post
bump for thad... your thoughts about KC and his take on Homosexuality.
When Thad posted the article about Donnie McClurkin, you stated that you didn't think it was appropriate to talk about this topic. why are you so eager to discuss it now concerning Kurt Carr? If this was Paula White would you want this discussed? You seem rather Biased in who can discuss what depending on who you know.
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:41 PM
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S.W.....let me just make one observation here.

Donnie McClurkin has stated he was delivered from this lifestyle. He has also renounced it. His renouncing of it caused that group of people to get after Obama's campaign for having him appear on his campaign stops because it differed with Obama's views.

I do not believe the press that was discussed at the time and on this forum about him. I think it was someone trying to cash in on 15 minutes of fame.
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Old 12-11-2007, 12:42 AM
SecretWarrior SecretWarrior is offline
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Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post
S.W.....let me just make one observation here.

Donnie McClurkin has stated he was delivered from this lifestyle. He has also renounced it. His renouncing of it caused that group of people to get after Obama's campaign for having him appear on his campaign stops because it differed with Obama's views.

I do not believe the press that was discussed at the time and on this forum about him. I think it was someone trying to cash in on 15 minutes of fame.
That very may well be. however,my point is that Sandra has been quick to point out when Thad was spreading Gossip.Perhaps it's not gossip when it's not about her friends
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Old 12-11-2007, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by SecretWarrior View Post
When Thad posted the article about Donnie McClurkin, you stated that you didn't think it was appropriate to talk about this topic. why are you so eager to discuss it now concerning Kurt Carr? If this was Paula White would you want this discussed? You seem rather Biased in who can discuss what depending on who you know.
I am only asking THAD if he knew thads KC take on homosexuality, thats all. does KC think its ok.

Last edited by Elizabeth; 12-11-2007 at 10:40 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:08 AM
staysharp staysharp is offline
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Originally Posted by Sandra View Post
I am only asking THAD if hwe knew thads KC take on homosexuality, thats all. does KC think its ok.
Sandra, recently Kirk Franklin said his estimate is that over half of the black men in gospel music are gay. These are startling stats if they are true.

Homosexuality is a spirit of perversion and for the life of me I cannot understand how the church can overlook it. What is doubly disturbing is how these men who sing, play, etc. can feel comfortable in the church atmosphere while living that lifestyle.

They sing, play, speak in tongues and sleep with each other. I have an immediate family member who live that lifestyle for over 20 years. Thank God he was finally delivered completely.

He will tell you its prevalent in churches everywhere with concentrations in the black community. The preachers aren't preaching against it, for fear of upsetting the apple cart.

I'm sure you are an expert on this seeing you are intricately involved with the Charismatic movement and witness it first hand. lol
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by staysharp View Post
Sandra, recently Kirk Franklin said his estimate is that over half of the black men in gospel music are gay. These are startling stats if they are true.

Homosexuality is a spirit of perversion and for the life of me I cannot understand how the church can overlook it. What is doubly disturbing is how these men who sing, play, etc. can feel comfortable in the church atmosphere while living that lifestyle.

They sing, play, speak in tongues and sleep with each other. I have an immediate family member who live that lifestyle for over 20 years. Thank God he was finally delivered completely.

He will tell you its prevalent in churches everywhere with concentrations in the black community. The preachers aren't preaching against it, for fear of upsetting the apple cart.

I'm sure you are an expert on this seeing you are intricately involved with the Charismatic movement and witness it first hand. lol
Kirk needs to tell the other half of the story. There's as much of it going on in the ministry in the black church as it is the music dept. it's just not as evident. the preachers are living on the down low.

A COGIC bishop from N carlolina just wrote a book about it.
most of the ones that turned out this way were TURNED OUT by Bishops and preachers.
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