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Old 12-09-2007, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by staysharp View Post
Hate to burst your bubble, but the Holy Spirit does not selectively convict standards as it chooses. Jesus said when the comforter comes, he will testify of me. God is not a respecter of persons. Oh the Lord told me is hogwash. The word of God is our guide and the Holy Spirit testifies to the word.

I have seen people go into the prayer room, come out crying, speaking in tongues come out and say God told them to do something totally contrary to God's word. People can pray themselves into peace with the devil and never know it. The word of God is our guide.

I'm not saying God does not speak, He just speaks in agreement with His word.

Now, you're saying our conscience should be our guide. Nope, our conscience can fail us, and should not be trusted either. Too much confusion associated with upbringing, education, pier pressure, etc. The suicide bomber feels chills too every time they strap on a bomb. They pray too and their conscience tells them to pull the string.

God's word is the lamp to our feet and the light to our path. Any voice that speaks otherwise is not the Holy Spirit. You can personally feel guilty about certain activities, but don't say the Lord told you.

Anything that is not of faith is sin. Any faith that is not in Christ is sin. Trusting in our own conscience will deceive us.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:20 PM

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Originally Posted by staysharp View Post
Now that's funny...using AA Allen to refute me!

You are welcome to hold whatever standard you wish, ie coffee, long sleeves, tea, tv, etc. etc. that's not my point. Just don't go around telling people God told you to do so.

If you struggle in your flesh with a particular temptation, ie (alcohol), granted it would be best for YOU to walk a mile away from a liquor store. But that's not God, that's your own flesh. We are drawn into temptation out of the lust of our own flesh. That which is inside of us.

But God won't strike you dead, or un-save your soul because you did; you would just struggle needlessly. Anyway, God bless gotta go preach the good news of Jesus!
You are about as far off base as anyone who has ever posted on AFF. You are making Pastor Tribble look like a man with Godly Good Sense!

I was messing with you on Thad's Tab, but I am dead serious here. You are a danger to any young believers on this board who are embracing Apostolic Doctrine! You should be watched very closely by any pastor who has folks posting here.

It is not surprising that you think the infilling of the Holy Ghost is not important to our salvation or our subsequent walk with the Lord Jesus. Based on what I have read in your posts, the Holy Ghost has no purpose in our lives at all.
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:31 PM
kylady kylady is offline
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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
Does Bro Hollis pastor the church Bro Perry use to pastor there in Louisville? And if so, did you go there when Bro Perry was pastor? Just curious.....
The answer is yes.. and I have had both preachers for a pastor.. Our church used to be called Christ Apostolic Church when we were under Bro H. Ray Perry and under Bro Randy Hollis' ministry it was changed to "The Believers".

Anyone who has ever been to "Christ Apostolic Church" would remember us for our worship/and faith/giving etc...

Some things have changed in the past few years... and for you to know what has changed you'd had to have been a member or a visitor in years gone by... Some changes are major obvious and some are not so obvious.

Last edited by kylady; 12-09-2007 at 02:36 PM. Reason: left a statement out
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:31 PM
staysharp staysharp is offline
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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
You are about as far off base as anyone who has ever posted on AFF. You are making Pastor Tribble look like a man with Godly Good Sense!

I was messing with you on Thad's Tab, but I am dead serious here. You are a danger to any young believers on this board who are embracing Apostolic Doctrine! You should be watched very closely by any pastor who has folks posting here.

It is not surprising that you think the infilling of the Holy Ghost is not important to our salvation or our subsequent walk with the Lord Jesus. Based on what I have read in your posts, the Holy Ghost has no purpose in our lives at all.
Huh! Are you trying to pick a fight? I am clueless as to your charge sir. If anyone preaches the H.G., it is I, my point is that many people think the H.G. is talking when in fact it is not. Just because you hear voices in your head does not mean it is the H.G.

Maybe you did not read the entirety of all my post on this subject. You may want to reread before you make such a ridiculous charge. The baptism of the H.G. does not make you into superman and suddenly you understand all mysteries and have all knowledge. The H.G. testifies of Jesus and never speaks anything contrary to the word of God.

What we hold as values, standards, etc. that are not specific to God's word, ie pants, makeup, etc., is left to the individual. If it offends you, then don't do it. But don't tell me God told you it's a damnable sin. Sin is listed in the bible. Sin is transgression against God's nature.

I'm still confused as to your response, I think you may have misunderstood my posts. PH didn't you say your wife wore pants? Maybe it was somebody else can't remember.
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:37 PM
staysharp staysharp is offline
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Based on what I have read in your posts, the Holy Ghost has no purpose in our lives at all.
That's just ridiculous...the H.G. was given for a very specific purpose. That purpose was to testify of Jesus, his works, his word, his anointing and to finish what he started.

The H.G. wasn't given to convict you of tv and me not of tv. If we are convicted, it should be of sin which causes separation from God. Too many think the H.G. told me this and the H.G. told me that. AGAIN, if what you are hearing violates the word of God, it's not the H.G.
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by staysharp View Post
Hate to burst your bubble, but the Holy Spirit does not selectively convict standards as it chooses. Jesus said when the comforter comes, he will testify of me. God is not a respecter of persons. Oh the Lord told me is hogwash. The word of God is our guide and the Holy Spirit testifies to the word.

I have seen people go into the prayer room, come out crying, speaking in tongues come out and say God told them to do something totally contrary to God's word. People can pray themselves into peace with the devil and never know it. The word of God is our guide.

I'm not saying God does not speak, He just speaks in agreement with His word.

Now, you're saying our conscience should be our guide. Nope, our conscience can fail us, and should not be trusted either. Too much confusion associated with upbringing, education, pier pressure, etc. The suicide bomber feels chills too every time they strap on a bomb. They pray too and their conscience tells them to pull the string.

God's word is the lamp to our feet and the light to our path. Any voice that speaks otherwise is not the Holy Spirit. You can personally feel guilty about certain activities, but don't say the Lord told you.

Anything that is not of faith is sin. Any faith that is not in Christ is sin. Trusting in our own conscience will deceive us.
Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
Thinking a little more about about this I need to qualify the "excellent" remark because I do think that God will speak to us as individuals about things that may or not be allowable for us personally.

There is the general will of God which is revealed through Scripture, but ......
  1. the way our conscience has been shaped (different factors involved in that) and

  2. the fact that we are admonished to be careful to "walk in the Spirit" making our relationship and walk with Him of a very personal nature
..... is going to mean that some of the things God speaks to me about and demands of me may be different than for someone else.

I know the voice of God when I hear it, and I know that He has spoken to me about some things that are not allowable for me personally. I might not ever put that conviction on someone else, but it is binding for me.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:45 PM
staysharp staysharp is offline
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Originally Posted by RevBuddy View Post
''...if the Bible isn't clear...''

That's the deception right there! His Word is forever settled and as to godly principles and truths, it is simple, direct and to the point! There's no shadow of turning with Him.

It's those who misappropriate His Word and misinterpret that Word who have brought the confusion and bias to His Church.
Amen, why do we have to add to what has already been settled. I don't understand people calling something damnable sin to curse you to hell, when it's not even in the bible. Good grief!

Why can't people just live an let live? God told Peter to "slay and eat". It violated his conscience, education, religion everything Peter was taught.
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by kylady View Post
The answer is yes.. and I have had both preachers for a pastor.. Our church used to be called Christ Apostolic Church when we were under Bro H. Ray Perry and under Bro Randy Hollis' ministry it was changed to "The Believers".

Anyone who has ever been to "Christ Apostolic Church" would remember us for our worship/and faith/giving etc...

Some things have changed in the past few years... and for you to know what has changed you'd had to have been a member or a visitor in years gone by... Some changes are major obvious and some are not so obvious.
Your pastor and I roomed together in Bible School!! He was a friend then and is a friend now. I admire anyone for staying to the course he believes the Lord lead him with as much opposition he faced from the "entrenched" ones of the District.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:49 PM
staysharp staysharp is offline
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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
Thinking a little more about about this I need to qualify the "excellent" remark because I do think that God will speak to us as individuals about things that may or not be allowable for us personally.

There is the general will of God which is revealed through Scripture, but ......
  1. the way our conscience has been shaped (different factors involved in that) and

  2. the fact that we are admonished to be careful to "walk in the Spirit" making our relationship and walk with Him of a very personal nature
..... is going to mean that some of the things God speaks to me about and demands of me may be different than for someone else.

I know the voice of God when I hear it, and I know that He has spoken to me about some things that are not allowable for me personally. I might not ever put that conviction on someone else, but it is binding for me.
I have no problem with that. God does speak to us, but when it comes to sin, sin that will send your soul to hell, that is in the bible. Violating ones own conscience can have adverse affects relationally, culturally, spiritually, etc. But I'm talking about imposing your conviction on someone else that is not listed in the bible and tell people there going to hell.

I agree with you that we should listen to the voice of the Lord, but when that voice we hear is not in agreement with the word, we are hearing the wrong voice.
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Old 12-09-2007, 04:39 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
You are about as far off base as anyone who has ever posted on AFF. You are making Pastor Tribble look like a man with Godly Good Sense!

I was messing with you on Thad's Tab, but I am dead serious here. You are a danger to any young believers on this board who are embracing Apostolic Doctrine! You should be watched very closely by any pastor who has folks posting here.

It is not surprising that you think the infilling of the Holy Ghost is not important to our salvation or our subsequent walk with the Lord Jesus. Based on what I have read in your posts, the Holy Ghost has no purpose in our lives at all.
Bwahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!!! You're coming close to EB territory here, PJ .... stop putting words in SS's mouth .... and the hysterics. If not I won't be able to take your posting seriously anymore.
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