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Old 12-04-2007, 08:43 PM
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Foot washing

Ok, that's cool. And new, isn't it? I put in a title and immediately a list of similar threads popped up. Awesome....

ANYHOW, I don't see my question answered, so here goes.

My pastor announced a communion and foot washing service at the end of the year. He said then that they don't rebaptize, long as you've been baptized right, but they do foot washing at the end of every year and consider it a vital part of one's walk with God. He said it's a symbol of washing away the world we walk in, our feet get dirty. I get that last part. lol

I'm curious if the idea that this is vital to one's walk with God is something anyone could explain?

I have a whole lot of reasons why I'm not really liking the idea of this, I'm trying to educate myself a little bit before I state my case to my pastor. At least get an idea of what his mindset may be regarding this. Thanks!
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:02 PM
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Vital - don't think so.

I personally do not like it - I can show humility in other ways.
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
Ok, that's cool. And new, isn't it? I put in a title and immediately a list of similar threads popped up. Awesome....

ANYHOW, I don't see my question answered, so here goes.

My pastor announced a communion and foot washing service at the end of the year. He said then that they don't rebaptize, long as you've been baptized right, but they do foot washing at the end of every year and consider it a vital part of one's walk with God. He said it's a symbol of washing away the world we walk in, our feet get dirty. I get that last part. lol

I'm curious if the idea that this is vital to one's walk with God is something anyone could explain?

I have a whole lot of reasons why I'm not really liking the idea of this, I'm trying to educate myself a little bit before I state my case to my pastor. At least get an idea of what his mindset may be regarding this. Thanks!
Here's a litle article a wrote for 90&9 a few year s ago.

Footwashing was an EXAMPLE of a humble act of service. A service done by the greater to lesser.

It was done in a culture that offering a basin of water to wash a guests dirty feet was a CUSTOM you can see all the way back in Genesis.

For anyone to consider footwashing VITAL would make me very wary of theat person.
__________________________________________________ ___________

Seriously, My Feet Are Clean - Footwashing in the 21st Century
By Jim

When the announcement was made from the pulpit that your church was going to have a foot washing, did your heart leap for joy, or did you start making plans to be out of town?

Seriously, have you ever stopped to think why Jesus washed His disciples’ feet? Could it be just that they had disgustingly dirty feet?

We learn from Genesis that the people throughout Bible times would set aside a place where a guest might wash his feet (Genesis 18:4, 19:2, 24:32, 43:24), and they would bring the traveler water to do so. Their guests washed their own feet, much like your overnight guest might use your shower facilities.

Stop for a moment and realize it was the Master who washed the feet of the servants, not vice versa. He did this solely for the purpose to teach them to serve others, and that the greater should be a servant to the lesser.

To wash their feet was a practical service. There was water available because the disciples walked on dirty dusty trails and streets, unless perhaps it had recently rained. Then they would have been walking through mud. Don’t forget that oxen and mules walked these same paths and it was quite possible to step in some “exhaust pollution” of that days’ mode of transportation. He washed their feet as a humble act of kindness and service to them because their feet were dirty. It was customary 2,000 years ago for water basins and towels to be provided for your guests to wash their own feet. If you owned a slave, you might even have had your slave wash the feet of your guests.

That Made Sense Then…
When was the last time you went to a foot washing and actually needed your feet washed? Seriously, my feet aren’t dirty. But my shoes could use a good shining. My car got pretty dirty driving to church—could you wash that for me, please?

I shared these thoughts, tongue-in-cheek, with my pastor a few months ago. Months later as we planned a Good Friday service, I was happy when pastor asked if I would want to help in “washing the saints’ cars” that Friday afternoon before watching Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ and taking communion together. So from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., we washed anyone’s car that stopped by the church.

If we want to be Apostolic in what we do and follow Christ’s example, we should perform a valuable service to our brother or sister that would actually be of service to them. Remember, the disciples had dirty feet that needed washing. The Master blessed them with a wonderful act of kindness!

But My Feet are Clean
So many view footwashing today as, well, just so weird—even Apostolics. And when Apostolics think something is weird, well, that’s just scary.

The term “random acts of kindness” got stuck in my mind from something I read some time ago. That’s how we should live. Think how blessed someone will feel when you bestow a “help” upon them (1 Corinthians 12:28).

■ Take your mower and go mow someone’s lawn.

■ Load up your snow blower and go clean out someone’s driveway.

■ Take someone to dinner.

■ Watch someone’s kids so they can have a night out.

I’m sure you can think of 20 more random acts of kindness (or helps) that you can bestow on someone that would mean so much more to them than washing their feet, which hopefully in our day and age of indoor plumbing with baths and showers, are already clean.

But you could point out that they can easily cut their own grass or shovel their own snow. And you’d be right.

I can also wash my own feet.

The Essence of His Teaching
If we would allow ourselves to think about what was being taught to the disciples when Christ washed their feet … well, I just think we may have missed Christ’s intent on this lesson if we think washing someone’s “clean” feet is what our Lord wanted us to be doing here in America in this century.

I think there is laughter in heaven when Christ looks down at us and sees and hears some of the many things we major on. I wonder—will He look at some us when we get to the throne and say, “You spent all your time preaching about what?”

I hope that I see the day that we Apostolics might better discern the Scriptures and come to a realization that some things were written for doctrinal purposes and others were just written as a history of things they did in their day and time. (Like that Holy Kiss thing. Really brother, I love ya, but a handshake will do me just fine.)

Some tell me that’s wishful thinking; that most of us made up our minds (or had them made up for us) many years ago.

I’ve been told I’m just dreaming! I did go “north” of 50 about four years ago, so I guess that would make me an old man, so I am well qualified then to “dream dreams” as stated in Acts 2:17.

So I’ll dream of a church with people who truly love one another and do humble acts of service to others in their demonstrations of that love. If you stop by my house with a dirty car, I’ll probably wash it for you. If you need a ride somewhere, I’ll try to accommodate. If you need your house painted, I’d be glad to help.

But really, my feet are clean and hopefully yours are, too!
God has lavished his love upon me.
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:18 PM
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I'll just say that I do feel good after washing my brother's feet. It really is an enjoyable time if you let it be one. Think about this, Jesus washed the desciple's feet but didn't allow them to wash His. If we wash our fellow brother or sister's feet as unto the Lord; by washing their feet, we are washing His feet.

Remember the woman with the alabastor box, how she washed The Lord's feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. He is worthy of that and so much more. Don't cheat yourself out of that opportunity.

Pray. God will help you drop your hang ups. (I have absolutely the ugliest feet in the world!) I promise you won't regret it.

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Old 12-04-2007, 09:23 PM
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I do the footwashing thing but to consider it salvational or vital I don't say that.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:23 PM
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Thanks for posting that here. I'd already read that in another thread, but it's worth reading again IMO.

So, now that I'm in a church with a pastor who thinks it's vital, how do I get out of it? heh Ok, more seriously I'm trying to get an idea of why he may feel this way. Is there anyone here who does who could try to explain? I'm going to go to him with my questions and concerns, but I don't handle talking to people well. I'm trying to educate myself a bit so I'm not completely fish out of water while we're talking.

I can't stand anyone touching my feet. Add to that I've been in a lot of pain in my feet lately, the thought of someone touching them when they hurt this bad is not good.

As for being wary of the person, I'll take my concerns to him and receive some clarification before I make that judgement. I'm not too into being taken along for any ride though. He has taken every question and concern I've raised with him in the past in stride, and not all of them have been raised in the most respectful manner...oops. (an aside..he's a new pastor, this is his first church and he hasn't been here long..I'm willing to give him a little more leeway than I would a seasoned pastor. I'm also really not an easy person to pastor so I'll give him a little more for that. )

Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
Here's a litle article a wrote for 90&9 a few year s ago.

Footwashing was an EXAMPLE of a humble act of service. A service done by the greater to lesser.

It was done in a culture that offering a basin of water to wash a guests dirty feet was a CUSTOM you can see all the way back in Genesis.

For anyone to consider footwashing VITAL would make me very wary of theat person.
__________________________________________________ ___________

Seriously, My Feet Are Clean - Footwashing in the 21st Century
By Jim

When the announcement was made from the pulpit that your church was going to have a foot washing, did your heart leap for joy, or did you start making plans to be out of town?

Seriously, have you ever stopped to think why Jesus washed His disciples’ feet? Could it be just that they had disgustingly dirty feet?

We learn from Genesis that the people throughout Bible times would set aside a place where a guest might wash his feet (Genesis 18:4, 19:2, 24:32, 43:24), and they would bring the traveler water to do so. Their guests washed their own feet, much like your overnight guest might use your shower facilities.

Stop for a moment and realize it was the Master who washed the feet of the servants, not vice versa. He did this solely for the purpose to teach them to serve others, and that the greater should be a servant to the lesser.

To wash their feet was a practical service. There was water available because the disciples walked on dirty dusty trails and streets, unless perhaps it had recently rained. Then they would have been walking through mud. Don’t forget that oxen and mules walked these same paths and it was quite possible to step in some “exhaust pollution” of that days’ mode of transportation. He washed their feet as a humble act of kindness and service to them because their feet were dirty. It was customary 2,000 years ago for water basins and towels to be provided for your guests to wash their own feet. If you owned a slave, you might even have had your slave wash the feet of your guests.

That Made Sense Then…
When was the last time you went to a foot washing and actually needed your feet washed? Seriously, my feet aren’t dirty. But my shoes could use a good shining. My car got pretty dirty driving to church—could you wash that for me, please?

I shared these thoughts, tongue-in-cheek, with my pastor a few months ago. Months later as we planned a Good Friday service, I was happy when pastor asked if I would want to help in “washing the saints’ cars” that Friday afternoon before watching Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ and taking communion together. So from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., we washed anyone’s car that stopped by the church.

If we want to be Apostolic in what we do and follow Christ’s example, we should perform a valuable service to our brother or sister that would actually be of service to them. Remember, the disciples had dirty feet that needed washing. The Master blessed them with a wonderful act of kindness!

But My Feet are Clean
So many view footwashing today as, well, just so weird—even Apostolics. And when Apostolics think something is weird, well, that’s just scary.

The term “random acts of kindness” got stuck in my mind from something I read some time ago. That’s how we should live. Think how blessed someone will feel when you bestow a “help” upon them (1 Corinthians 12:28).

■ Take your mower and go mow someone’s lawn.

■ Load up your snow blower and go clean out someone’s driveway.

■ Take someone to dinner.

■ Watch someone’s kids so they can have a night out.

I’m sure you can think of 20 more random acts of kindness (or helps) that you can bestow on someone that would mean so much more to them than washing their feet, which hopefully in our day and age of indoor plumbing with baths and showers, are already clean.

But you could point out that they can easily cut their own grass or shovel their own snow. And you’d be right.

I can also wash my own feet.

The Essence of His Teaching
If we would allow ourselves to think about what was being taught to the disciples when Christ washed their feet … well, I just think we may have missed Christ’s intent on this lesson if we think washing someone’s “clean” feet is what our Lord wanted us to be doing here in America in this century.

I think there is laughter in heaven when Christ looks down at us and sees and hears some of the many things we major on. I wonder—will He look at some us when we get to the throne and say, “You spent all your time preaching about what?”

I hope that I see the day that we Apostolics might better discern the Scriptures and come to a realization that some things were written for doctrinal purposes and others were just written as a history of things they did in their day and time. (Like that Holy Kiss thing. Really brother, I love ya, but a handshake will do me just fine.)

Some tell me that’s wishful thinking; that most of us made up our minds (or had them made up for us) many years ago.

I’ve been told I’m just dreaming! I did go “north” of 50 about four years ago, so I guess that would make me an old man, so I am well qualified then to “dream dreams” as stated in Acts 2:17.

So I’ll dream of a church with people who truly love one another and do humble acts of service to others in their demonstrations of that love. If you stop by my house with a dirty car, I’ll probably wash it for you. If you need a ride somewhere, I’ll try to accommodate. If you need your house painted, I’d be glad to help.

But really, my feet are clean and hopefully yours are, too!
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:26 PM
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Nahkoe my sincerest adivice would be to pray about this,and voice your concerns to your pastor.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:28 PM
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This is pretty much where I stand if I go strictly on beliefs and leave the hang ups outside.

I can't put it into words. lol You didn't do too badly.

I just have a multitude of hang ups right now and one more thing coming at me is probably not a very good thing.

Originally Posted by drummerboy_dave View Post
I'll just say that I do feel good after washing my brother's feet. It really is an enjoyable time if you let it be one. Think about this, Jesus washed the desciple's feet but didn't allow them to wash His. If we wash our fellow brother or sister's feet as unto the Lord; by washing their feet, we are washing His feet.

Remember the woman with the alabastor box, how she washed The Lord's feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. He is worthy of that and so much more. Don't cheat yourself out of that opportunity.

Pray. God will help you drop your hang ups. (I have absolutely the ugliest feet in the world!) I promise you won't regret it.
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:29 PM
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Nahkoe I admire your honesty and sincerity.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
Thanks for posting that here. I'd already read that in another thread, but it's worth reading again IMO.

So, now that I'm in a church with a pastor who thinks it's vital, how do I get out of it? heh Ok, more seriously I'm trying to get an idea of why he may feel this way. Is there anyone here who does who could try to explain? I'm going to go to him with my questions and concerns, but I don't handle talking to people well. I'm trying to educate myself a bit so I'm not completely fish out of water while we're talking.

I can't stand anyone touching my feet. Add to that I've been in a lot of pain in my feet lately, the thought of someone touching them when they hurt this bad is not good.

As for being wary of the person, I'll take my concerns to him and receive some clarification before I make that judgement. I'm not too into being taken along for any ride though. He has taken every question and concern I've raised with him in the past in stride, and not all of them have been raised in the most respectful manner...oops. (an aside..he's a new pastor, this is his first church and he hasn't been here long..I'm willing to give him a little more leeway than I would a seasoned pastor. I'm also really not an easy person to pastor so I'll give him a little more for that. )
Epley is a foot washin' regenerasionist. He usally drops in on these foot washing threads to correct those of us that have lost our way.

Maybe he can tell you how it saves from sin and why he feels that way.
God has lavished his love upon me.
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