Originally Posted by Kutless
A friend and I went to a christian concert Tues. nite and I have to say that I was appalled at the way the women were dressed.
Some were wearing t-shirts that had the bands name on it. Others were purchasing the same hoodies I was. ANd then put them on. IN PUBLIC!
I even saw one women in a blazer/sport coat !?!?!?
I know in times past that we have only considered the bottom half to be men's apparel but quite frankly I think we should not neglect the fact that T-shirts were first brought in for military use. ie MEN's APPAREL.
Hats, Blazers/sport coats, sneakers all for men only!!!!! Insane.
How are we going to reach the world if we only concentrate on the bottom portion of the gender in question. I want my wife to quite wearing my stuff!
YOu are making some pretty bold statements there Kutless... What is wrong with tshirts on women? Hoodies are unisex.....THey have blazers that are made like a mans but have a woman's label, so is it a woman's blazer or a man's???
BTW....I totally agree with your post!!! I can't stand too see women looking like men! And I see them looking like men even in their long jean skirts....