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Old 10-17-2007, 05:39 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Wow read some of the comments at the bottom of this page!!!
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
link doesnt work

I just tried it - it works
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post

Wow read some of the comments at the bottom of this page!!!

can you cut and paste the exact one ??

there's getting to be so many - hard to keep up
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:43 PM
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ORU calm pledged

KELLY KERR / Tulsa World
Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts addresses the student body Wednesday morning in the university chapel. During the gathering, George Pearsons, chairman of ORUs board of regents, apologized to students for the commotion on campus over a recent lawsuit filed by three former professors.

Last Modified: 10/11/2007 12:50 PM


For more: Read the latest stories, view the lawsuit and other documents and watch slide shows and video.


Regent vows to make any needed remedies

The chairman of Oral Roberts University's board of regents told students in a chapel service on Wednesday that any corrections that need to be made at the university will be made.

Chairman George Pearsons, co-pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark, Texas, said regents have approved of an independent investigation into allegations made against ORU last week in a lawsuit.

"Honestly, every organization has problems," Pearsons said after the chapel service on campus. "If there's something that needs to be fixed, let's fix it."

Pearsons personally apologized to students for the tumult they have gone through over the lawsuit. The suit, filed by three former professors, included unsubstantiated allegations that ORU President Richard Roberts and his family misspent ORU and Oral Roberts Ministries money -- claims that Roberts and his wife, Lindsay, have denied.

Pearsons prayed for peace at ORU, and he asked students, "Will you forgive us?"

They answered loudly, without hesitation, "Yes!"

"Together, we're going to get through this," Pearsons said.

After the service, sophomore Jenise Davis said the sermon by the Rev. Billy Joe Daugherty of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa was "the starting point to our healing process."

Students have grown disillusioned, concerned and mistrustful of ORU administrators since the lawsuit's allegations went public Oct. 2, she said. Now that they have heard administrators' responses to the lawsuit, students need a chance to give healthy feedback to administrators and restore communication and understanding, she said.

Daugherty encouraged the university and students to recenter their focus on ORU's original mission: to evangelize and "present the love of Jesus" "where the light is dim, where (God's) power is not known, where (God's) voice is heard small."

Most people in the world concentrate on what is immediately before them, Daugherty said, but he told the students to have a broader perspective and look instead to the "harvest."

Daugherty told students that after leaving ORU's board of regents in mid-June, he had accepted an offer this week to rejoin the board because "my heart has always been here at ORU since the time I first came" as a student.

"We know we have some difficult days to walk through at ORU," he said. "Jesus wants you to know he is going to speak to you. Get your eyes on why you are here."

At the end of the service, students surged to the front of the auditorium as Daugherty offered to pray for them, and they raised their hands and turned their faces upward, singing to God, "All I am is yours."

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Old 10-17-2007, 05:44 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
can you cut and paste the exact one ??

there's getting to be so many - hard to keep up
As a graduate of the seminary ('91) I'm not at all surprized by these allegations. They have a 'ring of truth' to them that is all too paifully familiar. The Robert's conducted themslves like royalty and the students were unimportant prolls when I attended. They are just caught up in the 'cult of personality' of protestantism. So sad.

There is one.... then there is...

I'm so tired of scandals in word of faith, prosperity teaching, and charismatic churches, or schools in this case. And it's not just an "attack of the enemy" so to speak. Of course there are scandals in other denominations and every organization, but there's something wrong with these doctrines. They just open the door for this stuff when they are constantly having to justify their lavish lifestyles.

Pastors Billy Joe and Sharon, to their credit, have always lived and presented themselves modestly. I honestly don't know if the board at ORU deserves their name at this time, though, the university will benefit from their involvement.
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
As a graduate of the seminary ('91) I'm not at all surprized by these allegations. They have a 'ring of truth' to them that is all too paifully familiar. The Robert's conducted themslves like royalty and the students were unimportant prolls when I attended. They are just caught up in the 'cult of personality' of protestantism. So sad.

There is one.... then there is...

I'm so tired of scandals in word of faith, prosperity teaching, and charismatic churches, or schools in this case. And it's not just an "attack of the enemy" so to speak. Of course there are scandals in other denominations and every organization, but there's something wrong with these doctrines. They just open the door for this stuff when they are constantly having to justify their lavish lifestyles.

Pastors Billy Joe and Sharon, to their credit, have always lived and presented themselves modestly. I honestly don't know if the board at ORU deserves their name at this time, though, the university will benefit from their involvement.

and this is from a former student uh??

what do you think AG ???

there is talk of Billy joe daughtery takng over as President
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:52 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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I was born in Tulsa and even though I didnt live there after I was 4 my grandmother worked there for a while and I have to say... it would be the best thing that ever happened to that place!!!! I have met Lindsey and Richard and I agree with what is being said here... I never observed them on campus but what I did observe I think spoke louder then being on campus....We were at a banquet... in 96 I believe... and there were students that had been invited. Mostly seniors... and when they would speak to Richard or Lindsey... they would just shove them off... as if they didnt even know them... to speak with the dignitarys and others who were there,,,, As if they were lower class citizens compared to them...
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Old 10-17-2007, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Lord have mercy Thad - We don't know the facts - this is some disgruntled FIRED professor that needs $$$ and this is his only way to get it.

All of this is so hard to believe. What on earth did she do to deserve PRISON?????????
If you have any kind of discernment you know Richard Roberts is not all in the spirit.

Discernment is faith in seeing things in folks that might not have the facts at the moment.
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Old 10-17-2007, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
and this is from a former student uh??

what do you think AG ???

there is talk of Billy joe daughtery takng over as President
He is...for now. (It was on the local news tonight). Personally, I think he's a better choice anyway.
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