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Old 09-21-2007, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
The book I mentioned is marriage and divorce..I used to have a whole collection of his booklet and many of his tapes. I threw all the tapes away but somewhere I have marriage and divorce booklet mabe a few transcripts...

I am sure Elder Epley could tell you where you could get one. Yes he does say horrible degrading things...I felt awful everytime I would read it...
Thank you Sister.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 09-21-2007, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Vision One:
He saw in a vision that the dictator of Italy, Benito Mussolini, would invade Ethiopia and according to the voice speaking to him, Ethiopia "would fall at his (Mussolini's) steps". However, the voice continued and prophesied a dread end of the dictator, for he would have a horrible death and his own people would literally spit on him.
Italy had already attempted to invade Ethiopia in 1890-1895 and met with little success due to inadequate logistics and the unexpected determination of the Abyssinian forces. Then, after gaining some ground due to their alliance with the Allied powers in WWI, Italy began a large and very public build up of forces in their colonies of Eritrea and Libya. To "predict" Mussolini's aggression, especially in areas where Italy had lost face before, really required nothing more than a newspaper. He told the world what he was going to do before he did it. His "horrible" death was perhaps inevitable and was the common outcome to tyrants of that time who failed to make it to sanctuary in other countries.

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Vision Two:
The next vision indicated America would be drawn into a world war against Germany which would be headed up by the Austrian, Adolph Hitler. The voice predicted that this terrible war would overthrow Hitler and he would come to a mysterious "end". In this vision he was shown the Siegfried line whereat a great toll of American lives would be exacted, but Hitler would be defeated.

It might be well to mention here that a subsequent vision relative to this war predicted that President Roosevelt would declare war against Germany and in so doing would eventually be elected for a fourth term.
PLEASE NOTE: For many years, the American government denied "the losses" suffered by the American forces at the Seigfried Line. It wasn't until sometime in the early 1960's that German films surfaced, forcing the Americans to admitt what really happened at that line. Off course, it's not the first time that governments attempted to cover up mistakes, failure and losses during a war. (Editor: The William Branham Home Page)

It is puzzling to try and figure out what the Branhamites are talking about here. The "Seigfried (sic) Line" was the German defensive line on their Western frontier facing France. It could be that the Branhamites are thinking of the American losses at the Battle of the Bulge (1944)- to the south of the Siegfried Line. Both German and French fortifications tapered off in the region of the Ardennes Woods due to the inaccessibility of the terrain. That's why Rommel went through the Ardennes to capture France in 1940 and Hitler sent his forces through there in 1944. Both times the Germans were skirting their own heaviest fortifications in an attempt to catch the Allies off guard (and were successful both times).

The American strategy followed under Eisenhower's guidance was to have a broad front in the advance up to and then through Germany. Patton, Bradley and Montgomery all wanted bold strikes through the Siegfried Line. Eisenhower prevailed and the Allies instead went first around the Siegfried and liberated the Benelux countries- outflanking the Siegfried Line all together.

The U.S. Army's 44th Infantry Division (accompanied by famed war correspondent Ernie Pyle) then made a frontal assault against the Siegfried through Charlemagne's ancient capitol at Aachen. Upon breaching the weakened German forces (weakened by Ike's earlier "left hook") the 44th destroyed or captured almost all of the German forces in the famous "Falaise Pocket" and breached the Siegfreid line with minimal causalties (according to Ernie Pyle).

The Branhamite statements about "German film" and the "forcing the Americans to admitt (sic) what really happened at that line. Off course, (sic) it's not the first time that governments attempted to cover up mistakes, failure and losses during a war. (Editor: The William Branham Home Page)" discloses a couple of the Branhamite problematic tendencies: 1) The puzzling lack of a spell checker, and 2) Virulent anti-Americanism. Because of their inability to be accepted within American society they have developed an almost pathological hatred for America. Just reading their "prophecies" and interpretations of W.B. works will sicken most real patriots.

Again, the American government has never been "forced" to "admitt" (sic) that William Branham was ever right about anything. The "editor" is just making things up here.

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Vision Three:
The third part of the vision showed that though there were three ISMS, Fascism, Nazism, Communism in the world: that the first two would come to nothing but that Communism would flourish. The voice admonished him to keep his eyes on "Russia" concerning future involvements, for Fascism and Nazism would end up in Communism.
PLEASE NOTE: In 1933, The Voice admonished him to "Watch RUSSIA". It didn't say, 'Watch the Soviet Union', but rather "Russia". Since 1989, the Soviet Union is no more. (Editor: The William Branham Home Page).

The Soviet Union was of course based entirely upon the territory of the Russian Empire. The terms were interchangeable throughout the history of the Soviet Union. Again, the "voices" and the Branhamites in general are grasping at straws. With the fall of the Iron Curtain they felt that they had to answer for Branham's dire warnings about "communism." And so we have the "watch Russia" stuff being brought out.

Branham died. They fooled around with his corpse until things got to be embarassing and they were forced to bury him. Now they're doing the same things with his writings and recordings. They should have buried the whole matter long ago.
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Old 09-21-2007, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Wasn´t it David Terrell some ran after? People always looking for something
DEEP...they most end up falling off the deep end...
What do you know of David Terrell?
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Old 09-21-2007, 07:34 PM
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What am I not getting? Did WB write this? Are these "visions" quotes from him? If so, why are they written in third person?
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Old 09-21-2007, 08:02 PM

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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
That wasn't Branham.
I know it was not him but I thought maybe it was a follower.
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Old 09-21-2007, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by aquestioninggirl View Post
I know it was not him but I thought maybe it was a follower.
The narrative is written by someone calling themselves the "William Branham Home Page Editor." The "visions" appear to have been transcribed from writings and/or recordings made by WB. I have a number of WB's recordings but nothing that is obviously pre-WW2 as this set of "visions" purports to be. Personally I don't doubt their basic authenticity either; just the accuracy and the spin by the "Home Page Editor."
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Old 09-21-2007, 11:09 PM
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From Branham's sermon on Marriage and Divorce:

There is nothing designed to be so deceitful as a woman that's deceitful. There cannot be nothing else; there's nothing made to be that way. Also there is nothing that could be so easily deceived as a woman. Now, the fall proves this statement to be true, the fall in the beginning.
She was not in the original beginning creation. She was in Adam, but not in a female sex herself at the beginning. She was a byproduct, made.
Now, there's nothing designed that can deceive and be deceived as easy as a woman. There is nothing designed or can stoop as low as a woman can. Think now. There's nothing designed in all creation that can stoop as low as a woman can. She can tear a man's heart to pieces easier than anything else there is in the world--is his wife. Let it--that nice little wife get to run around with some other man. Look at that fellow setting there with his children, the tears dropping out of his eyes. She is designed that way. She is designed to do this.

18-6 There is no hog, no dog, or no other animal designed like her or can stoop as low as she can stoop. Now, that is true. With regards to my sisters, I just want you to watch. No animal can be immoral. You call the dog a slut (the female dog). You call the male--hog a sow, but her morals is a million miles beyond many a Hollywood stars. That's how low she's designed to stoop. She can't... Just think of this now: there's nothing in the world made in God's creation that can be immoral, stoop that low.
You say, "Wait a minute: and man." We're going to get to that. The woman has to say, "Yes."
Notice, there's nothing designed to stoop so low or be filthy but a woman. A dog can't do it; a hog can't do it; a bird can't do it; no animal is immoral, nor it can be, for it is not designed so it can be. A female hog can't be immoral; a female dog can't be immoral; a female bird can't be immoral. A woman is the only thing can do it. Now, you see where Satan went? See? But still she has... She's the one that's got the power to say "yes" or "no." See? Depends on where she wants to hold herself. See?

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Old 09-21-2007, 11:14 PM
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Now, you see, then after the beginning it was--something else was introduced. Now, this is going to shock you. (Are you tired? Just set still just a little longer.) Then when the double covenant was made by man and woman through sex (another covenant altogether; not the original covenant, but another covenant), now what's introduced? Polygamy in all. Then after the beginning, polygamy was introduced both in man and in beast, after the beginning, the fall.
God now secondarily sets a new nature again by sex. God created the first without sex. Do you believe that? Now, it's another covenant with nature; He sets it in another order by sex. Second covenant: one male, many females; one buck deer, a whole harem of does (That right?); one bull a whole herd of cattle, cows; one rooster, a yard full of hens (That right?); one David, after His own heart, with five hundred wives, with a hundred children born to him in one year of different women: a man after God's own heart; one Solomon with a thousand wives. But notice now, it wasn't so at the beginning. But now, it's after the beginning. The woman's done this, then she just becomes what she is now. See?
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Old 09-21-2007, 11:21 PM
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Go to nathan.co.za and click on "Sermons" on the left. Go to 1965 and this one is listed as Marriage and Divorce. It's a weird one for sure!!!
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Old 09-29-2007, 12:15 AM
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To help clear up a few misconceptions about what William Branham said:

1. He said that in the church a woman can testify, pray aloud, sing, read the Scripture, and speak in tongues, interpret or prophesy - but she should not teach or preach, though she can teach her own children Scripture, and she can teach a Sunday school class.

2. He said the behaviour of an immoral woman is worse than a dog’s because the woman has a choice and a sacred responsibility to remain chaste for her husband (2 Cor 11:2).

3. He said polygamy was legal in the OT, but is not legal in the NT.

4. He said the only reason a man could remarry was for fornication (which he defined as "undisclosed premarital sex"). Mat 5:32

5. He said a man can put away his wife, but not remarry, for other reasons, including adultery.

125 I think a real, genuine sister, there's nothing any nicer. If God could give a man anything better than salvation, He'd give him a wife. See? And so, then, if He could give anything better, He would have done it. And then to see some of them turn and don't even act like a wife, unloyal to their marriage vows, and their husbands the same. Remember, you're bound as long as you live, to one another. "What God joins on earth, joined in Heaven also."

13-6 She must not defile that virtue. If she even does something wrong, she must confess that to her husband before he takes her; and make it right. Just the same as the church that was married to the law has to come also before Christ, before the second marriage; she has to confess that. If she doesn't and she lives with her husband for ten years and then confesses it, he has a right to put her away and marry another woman. That's the Scripture. Fornication is unclean living.
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