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Old 08-23-2007, 05:01 PM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by BreakingFree View Post
Yup. And I was just asking. This is not to suggest that is what is more important to Lady Rev, because clearly it is not. I guess after seeing her youth group as compared to the ones around here, and hearing her preach, I took exception to that comment. Seemed like a low blow and unnecessary to say the least.
couldnt agree more, to many times i notice on here folks say stuff and dont know who they are talking to or what they are talking about, lol, no joke,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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Old 08-23-2007, 05:03 PM
BreakingFree BreakingFree is offline
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Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
couldnt agree more, to many times i notice on here folks say stuff and dont know who they are talking to or what they are talking about, lol, no joke,dt
I bet if people on here met face to face they would be much more respectful and be able to share their opinions without low blows and mocking. Regardless of the fact that I attend UPC but don't consider myself UPC, I have very much respect for Lady Rev and the work she is doing.
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Old 08-23-2007, 05:06 PM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by BreakingFree View Post
I bet if people on here met face to face they would be much more respectful and be able to share their opinions without low blows and mocking. Regardless of the fact that I attend UPC but don't consider myself UPC, I have very much respect for Lady Rev and the work she is doing.
yeah that is true, no doubt and something takes the tart out of folks when they have to look someone in the eye, lol, you have it right on the respect thing bf, and ladyrev is really a good one, i know, just as you do, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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Old 08-23-2007, 05:06 PM
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Here's a tissue for their issues. lol

Originally Posted by LadyRev View Post
Good luck with trying to get principle applied "across the board".

Some people simply enjoy the "pick and choose" game.

The minute you start to make too much sense, by applying principles across the board, they start whining and crying "FOUL".
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

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Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 08-23-2007, 07:08 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy View Post
Hey, no problem if you missed a verse. If there's one thing I know about the UPC, it is that they will allow you to keep your license, so long as you pay your dues, regardless of how well you might or might not know your Bible.

Now, for my original point, as it was vehemently INSISTED earlier in this thread that the idea of choreographed singing and musicians is extended to dancing. It is not. Also, good king David, the man who gave us the OT 'song book' of Psalms, set in order the singers and musicians by course, yet he didnt' bother with dancers. I would certainly expect that he would take care of this, if it was to be such a big part of temple worship. However, the only things I find listed as practiced, choreographed, and scheduled, were the singers and musicians. All those other forms of worship David speaks of in the Psalms, ie, clapping the hands, lifting up the hands, the dance, the shout, appear to be left in the realm of INDIVIDUAL expressions of praise and worship.

A really dumb question, but who defined 'steppin' as 'dancing' anyway?

I don't believe it's the same thing, to be honest. So if it's not the same, why do we post as if it were?
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Old 08-23-2007, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy View Post
And, just because things are done decently and in order does not necessarily mean 'rehearsed beforehand', or it would then be necessary for all the gifts of the Spirit to be rehearsed (so, would you please inform Jesus that He needs to change how He does things when He comes to visit with those who gather in His Name?)
This statement (in bold above) seems to assume that "Jesus" is in charge anytime people "gather in His Name."

Such an assumption would negate not only the teachings of the NT's Epistles but the very need for those to have be written in the first place. Are we to "tell Jesus" that He needs to change His behavior when we see fornication and incest in the church? (1 Corinthians 5:1; 2 Corinthians 12:21). Is Jesus responsible when Satan is given prominence in the church? (Revelation 2:13).

Is the Spirit at fault when there is confusion in Tongues and Interpretation? (1 Corinthians 14:1-14). I doubt that you seriously reckon everything that happens in Church is because "Jesus is with His people." You do recognize that we have control over our own actions and responses. You must also recognize that we have responsibility over the consequences for our actions and behaviors otherwise you would not have been concerned about the "stepping" thing..

Several posters have tried to get you to acknowledge that there are some problems when people just cut loose. It would be embarassing to Pentecostals in general to sit here and list all of the faux pas we have witnessed when "He comes to visit with those who gather in His Name." But you ignore those issues and continue to drill down on "rehearsals" for dancing and praise. Would a pastor instructing the sisters to keep their skirts on be considered a "rehearsal?"

I've given the example of Talmudic Judaism that is as old as the Bible for "rehearsals" for dancing and praise. I'm at work and don't have access to my electronic Talmud, but I can give you specifics later on if you wish. These are descriptions of worship and dancing that go back at least to the time of "Ezra Hasofer," the "first of the Rabbis," known in the Bible as Ezra the Scribe. The Jews "practiced" and "rehearsed" their dances of praise.

At times some of them would also engage in more "ecstatic" behavior that often involved nudity. It is the "ecstatic" example of "dancing" that we see most often in Pentecostal churches. Some people are uncomfortable with that and have sought the "rehearsed" form - which is just as Biblical. Others have sought to mix the two (and exclude the nudity). As long as Christ is glorified (and your nudity and immodest exhibitions are kept to a minimum) I personally have no problem with either.
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Old 08-24-2007, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
There is no verse ...
Thank you for pointing that out brother.

There is no verse that forbids rehearsal for dancers or any other form of worship!
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Old 08-24-2007, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy View Post
Hey, no problem if you missed a verse. If there's one thing I know about the UPC, it is that they will allow you to keep your license, so long as you pay your dues, regardless of how well you might or might not know your Bible.
WOW! What an arrogant, self righteous, holier than thou statement! So typical of the judgemental ultra-con type.

CONGRATULATIONS! You get the Pharisee award for this post.

Since you know your bible so well and you NEVER make mistakes, how do you scripturally justify the way you interact with people on this forum?

Better yet, how do you sit in church and listen to a "human" pastor preach the Word without jumping up to correct him and add your personal expertise?

Afterall, you clearly believe you have arrived and everyone else just simply hasn't made the trip yet.

Whats the matter sister? Generally, when one is backed in a corner, they resort to personal insults, such as you have clearly done.
"The only thing worse than murder in the desert is to know where the water is and not tell it!"
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Old 08-24-2007, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy View Post
Now, for my original point, as it was vehemently INSISTED earlier in this thread that the idea of choreographed singing and musicians is extended to dancing. It is not. Also, good king David, the man who gave us the OT 'song book' of Psalms, set in order the singers and musicians by course, yet he didnt' bother with dancers. I would certainly expect that he would take care of this, if it was to be such a big part of temple worship. However, the only things I find listed as practiced, choreographed, and scheduled, were the singers and musicians. All those other forms of worship David speaks of in the Psalms, ie, clapping the hands, lifting up the hands, the dance, the shout, appear to be left in the realm of INDIVIDUAL expressions of praise and worship.
This is pure speculation and opinion on your part.

Provide scripture that shows where king David "set in order" the singers and musicians only.

He told them to sing and play. He also told them to DANCE! He told them WHEN, WHERE, HOW, and WHY to praise God and the praise he spoke of included DANCING.

If you say that simply "telling" someone to sing or play constitutes REHEARSAL then the same applies to dancing and other forms of worship that David simply "told" people to do.

Come on "SISTER" BIBLE SCHOLAR, surely you can do better than this. Surely you can do better scripturally than me, a "licensed" lady preacher. Afterall, I missed a verse, therefore, I don't know my bible, I simply pay my dues (according to you that is).

What a waste of my time.
"The only thing worse than murder in the desert is to know where the water is and not tell it!"
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Old 08-24-2007, 09:04 AM
BreakingFree BreakingFree is offline
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Originally Posted by LadyRev View Post
WOW! What an arrogant, self righteous, holier than thou statement! So typical of the judgemental ultra-con type.

CONGRATULATIONS! You get the Pharisee award for this post.

Since you know your bible so well and you NEVER make mistakes, how do you scripturally justify the way you interact with people on this forum?

Better yet, how do you sit in church and listen to a "human" pastor preach the Word without jumping up to correct him and add your personal expertise?

Afterall, you clearly believe you have arrived and everyone else just simply hasn't made the trip yet.

Whats the matter sister? Generally, when one is backed in a corner, they resort to insults, such as you have clearly done.
I have to agree. I was ticked about this last night and I still am. I don't like comments like this whether I know the person or not. Furthermore, even if it WERE true about the UPC (and I'm not saying it is, I have no idea) how is that your fault/problem? She's saying that just because that is all they care about, surely you have a license with no knowledge. As if that was all YOU cared about when you felt led to become licensed? You just woke up one day and said, "I'm going to write a check and get my license. Why not? I don't have to actually do anything or know anything to get it . . . " My pastor was raised in this and I believe he is in his early 40s now (I'm not sure) and he said that even still, every time he reads his bible he sees something new or different. This is also a direct insult to my pastor who is one of the greatest men in UPC in my opinion. He and my other pastor are the reasons I'm still in. He will never stop learning. How boring life would be if we finally reached the point where we knew it all? Such rude and arrogant comments, all to prove the point of whether or not practiced dancing, singing, whatever is all right. So much time wasted on this. It might not be black and white or clear in the bible on this subject. But the bible is pretty black and white on other things. For example, how we treat each other.
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