Originally Posted by BreakingFree
I had the privelege last night of hearing Lady Rev preach and I have to say that it was truly one of the best messages I've ever heard. Stand your ground, don't just sit there and do nothing like a knot on a dill pickle. LOL! (Did I even get that right? Her sayings crack me up). I'm not just saying that because she's my friend. It was a great message. It was one that gets you back on track and encourages you at the same time. Maybe she'll be kind enough to post what she found as the definitions of the word stand for us. It was truly an eye opener for me.
It was MY priviledge to have BreakingFree come to be with us in service. My pastor said that he wished his friends would come to hear him preach. ~L~
As for the definitions for the word STAND...here they are...both common and not so common.
1 a : to support oneself on the feet in an erect position b : to be a specified height when fully erect <stands six feet two> c : to rise to an erect position
2 a : to take up or maintain a specified position or posture <stand aside> <can you stand on your head>
b : to maintain one's position <stand firm>
1 a : to endure or undergo successfully <this book will stand the test of time> b : to tolerate without flinching : bear courageously <stands pain well>
c : to endure the presence or personality of <can't stand the boss> d : to derive benefit or enjoyment from <you look like you could stand a drink>
2 : to remain firm in the face of <stand a siege>
3 : to submit to <stand trial>
4 a : to perform the duty of <stand guard> b : to participate in (a military formation)
5 : to pay the cost of (a treat) : pay for <I'll stand you a dinner> <stand drinks>
- stand one's ground : to maintain one's position
- stand tall : to exhibit courage, strength, or calm especially in the face of adversity