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Old 08-15-2007, 11:45 AM
Consapostolic1 Consapostolic1 is offline
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Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
As a conservative apostolic, (I think I am anyway), there should be no issue with this. Having spent some time in Tampa, working in this church, there is a different culture here then in most UPCI churches. If someone can show me scripture for this being wrong, then do so. Otherwise it becomes opinion.
Please explain what you mean by this.
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Old 08-15-2007, 11:52 AM
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Oh give it a rest!

Years ago apostolics preached against radio, scented soap, perfumed deodorant, wearing the color red and ladies shaving their legs and armpits. To name just a few things...

Its funny how critical some people are of "new" things especially if young people are involved. All the while the same people have no problem at all with the 60 year old former drunk and country western music performer doing some very country western style dance steps in church.

This youth pastor has just one thing to say to this two faced hypocritical nonsense....STAY AWAY FROM MY YOUTH GROUP! Cause your type will be the spiritual death of them!
"The only thing worse than murder in the desert is to know where the water is and not tell it!"
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Old 08-15-2007, 11:56 AM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Go to Tampa

There are many people in New Life in Tampa, whose roots are from "the islands". Jamaica, Haiti, etc...
This is a dynamic, growing, spirit-filled church which is making a huge impact in the community.
As stated before, many places overseas have a type of worship which we would criticize when performed here. This is one of those areas where knee jerk reactions are typical.

Last edited by aegsm76; 08-15-2007 at 11:57 AM. Reason: wrong word
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Old 08-15-2007, 11:57 AM
BreakingFree BreakingFree is offline
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Originally Posted by Malvaro View Post
you ever seen a "flag" worshipper??? one that twirls flags???
I'm only this far in the thread, so this may have been answered already, but I have seen this recently in my church and I had never seen this before. I was wondering about it. Not trying to criticize it, I had just never seen it before and was curious as to the basis for it.
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Old 08-15-2007, 12:00 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Malvaro View Post
Please provide scripture that speaks of Hebrews using choreographed dance to worship their God....
I can list several things that are commonplace in UPC services that I cannot find the Hebrews ever doing.....nor any other group or church in the Bible, but we still do them and it's widely accepted!
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Old 08-15-2007, 12:08 PM
Theresa Theresa is offline
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not sure how I feel about these forms of "worship"...

but how is it any different than say - on any typical sunday night, when a certian combo of songs is sung, the worship gets to a particular fever pitch...you know brother so and so is going to take his usual 3 laps around the church, followed closely by a march across the back of the sanctuary finished off with a hearty hug to each usher and any man sitting in the rear of the church. It's a routine as anything else..

and sometimes, I dare say, no more of "God" than a hill of beans...

just his "routine".

You hope they dont sing x and y song when you bring visitors b/c brother so and so is gonna take off - and then do his usually back slapping and hugging....
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Old 08-15-2007, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Malvaro View Post
Please provide scripture that speaks of Hebrews using choreographed dance to worship their God....
Please provide scripture that speaks about anyone in the New Testament, after the Gospels, who suddenly broke into a dance in the middle of a worship service or ran the aisles in the worship service.

I believe that many of the ways that we worship and have worshipped through the centuries have been more culturally driven than scripturally driven.
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Old 08-15-2007, 12:14 PM
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whether its softball, basketball or stepping, to me its all the same.

If you took away the need for audience praise I'd be very supportive of this activity to foster togetherness and cooperation.

I do not like things that need applause from an audience to receive a sense of worth doing. If something is enjoyable in the setting of a shared human experience, great. Chances are we will not be playing ping pong during our normal meeting times for the whole assembly.

I doubt many overseers have carved out space in the meeting time to lower a screen and turn on the projector to show the softball game that men in the local fellowship played in.
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Old 08-15-2007, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Theresa View Post
not sure how I feel about these forms of "worship"...

but how is it any different than say - on any typical sunday night, when a certian combo of songs is sung, the worship gets to a particular fever pitch...you know brother so and so is going to take his usual 3 laps around the church, followed closely by a march across the back of the sanctuary finished off with a hearty hug to each usher and any man sitting in the rear of the church. It's a routine as anything else..

and sometimes, I dare say, no more of "God" than a hill of beans...

just his "routine".

You hope they dont sing x and y song when you bring visitors b/c brother so and so is gonna take off - and then do his usually back slapping and hugging....
Some feel that christians should sit in church like a bump on a log with no body movement whatsoever.

You see, clapping to the beat of the music is a syncronized body movement. Swaying side to side while clapping is syncronized body movement.

Isn't it amazing that particular saints repeat the same style of shockamooing? Isn't this a form of syncronization? What about folks that say repeat the same thing every time they speak in tongues?

.....I better stop there!
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Old 08-15-2007, 12:17 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
Some feel that christians should sit in church like a bump on a log with no body movement whatsoever.

You see, clapping to the beat of the music is a syncronized body movement. Swaying side to side while clapping is syncronized body movement.

Isn't it amazing that particular saints repeat the same style of shockamooing? Isn't this a form of syncronization? What about folks that say repeat the same thing every time they speak in tongues?

.....I better stop there!
I think there are a few people here who need to reread Psalms 150!!!
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