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Old 07-02-2007, 09:27 AM
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My Life Up for Debate

I hesitate to do this, because the decision ultimately has to be mine, but I decided to finally put this out here because I am interested in people's opinions.

As many of you know, I work as a Family Advocate in a Domestic Abuse shelter. I was ignorant of what the job entailed when I took it. Now, on the positive side, we are helping women in abusive situations to be safer and do something more positive with their lives. On the negative side, women come in, go through our process and get divorced. Also, on the negative side, we are supposed to be neutral and supportive no matter what the woman chooses.

I have, from the beginning, waffled about working here. On the positive side, it's a great job for me. I love working with the women and I do feel that I can be a positive influence in their lives. If I wasn't here, there would likely be a liberal feminazi (I know some here think I am that, but that is so not true) encouraging abortion and homosexuality and many things that I do not encourage. My schedule is excellent, I have a great office, pay is decent and I have some authority and is it all around a great job.

On the negative side, I can't tell these women about God and I see women getting divorced and jumping into another relationship with a new dirtbag.

On the positive side, they generally know I am a Christian even though I can't talk a whole lot about it.

On the negative side, I work in an environment that actively promotes the gay lifestyle and the morning after pill. I feel like Lot whose righteous soul was vexed from day to day with their unlawful deeds.

I feel like I would really like this job except for these things. Sometimes, I may be helping a woman get a divorce when maybe it's not God's will. Then, I tell myself that the Bible says that "If she departs, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband"....so the divorce itself is not sin, but the remarraige.......IF there were no adultery, which I don't know half the time if there was or wasn't.

Maybe I am being too conservative and legalistic about this whole thing, worrying about things that don't matter. Or maybe I need to find a new job. I have waffled on this for as long as I have been there. Anyway, I am open to the opinions of people who want to chime in. Just go easy on me.
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Old 07-02-2007, 09:39 AM
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I understand your dilemma, but my first reaction is you may be the ONLY Christian contact some of these women ever have.

You are able to show compassion without crossing the lines that are required of you - they may not get that from the next person.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 07-02-2007, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I hesitate to do this, because the decision ultimately has to be mine, but I decided to finally put this out here because I am interested in people's opinions.

As many of you know, I work as a Family Advocate in a Domestic Abuse shelter. I was ignorant of what the job entailed when I took it. Now, on the positive side, we are helping women in abusive situations to be safer and do something more positive with their lives. On the negative side, women come in, go through our process and get divorced. Also, on the negative side, we are supposed to be neutral and supportive no matter what the woman chooses.

I have, from the beginning, waffled about working here. On the positive side, it's a great job for me. I love working with the women and I do feel that I can be a positive influence in their lives. If I wasn't here, there would likely be a liberal feminazi (I know some here think I am that, but that is so not true) encouraging abortion and homosexuality and many things that I do not encourage. My schedule is excellent, I have a great office, pay is decent and I have some authority and is it all around a great job.

On the negative side, I can't tell these women about God and I see women getting divorced and jumping into another relationship with a new dirtbag.

On the positive side, they generally know I am a Christian even though I can't talk a whole lot about it.

On the negative side, I work in an environment that actively promotes the gay lifestyle and the morning after pill. I feel like Lot whose righteous soul was vexed from day to day with their unlawful deeds.

I feel like I would really like this job except for these things. Sometimes, I may be helping a woman get a divorce when maybe it's not God's will. Then, I tell myself that the Bible says that "If she departs, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband"....so the divorce itself is not sin, but the remarraige.......IF there were no adultery, which I don't know half the time if there was or wasn't.

Maybe I am being too conservative and legalistic about this whole thing, worrying about things that don't matter. Or maybe I need to find a new job. I have waffled on this for as long as I have been there. Anyway, I am open to the opinions of people who want to chime in. Just go easy on me.

CT Studd, the famous missionary, said this, Some want to live within the sound of Chapel Bells, but I want a mission a yard from the gates of HELL.

The point being stop playing it safe and go where sin and sinners are prevalent. Light is made to penetrate darkness.

ILG, you are doing just that, be missional minded and stay where you are, ask the the Lord for opporunities to be a influencer and He will answer that prayer. Remember it's not about you, it about the Kingdom and Souls.
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Old 07-02-2007, 10:01 AM
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Originally Posted by keith4him View Post
CT Studd, the famous missionary, said this, Some want to live within the sound of Chapel Bells, but I want a mission a yard from the gates of HELL.

The point being stop playing it safe and go where sin and sinners are prevalent. Light is made to penetrate darkness.

ILG, you are doing just that, be missional minded and stay where you are, ask the the Lord for opporunities to be a influencer and He will answer that prayer. Remember it's not about you, it about the Kingdom and Souls.
I am trying very hard not to let fear rule me in this. Sometimes I think I have heard so much fear-based preaching and that may be ther reason I am afraid. At any rate, I don't want to make a move until I hear clearly from God. I have thought in the past that He said what I am doing is fine, but then I get confused and wonder what in the world I am doing here. I do talk scripture with ANY client who is a Christian and opens the door for me to.
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Old 07-02-2007, 10:01 AM
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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I understand your dilemma, but my first reaction is you may be the ONLY Christian contact some of these women ever have.

You are able to show compassion without crossing the lines that are required of you - they may not get that from the next person.
Thanks Renda. I really do need all of your prayers. It's a battlefield over here.
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Old 07-02-2007, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I am trying very hard not to let fear rule me in this. Sometimes I think I have heard so much fear-based preaching and that may be ther reason I am afraid. At any rate, I don't want to make a move until I hear clearly from God. I have thought in the past that He said what I am doing is fine, but then I get confused and wonder what in the world I am doing here. I do talk scripture with ANY client who is a Christian and opens the door for me to.
And that's really all you CAN do. That and pray for you come into contact with, and be a light to those in the darkness.

When it comes to the divorce and stuff, though this might sound cavalier, I don't mean to, but we cannot expect those who are not believers to play by "God's rules". That doesn't mean that we approve of it, but we cannot force them to do the right thing.

You have to remember ILG, that you can only do so much. Don't get me wrong, you CAN make a difference, but you are not God. He is in control, not you. Not that I think that you believe that you are God, or are in control, but sometimes in our desire to help others, we take way too much on ourselves, and simply end up frustrated and stressed, and quickly burn out.
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Old 07-02-2007, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Michlow View Post
And that's really all you CAN do. That and pray for you come into contact with, and be a light to those in the darkness.

When it comes to the divorce and stuff, though this might sound cavalier, I don't mean to, but we cannot expect those who are not believers to play by "God's rules". That doesn't mean that we approve of it, but we cannot force them to do the right thing.

You have to remember ILG, that you can only do so much. Don't get me wrong, you CAN make a difference, but you are not God. He is in control, not you. Not that I think that you believe that you are God, or are in control, but sometimes in our desire to help others, we take way too much on ourselves, and simply end up frustrated and stressed, and quickly burn out.
I know that I can only be responsible for myself. The only thing I am concerned about is guilt by association. Then, maybe what my motive is is all that matters and my motive is to help people know God and be safe in the short term.
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Old 07-02-2007, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by keith4him View Post
CT Studd, the famous missionary, said this, Some want to live within the sound of Chapel Bells, but I want a mission a yard from the gates of HELL.

The point being stop playing it safe and go where sin and sinners are prevalent. Light is made to penetrate darkness.

ILG, you are doing just that, be missional minded and stay where you are, ask the the Lord for opporunities to be a influencer and He will answer that prayer. Remember it's not about you, it about the Kingdom and Souls.
this saying is on my fathers tombstone.
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Old 07-02-2007, 10:46 AM
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As long as you do not have to promote something you disagree with, I think you are fine. You are sharing Jesus, even if you are not using words.
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Old 07-02-2007, 11:30 AM
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Just love them Sis. You can't help them in your soulish power.Only Jesus can.
Be a light and continue to help and love.Each person has to answer to God for themselves.I am not allowed alot of things on my job but several times each night the men in the jail ask where I go to church.I always tell them.Those that say they want to come I always tell them if they do they can sit with us.I however cannot
instigate it on my own but I can be a light and those searching can see that.
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