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Old 06-29-2007, 11:17 PM
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Falla39 Falla39 is offline
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!

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Don't Under-Estimate Power of God - 2nd REPORT

I posted this as an extension of my last report last Sunday.

I sure it was much too long so I will start another thread.

If it feels like things are dead around here sometimes, maybe

we should look in the mirror. It might just be us!

I reported last week what an awesome service we had at the end

of the service Sunday morning. Two people filled in moments! Suddenly!!!

Well, it continued Wed. evening. From the very first to the last, it

was like....what can I compare it to. The two people that had received

the Holy Ghost were baptized and were vibrant with joy and excitement

over what God had done and was doing in their lives and the lives of their

families. There was a roar of worship throughout the service and the pre-

sence of the Lord was so abundant and refreshing!!!

Last year here in Texas things were so dry and parched. The earth was

so thirsty, the lakes so low. Water was limited so we basically lost our lawn

due to lack of water and it was so restricted. Who knew but that we might

run out of water, even to drink. Our city got desperate and people were

openly calling for prayer for rain!!

What about the thirsty, parched souls of countless millions who have

never known the taste of Living Water! Springs of Living Water. From

the River of Life. The River runs through the Garden, the Tree of Life is

in the midst of the Garden.

This year we have had an abundance of water. Precious water from

heaven. I believe what is and has been happening in the natural is

symbolic of what is beginning and is happening in the Spirit. Can you

almost hear the sound of abundance of rain...Holy Ghost Rain. About

a dozen years ago as I stepped onto the land being dedicated for a

new church, I felt a cool breeze began to blow from the south. As it

gently blew across my face the pastor of that neighboring church,

extended his hand and as he did, I said, Brother, the wind is starting

to blow again. He said, Sister, I believe that!! That church, about ten

miles from our city, have doubled and doubled again since then. I feel

the same thing is happening at the church my late father and mother

founded 49 yrs. ago this Nov. Starting with their own family of them-

selves and their eleven children, this ship has endured many trials, storms

and battles. But the CAPTAIN has kept her steady as she was founded on

the Rock, and that Rock IS CHRIST!!! Could it be said that the deeper the

River gets, the smoother the sailing. The Captain knows as He is the Pilot

of our Boat!

Just feeling inspired this cloudy Friday evening. They are predicting a

lot more rain. Anyone praying for a downpour!!!

I was checking out at the grocery store yesterday and the little

female courtesy clerk who took out the groceries, came back in the

store and started putting my groceries in the buggy. She said, "It had

better not rain anymore. I'm tired of the rain". I said "Last year we were

praying for rain. The governor of Alabama is calling for a week of prayer

for rain as they are so dry". I know she was young but she needs to learn

to be thankful. If we do without a few things that are essential to live, we

might be more thankful. Many young people today have never done with-

out much. America's people have become spoiled with too much this and

too much that. God got tired of hearing the Israelites murmuring and com-

plaining. Lord, help us to be thankful and bless Your name. You are good

and Your Mercy endureth forever. Thank You for mercy, grace and truth!!!

Well I will end this here as I may have said too much already!!!! LOL!!

Blessings to one and all, in Jesus Name!!


Last edited by Falla39; 06-29-2007 at 11:24 PM. Reason: left out a couple of words
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Old 06-30-2007, 12:01 AM
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rgcraig rgcraig is offline
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You are exactly right Sis. Falla!

Great words for us!!!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
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