Originally Posted by Pressing-On
I saw a preview and didn't like the way he looked up and told God, "Is it too much to ask that we could get a little rain!!!!" It just seemed really disrespectful, IMO.
That wasn't disrespectful. Like Sandra said, watch it in context. Besides, are you suggesting that you've never had a time when you've literally, out-loud questioned God? You've never been in a place, exhausted and frustrated to the point where you argue with God? It's not being disrespectful...it's being honest - and human.
Read the book of Job. Job did a lot more than just utter one line about getting precipitation. God ended up blessing him more than before. I think it was because he was open and honest with God about his feelings.
The movie was good. I watched it twice. At times it seemed a little preachy. I don't know what else the movie could've done to please Dr. Dobson, but whatever. Within the first 5 or 10 minutes of the movie they're talking about prayer. Evan kneels and prays after that. There's scripture and religious references all throughout the movie.
Note: this wasn't a re-telling of Noah...it wasn't the Biblical story of the flood. It was a modern day parable that used a small flood and a large ark.
Unfortunately I've heard it bombed at the box office. It cost over 200 million to make and only took in about 30 million the first weekend. Mostly likely it will drop even more from now on with Die Hard 4, Transformers and Harry Potter coming out in the next few weeks.
It's worth the rental, for those who don't go to movies.