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Old 06-25-2007, 08:26 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by KwaiQ View Post
I agree with Brother Epley. You do not have to speak in tongues to 'prove' your living right. God knows the heart and wether your truly repentent or not. Speaking in tongues is an initial sign to the unbeliever that he has recieved the Holy Ghost. The gift of tongues and interpretation is for the edifying of the church.
I'm not sayiong I agree with that...not now anyway, but it was what was taught and is still believed by many.
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Old 06-25-2007, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Barb View Post
but it was what was taught and is still believed by many.
I have no doubt it is taught by many.
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Old 06-25-2007, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post
Hello, AFF -

I've been out of pocket during the last few weeks and I've had this question daily on my mind. Now, I learned all the scriptures that support our doctrine; however, I've had trouble discounting the need of being baptized again for the remission of sins after walking away from God and being involved with horrible sin.

I backslid and came back to our merciful Savior, but I've been troubled in my spirit about the need to wash all those sins under the blood through the act of baptism. Has anyone heard of this being practice in our churches?

Any scripturally based answers that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.



As a pastor, and being part of the UPC for 20yrs, (I have been out of the UPC for over 10yrs) I used to hold strongly to the "baptism ONLY once" idea. It was more of a sectarian stance that I held than anything else. However, having been a Sr. pastor for almost 25 yrs, I have dealt with many different kinds of situations in people's lives.

I have -re-baptized many folks. I don't preach it as a doctrine, but to the folks I have re-baptized, it has really meant something to them. For me, that is what is more important than anything.

There is no scripture to support withholding re-baptism. However, the Jewish practice of Mikveh, was a ritual cleansing that was performed many times throughout the life of the observant Jew.

If it means that much to you, and your pastor won't do it, then I would find someone who would. Remember, this is between you and the Lord. I don't counsel folks to go against their pastor, but this is not something that is contrary to scripture.
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Old 06-25-2007, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Barb View Post
Elder E, are you answering the rebaptized question or what I just wrote?!
Yes. You can only be born ONCE. I have on very rare occasions where someone as a child may have been baptized and was out in the world for years and did not feel comfortable I did it for conscience sake. As far as speaking in tongues again I think if folks get renewed it just happens is it a must? I don't know any passage that teaches that. But a person that has much of a prayer life from time to time will speak in tongues. I never HAVE to eat a steak again but you know what I like them so I have them more than I should.
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Old 06-25-2007, 08:45 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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I was rebaptized a while back. It did not help. The problem was not even with conscience, but with the condition of the mind. If a backslider somes back, and repents, they turn their mind back to where it should be. Look at Revelation, at the words of our Lord to the various churches. He told them to repent and turn. He did not say they needed to be rebaptized, though the reference to returning back to your first works can be interpreted as such by some.

Personally, rebaptism is for conscience sake. The blood, once applied, is there. We must repent and turn back. He died once for our sins, and His blood cleanses us from sin. If we confess our sins, church, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

For conscience sake, I will not go against. Mandating such is unscripturally based.
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Old 06-25-2007, 09:21 AM
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If someone feels to then maybe so...but in general I would say no. But I have seen my pastor rebaptize people IF they felt to be. I think if for some reason a person is not satisfied maybe they should do so...Many years ao when my mother came to the Lord she was baptized in a certain church and when she came on into more truth she felt to rebaptize. She felt that the preacher that baptized her was wrong...so there are many reasons to consider and blessed be the wise pastor that guides...
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Old 06-25-2007, 09:42 AM
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"Can a man enter his mother's womb and be born" Again, again, again, and again....its foolish. God's grace and mercy is endless, it is sufficient to cover ALL of my sins. Just return to the cross in prayer, that is enough.
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Old 06-25-2007, 11:02 AM
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Are Backsliders Required to be Re-baptized?

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Yes. You can only be born ONCE. I have on very rare occasions where someone as a child may have been baptized and was out in the world for years and did not feel comfortable I did it for conscience sake. As far as speaking in tongues again I think if folks get renewed it just happens is it a must? I don't know any passage that teaches that. But a person that has much of a prayer life from time to time will speak in tongues. I never HAVE to eat a steak again but you know what I like them so I have them more than I should.
Yes, we can only be born once but we can be re-vived or re-newed

many times! I would like to renew our marriage vows at our 50th anniv.

In a few days we will have our 48th. I married my husband as a young

person and I don't remember what all the vows were. I probably didn't

care. All I wanted to do was to spend my life with him. Basically I was

a "child". NOW I know as an adult that I still want to spend the reminder

of my life with him. If we renew our vows, I will find out what I am vowing

and do my very best to do them.

Then there is this question of being re-baptized. My grandmother and

her son, my dad, frowned somewhat upon being re-baptized as they

saw no scripture for doing so. However, Grandma was an adult and her

son, my dad was a young fourteen yr. old boy when they heard the

apostolic truth from God's Word. They wore out several Bibles the next

few years after they believed, were baptized in Jesus Name, and received

the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues. They were very devout in their

continual searching of the scriptures. I seriously doubt they ever thought

of re-baptism due to their own devouted life to God and His Word.

I was a young girl when I was baptized and didn't receive the Holy Ghost

until I was eighteen. My two younger siblings were getting baptized and

I am sure I felt a measure of wanting to also since, and while they were being

baptized. In later years I have felt that because I was a "child" when I

was baptized, I would be willing to let Jesus know that even though I

"put Him Christ" as a child, I would love for Him know that as a mature

adult, I would be willing to take the name of JESUS with me again. Some

might not want to marry the same man or take a man's name again but

I can only speak for myself. Instead of re-marrying or re-baptism, it would

simply be, being RE-NEWED in both cases!! If we ask Him to, He will lead us

in this question and will settle it in our minds. We sometimes need to be

re-newed in the spirit of our minds.


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Old 06-25-2007, 11:15 AM
Michlow Michlow is offline
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Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post
Hello, AFF -

I've been out of pocket during the last few weeks and I've had this question daily on my mind. Now, I learned all the scriptures that support our doctrine; however, I've had trouble discounting the need of being baptized again for the remission of sins after walking away from God and being involved with horrible sin.

I backslid and came back to our merciful Savior, but I've been troubled in my spirit about the need to wash all those sins under the blood through the act of baptism. Has anyone heard of this being practice in our churches?

Any scripturally based answers that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.


I don't have any biblical answers for you. Personally I don't THINK that its necessary. But I personally chose to be baptized a second time.

I orginally came to an Apostolic church at the age of 18, attended maybe 3 services and decided to be baptized. I maybe attended 1 more service after I was baptized, and then did not attend church at all. I never received the Holy Ghost, and did not give my life to God.

6 Years later I started attending again, and gave my life to God. I eventually received the Holy Ghost. For almost 5 years, I struggled with feeling that I wanted to be baptized again. But the various Pastors I discussed it with, always said that it was not required.

Eventually I just decided that I WANTED to do it again, regardless of it not being necessary. I felt much better once I did. There had always been this tiny uncomfortable feeling in the back of my mind.
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Old 06-25-2007, 11:45 AM

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Was the prodigal son reborn when he returned home? No

He was just a person that realized he had made a mistake. He repented of that mistake and the father put the ring and robe on him that the son had squandered. There is no need to be re-baptised. One is only getting wet.
When one is born again they are a son no matter what they do.
If they live a life separated from God they are still a son, but a son that is lost. You can only receive the Holy Ghost one time. There is no such thing as praying through as taught in the UPCI.
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