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Old 03-20-2019, 08:05 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
Harry stuck to English. He did not stick to only one Bible translation. But neither did his friend, Frank Ewart.

Today, I found it easier to trace the history of a single church, a Oneness church in Tulare, Ca. than to write the bio of a single person.
What other English translations did Harry use?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 04-15-2019, 05:21 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Petals from the Rose of Sharon came in the post today. It is a bound collection of a magazine published by Uldine Utley. It is dated 1924. Do to the bookmarks found in it, I do not think it has been opened since that time period.

Uldine Utley was a child evangelist who began preaching at the age of 12. She was saved at a Aimee Temple McPerson revival in Fresno, Ca.

Her pubic ministry began in San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland. This was in 1925.

She preached for Carrie Montgomery, and Rev. Craig, of the AOG church in San Francisco. I have a picture of her standing next to Madison Tatman, a famous Oneness evangelist.

But there is no mention of Harry Morse. Nor do I see any names in the book of Oneness ministers. Other data connects her with Madison Tatman, Herbert Buffum and Thoro Harris.

So it is a bit of a dead end. It does provide context to the work of evangelists in the 1920's. They were a very colorful group, with over the top personalities.

It was the first great lead I have had in the Harry Morse project in a while and I think I will need to finish the project as is. I wish I had more data to put in the book and fill in some areas. I wish I could identify people in old pictures. There are more of Harry's students out there, but I cannot determine who they were.

Last edited by Scott Pitta; 04-15-2019 at 06:34 PM.
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Old 04-15-2019, 11:33 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

No old copies of ca gospel tidings surfaced? Hmm, the pastor’s wife of the Fresno church happened to be the daughter of the late bro delton fair (editor of the gospel tidings in ca). Also.. much history in that particular church).
Also I regret to say I found out just recently another member of that early Fresno church passed away bro brown who came from cp Williams church in Oklahoma.
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Old 04-16-2019, 05:16 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

For the life of me I cannot find any Gospel Tidings magazines. Rumor has it they have a collection of them at he UPC archive in St. Louis.

I will make my way down there before the book project is complete.

Fresno is interesting. Selma Marie Nelson ministered there from around 1900 at a Peniel Mission until she began the Emmanuel Pentecostal Mission. She remained pastor until 1943. Earl Toole pastored after her. She lived in Fresno until her passing in 1972.

She was friends with Harry Morse. She had a small Bible school where Clyde Haney was a student. Carl Hayden, UPC minister who was to work at WABC until his untimely passing was also from that church.

There are other Peniel Mission connections to Oneness Pentecostalism in California, but little has been written about such a connection. A byproduct of my research has been gathering data about the Peniel Mission.
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Old 05-29-2019, 06:12 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Matthew Jackson (1889-1974) immigrated from Scotland and lived in Oakland in 1921. He knew Harry Morse. Later that year, he moved to Los Angeles and knew Frank Ewart.

His name came up in a google search today. Not sure how Jackson knew Morse or Ewart.

Hopefully, I will make contact with his family and find more data.

It is the first real lead in a month.
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Old 05-29-2019, 06:12 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Matthew Jackson (1889-1974) immigrated from Scotland and lived in Oakland in 1921. He knew Harry Morse. Later that year, he moved to Los Angeles and knew Frank Ewart.

His name came up in a google search today. Not sure how Jackson knew Morse or Ewart.

Hopefully, I will make contact with his family and find more data.

It is the first real lead in a month.
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Old 07-01-2019, 11:58 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Newspaper article, 8/28/1907 Spokane, Washington

When the spirit of the Holy Ghost came on me and I heard God whispering to me the doctrine, even the animals on my farm knew that I had been converted. When I went out to feed the stock the pigs grunted. the horses neighed and the cattle bellowed at me In such a way that I knew they realized I had the spirit." This startling declaration was made by Apostle E. W. Carrick of the Apostolic Christians, during their big farewell service held all day yesterday in the tent near the east end of the second Olive street bridge. Apostle Carrick is a retired rancher, who was converted to the new faith some months ago and has been an enthusiastic disciple since. His remarks yesterday were indorsed by a solemn chorus of approving "amens."

William McDonald, formerly a judge of the superior court of Whitman county, was present ail day yesterday at the revival. The Judge is a member of the Apostolic Christians. He delivered a short address yesterday, in which he criticised Dr. W. L. Hall for the latter's criticism of the apostles. The jurist told a visitor to the meeting about a marvelous power possessed by his daughter, Fannie, who is about 21 years old. "Some time ago a man came to a meeting and said he wanted to join the sect, but could not get the power. He pretended he was in earnest and praying hard. God revealed to my daughter that this man is in company with a, bald-headed companion, had robbed a bank in a city in the middle west. When my daughter reproached him for not having repented of his act. he admitted he had done it and had not repented.. My daughter told me that she could see this man and the bald-headed fellow cracking that safe just as plain as day."
At the long meeting yesterday, addresses were made by many of the brethren, hymns were sung and those who have sold their all to go to preach the new gospel in foreign lands were encouraged to be brave and stand firm "even though they would have to face a martyr's death." Those who have not been honored by the call to preach to the heathen wept over the departure ef their coreligionists. As early as 8 o'clock in the morning, men, women and children came from every direction to the meeting place. At 9 o'clock the meeting opened with prayer and the singing of a hymn. Those high in the councils of the church sat on the raised platform at one end of the canvas enclosure, while the others were distributed in seats throughout the tent. The services were characterized by alternate outburts of enthusiasm and lulls of repose. During the momenta of repose the brethren sat quietly listening to whomsoever the spirit moved to speak and brushing off the numerous flies that filled the enclosure as a result of the recent rainy weather.
One of the most emotional discourses of the session was delivered by Elder M. R, Tatman, who, an apostle said, was formerly a gambler and street faker. The only thing about the elder that would suggest his former life was the fiery red necktie which he wore. The eider compared the Apostolic Christians to the Israelites of old, and Pastor M. L. Ryan to Moses. "There came a time to the Israelites," said Elder Tatman, "when Moses had to leave them just as Brother Ryan he to leave us now. But just as God raised tip a successor to Moses who stormed and captured Jericho, so will he raise a Joshua amongs us who will fill us with courage to stand by our guns. even though our ranks are to be depleted by the departure of Brother Ryan and those who are about to leave us." The Rev. Mr. Fogwell, who formerly was a member of Dowie’s camp at Zion City, near Chicago, delivered a short harangue. Mr. Fogwell, who is bald, wore a clawhammer, a white vest and side whiskers. The subject of his harangue was "Hooks." "If God 's hook is in you and your honk is in , God," he said, "how can you become separated? If you will take a suggestion from me, I would advise you to keep a sharp eye on your hooks, and if you once get hooked right, stick fast."
Deacon Richard Wells was the only speaker during the afternoon that did my talking In an unknown tongue. The deacon, who is a man of spare build wore a light check suit an embryo mustache and a meek look. During his talk he spoke in tongues several times. His remarks were punctuated with some unknown lingo that would make a good college yell, if spoken loudly and rapidly. Holding a twitching arm softly, his body quivering as if convulsed, he chattered "Ki Yi Kik, Ki Ike Yum, Bum Ki Ike Yi Yip”
"An earthquake will destroy the city of Spokane on October 15. 1907, after which a disastrous fire will rage for 18 days. If the people were not warned they would all be destroyed”.

This prophecy was made at the night meeting of the sect by Miss May Law, formerly a school teacher of Reardan, Wash., who is going to China in the interest of the "tongue" movement. This prophecy was first made in an unknown tongue by Miss Law and later translated by her. She repeated the prophecy three times in English. At 8 o'clock the big revival meeting , resumed after a recess of one hour. The first number was a brief speech by each one of the missionaries in some unknown tongue. When Miss Law 's turn came she made the prophecy. The speeches by the missionaries lasted until 10 o'clock, when a general farewell took place. Women fell on each other's necks, wept and kissed. "Goodby, dear; if you meet a martyrs death the Lord will raise someone up in your place" "Oh, I'm so sorry to see you go, Maggie," were common expressions among the women. , The men embraced and gripped hands. The farewell number lasted until nearly 12 o'clock.
The missionaries to China and Japan got a special rate yesterday from the Great Northern company to Yokohama. The apostles will be given a half-rate railroad rate to Seattle. The trip on the steamship Minnesota from Seattle to Yokohama will cost each of the missionaries $85. which is a special rate. A party of 15 will leave for the orient over the Great Northern this morning at 7:50 o'clock. On September another party will leave this city to join those who go this morning.
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Old 07-01-2019, 03:25 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Several articles from 1907-1908 Spokane, Washington came my way today. All describe the Apostolic church. Names and dates are the nuts and bolts I need to wrap up the Harry Morse project.

The connection between the Spokane church and Harry Morse is M.R. Tatman. Looks like he was part of the Apostolic movement 4 months into the Azusa Street beginning.

No new old pictures yet. But lots of data.
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Old 07-02-2019, 05:48 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

A handful of copies of the Apostolic Herald (PCI) came in the post today. They are from 1929, 1930, 1934, 1936 and 1945.

Included are a few articles penned by Harry Morse. A picture of Harry and Maude celebrating 30 years at Oakland accompanies a short (too short !!) celebration of their ministry:

Brother and Sister Morse have completed thirty years of ministry in Oakland, California.

In 1915, they opened up a work known as the "8th Street Hall," but later moved to a location which became known as the "Downtown Mission," where they labored for many years and became a national symbol in the missionary effort.

A short time ago, Brother Morse and his fine assembly purchased their own building which is located only a short distance from the former location. They are still moving ahead for the Lord and have that same zeal for lost souls.

Brother and Sister Morse have proved that it pays to "stick" with the church through good times and trying times. God bless Brother and Sister Morse as they celebrate their "30 years of service in Oakland, California."

Other data includes a unknown student, Rose Hudson (class of 1936), and mission reports from former students of Harry Morse. A more careful analysts will provide more data.

A total of 7 issues of the Apostolic Herald is a real treasure trove of data. Now I just need to find some Gospel Tidings magazines. Also, copies of the Apostolic Light (1907 Spokane, WA) are on the wish list.

It has been a good week for the Harry Morse biography project.
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Old 07-03-2019, 01:25 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

The Golden Altar of Incense

By Harry Morse

Apostolic Herald 5/1934 page 3,10

This article is based upon Ex. 30:1-11

For some weeks past, we have been taking up studies in the tabernacle with our workers in their training. I feel led to glean a few thoughts today for our readers of the HErald on the Golden Altar of Incense. This was one of the three pieces of furniture in the outer part of the tabernacle called the Holy Place.

Primarily it typifies Jesus as our intercessor and next it typifies us as priests of God in the New Testament royal priesthood (I Pet. 2:9). Much could be sad on the royal priesthood of Jesus up in Heaven at the Golden Altar (Heb. 7:25-28; Rev. 8:1-6; Rev. 5:8, etc.) but space forbids it. It took three classes of nearly two years each to do justice to it just recently here.

Now, let us look briefly at it as it represents us as identified with Jesus in the intercessory work. None but priests were allowed to minister in the Holy Place (Chapters 2 Chr. 26:16-21 and Num. 16:40). It was very important that first of all they meet God at the Brazen Altar of blood and next at the laver of washing (Isa. 52:11). In the old regime it was only the sons of Aaron, who enjoyed this wonderful privilege but now we all can be a priest at the throne of Incense (Rev. 5:10; Heb. 4:14-16). In the tabernacle of the past, this Golden Altar stood up higher than some of the rest of the furnishings, etc. In these studies in the tabernacle I used other helps and among them is a wonderful little book entitled “Christ in the Tabernacle” by the late A.B. Simpson, deceased. On page 109 he says “The Golden Altar was several inches higher than the table of showbread, the lavar, or the brazen altar of sacrifice, showing us that prayer is the most exalted ministry in the universe and that you get higher when you get down on your knees than at any other times in your existence.”

I tell our class quite often that there is too much stress in Bible schools today laid on teaching young workers how to preach and too little teaching on the art of knowing how to pray. In my pastorate here in Oakland, I have a big chance to study preachers and I find the most successful ones are those who after they have preached, do not stop when the meeting is over and visit with the people but follow up the preaching by going in the latar service or go on to the prayer room with the rest, if a prayer room is used. If the preacher has preached himself out of wind or strength, he should go in anyway and kneel down, whatever he does, he should not stand around and talk expecting the rest to pray. Our influence is needed to encourage people to pray. Souls are won these days where prayer is want to be made (Acts 16:13).

Prayer is the greatest of our ministries, it is far more than preaching says Mr. Simpson and he knew. It was while Zacharias was offering incense that the angel of the Lord said, “Thy prayer is heard.” (Lk. 1:9-13). This is but a sample along this line of things that happened while people prayed. Often it is then that God speaks to us his hidden secrets. I get my richest and deepest thoughts while waiting upon God, often in quietness.

Dr. Simpson further says on page 109: “We observe how this altar was crowned”, etc. It means that Christ our high Priest is a crowned priest. He is not pleading with uncertainty, but with victory. He is not saying “I wish it might be” but “Father I will that those which Thou has given me be with me. Father, I will that Peter’s faith fail not. Father, I will that this child shall overcome today” and he shall.” It is a royal priesthood and it is for you today, beloved. We are also to enter into just this kind of a positive prayer life, etc.

Next note the incense. I can only call attention to its being beaten small (Lev. 16:12). Some of these grains of frankincense and galbanum were pulverized, then they were to be burned in a little grate and go up sweetly, not one grain lost. There is no little petition, there is no little heartache, there is no little desire too small for Jesus to pray about or for you to pray about. That finely powdered incense just means the needs of your life all broken up and yet each one gathered by Jesus Christ in its minutiae and presented to the Father with the same care as tho it were the fortunes of a kingdom.

And last, I will mention the four horns on this altar as space forbids any more in this article. There was one horn on each corner pointing to the four points of the compass and to the different camps of Israel. There were four great camps. Mr. Simpson goes on to say, “The prayer of our Lord reaches North, and South and East and West. It is for all His people and for all the ages of His church and for all the quarters of the globe where they may be.” Now let me say that the scripture clearly teaches that Jesus in His intercessory ministry is appearing in the presence of God for us (Heb. 9:24; Jeb. 7:25; John 17:5-9; Luke 22:31-32).

But to us He has committed the ministry of reconciliation, making us His ambassador-priest with a ministry of intercession for the world. Since Jesus is up there ministering for us he has left us down here ministering to the world in His stead. So then for us we too have a big world wide field to be concerned about. Do you ever get down definitely and pray for our dear missionaries in far away fields and for the work that they are engaged in and for the people, binding the devils of ignorance and of superstition and the power of the devil that is set against these dear workers, also standing with them one at a time that their needs will be supplied ? As you pray for them, maybe you will get into a quiet place before God, having taken them on your heart in prayer, then you may hear His voice telling you to send them an offering. It is when we pray that we hear God speak.

I have known people of God who gave themselves to God in prayer, who would enter into the intercessory prayer life for the missionaries to the degree that they would seemingly in the spirit for a few minutes, take a trip to Africa and enter into the needs of the workers and their work as they know of their needs both spiritually, physically and financially. Next they would move over to India likewise, and on to China, then Japan, etc., and enter into the work of God nearly as real as tho they were right there on the job praying and working and thus they were laboring together.

Yes, it takes a little time to do this, but it is time well spent. Remember this altar was foursquare and four horns. May we broaden out in our vision as priest in this royal priesthood which puts the ministers and people al in the same class before the throne of grace.
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