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Old 02-10-2007, 05:59 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
You turned out pretty good, and pretty mature as well!
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Old 02-10-2007, 07:09 PM

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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
I remember when I was a lad, my sisters would get "rats" in their hair. My mother would use a comb or brush to get the tangles out, and she would end up pulling lots of hair out during the process.

I realize this is a quandry for you, as other women are interested in your decision on this issue. They could take your decision out of context and you could spend countless energy coralling everyone back in.

IMHO, you have three choices:

1. The hair could be pulled out, leaving an unsightly bald spot that other ladies wouldn't want to emulate.

2. The hair ball could be surgicallly cut and removed. This would leave a "gap" in her hair that she could maybe develop a hairstyle that could cover up. The other ladies wouldn't want to emulate that either.

Note: These two option have the appearance of punishing the young lady for not taking care of her hair properly while in the hospital. Or.......allow the lady to wear a wig until the hair is at a decent length again.

3. Allow the young lady to cut her hair where she can look nice and keep her self esteem. The church folks will understand (I hope!) that this is a special circumstance.
This is precisely where we are, Pianoman, and I've told her at this point it's not a matter of 'cutting' her glory but 'salvaging' her glory. The sad part is that they did try to keep it nice while she was in the hospital but she was in dire condition and there was only so much they could do in her dire condition.

Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
In the same chapter on Hair. It talks about men having long hair. Why is it thought that if a woman cuts her hair at anytime after conversion. That she will never regain the same position with the Lord.

Ever wonder about many of the men in the UPCI that have at one point or another had somewhat long hair.

Why is that all they need to do is cut it short.

And they are right back into the graces of men and God?

It all adds up to a onesided issue.

Have her get it cut and treated.

Much like many fo the woman in church that have had head injuries.

When part of their hair is shaved off.

Should a woman not pursue Chemo therapy.

Because u know it will fall out?

It is all in the spirit of her heart.

Once it is taken care of... her hair will grow back and in most cases longer and more beautiful.

Nathan Eckstadt
Without going into detail by addressing your entire post I concur with you in a key area; this isn't a 'religious' matter at this point... it's a medical issue. In fact, the docs have said (this has been going on for 4 months now) that if something isn't done she's going to go bald!

Ironically I spoke to her just last night using the chemotherapy / head injury analogies in explaining her predicament as now being a medical one rather than just a religious one.
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Old 02-10-2007, 07:14 PM

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Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
My first question is to just generate some fun.

When you say any of it are you implying that she does not cut the hair on her legs and underarms as well, or are we just talking about her head??

Now, really, If all options have been exhausted, I think the best issue is to talk to her and see where her convictions and feelings will allow her to go. It does not matter one bit if you give her "permission" if she does it, and then regrets it in her heart. Over all, this woman must be sold in her own heart as to what she should do, and what she feels the word allows. Otherwise, she will begin to condemn herself, and her faith will be affected.

I personally think that if we looked at the spirit of this scripture, we would not condemn a woman that has her hair cut for any legitimate reason (medical, surgical, etc.).
Bro. Matt,

I'm a 'hair on your head only' kind of Preacher. I've preached for folks that refused to let their women shave their legs and underarms... well... frankly in those times I've told my wife we wouldn't try to adapt to their conviction because... well... "I ain't sleeping with ANYTHING hairier than me!"

As to the rest of your post, I have told her I don't think she would remotely be wrong but her conviction is deep enough that she's still questioning herself.

Great post, by the way.
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Old 02-10-2007, 07:14 PM

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If you try you will find a way.
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Old 02-10-2007, 07:19 PM

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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
Steadfast...for his mom...she must be going through such pain in her heart and spirit...and just don't think God is going to condemn her having her hair cut so she can let it grow out and be healthy again...

Like I said before the lady I know God healed her in-spite of her having to cut off her hair...I just can not see a God that would condemn her for removing her hair for these desperate reasons....

why would I think your were judging me...not at all I am happy to clarify

I think you may be confused. This is not my Mother but a precious young Mother in our Church that I Pastor.

Now, as for those questioning your post for me to 'let her'... I find two reasons to be full of gratitude in such a situation:
1. She has a conviction deep enough that she seeks spiritual wisdom from a Pastor on an issue like this. Hers is a commendable spirit.
2. I've got good enough sense to know that nobody has to 'ask permission' to do anything but I've also got a good enough respect among my precious people that they sometimes do want my advice.

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Old 02-10-2007, 07:21 PM

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Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
This probably doesn't meet the "Spirtual Wisdom" test, but when Jesus was confronted for breaking the Sabbath, He used an analogy of an ox falling in the ditch on the Sabbath to show that, in certain situations it would be acceptable to "break the Sabbath".
Fantastic... my feelings exactly.
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Old 02-10-2007, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Steadfast View Post

I think you may be confused. This is not my Mother but a precious young Mother in our Church that I Pastor.

Now, as for those questioning your post for me to 'let her'... I find two reasons to be full of gratitude in such a situation:
1. She has a conviction deep enough that she seeks spiritual wisdom from a Pastor on an issue like this. Hers is a commendable spirit.
2. I've got good enough sense to know that nobody has to 'ask permission' to do anything but I've also got a good enough respect among my precious people that they sometimes do want my advice.


And you, sir, seem to be the kind of man that anyone would be proud to call "My Pastor".
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 02-10-2007, 08:50 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
It sounds like this is steadfast's mom...and she is wanting his guidence...
If this is Steadfast's mom, then he looks REALLY old for his age!

I have a fairly young Mother, about 35 or so,

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Old 02-10-2007, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Steadfast View Post

I think you may be confused. This is not my Mother but a precious young Mother in our Church that I Pastor.

Now, as for those questioning your post for me to 'let her'... I find two reasons to be full of gratitude in such a situation:
1. She has a conviction deep enough that she seeks spiritual wisdom from a Pastor on an issue like this. Hers is a commendable spirit.
2. I've got good enough sense to know that nobody has to 'ask permission' to do anything but I've also got a good enough respect among my precious people that they sometimes do want my advice.


Just for conversation sake- what do you do when folks ASK your advice, but choose not to take it and use it??
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Old 02-10-2007, 09:01 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Berkeley View Post
She should have prayed for a healing. That's what the cons would say.
I prayed for healing and received it. My head was shaved for the procedure.
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