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View Poll Results: Will SheltieDad go to hell for not pretending to believe ultra-con standards?
Yes 8 42.11%
No 11 57.89%
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:14 PM

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Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind View Post
SD, do you think you are saved?
Based on how I was raised, I do not believe it is possible for anyone to be saved... my only hope would be a non-Pentecostal version of God's grace... I don't believe anyone can claim to be saved when they are only bad thought away from not being saved.


I do toy around with the thought you presented but am not willing to commit myself absolutely to any notion, pro or against.
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:16 PM
Michlow Michlow is offline
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Based on how I was raised, I do not believe it is possible for anyone to be saved... my only hope would be a non-Pentecostal version of God's grace... I don't believe anyone can claim to be saved when they are only bad thought away from not being saved.


I do toy around with the thought you presented but am not willing to commit myself absolutely to any notion, pro or against.
I think you missed your calling as a politian!
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:18 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Originally Posted by Michlow View Post
I think you missed your calling as a politian!
what is a Politian???????????
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:26 PM
Michlow Michlow is offline
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Originally Posted by Berkeley View Post
what is a Politian???????????
Shut up! I tried to spell it like 47 different ways and none of them looked right, and I was too lazy to look it up!

LOL, so I forgot the C, its been a long day..

POLITICIAN.....is that better????
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:27 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Originally Posted by Michlow View Post
Shut up! I tried to spell it like 47 different ways and none of them looked right, and I was too lazy to look it up!
Are you trying to spell:


?????? ??????????????
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:33 PM
Michlow Michlow is offline
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Originally Posted by Berkeley View Post
Are you trying to spell:


?????? ??????????????
LOL, I must have been editing while you typed this! Yes! Ok! I'm stupid! Does that make you feel better????? *sob*
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Old 06-12-2007, 10:34 PM

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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
What say ye?
If hell is full of people of your likes, then it'll be a pretty sweet place....

Lol~ Nay friend!
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Old 06-13-2007, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Based on how I was raised, I do not believe it is possible for anyone to be saved... my only hope would be a non-Pentecostal version of God's grace... I don't believe anyone can claim to be saved when they are only bad thought away from not being saved.


I do toy around with the thought you presented but am not willing to commit myself absolutely to any notion, pro or against.
Why does it have to be Non-Pentecostal Grace?

I guess I find Grace enough for me.

But I was accused one time of being a Hard Nosed UC.
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
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Old 06-13-2007, 12:23 AM
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I find grace in The Holy Ghost experience because it is the gift of The Holy Ghost which that means the Holy Ghost is a gift of grace.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 06-13-2007, 06:25 AM

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Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind View Post
Why does it have to be Non-Pentecostal Grace?

I guess I find Grace enough for me.

But I was accused one time of being a Hard Nosed UC.
Pentecostal Grace just seems so conditional... one slip-up or bad thought and BAM!

I had to have a Baptist person explain grace to me in a way that actually made it seem like something special... and no I am not Baptist or considering becoming one.

And I can't just apply regular grace in the Pentecostal church because of issues like pants on women... while this seems like a trivial issue, when I see people so adamant that the bible says something that simply is NOT in there, how can I trust their judgement on anything else, especially when it is regarding my eternal salvation.

On a higher level, religion just doesn't make sense to me... God made hell and then he made the rules to save us from something which he himself made... and the rules are to restrict the desires that he himself gave us.

On an abstract level, if "the Good News" is supposed to be something so simple a child can understand, why does it even matter which version of esc-whatever-ology you believe, or what words you use to describe the diety/oneness of God? If it takes 17 lexicons to derive the original meaning, and an average person could not even read until a few centuries ago, what does that say about the fairness of salvation?

Throughout history, religion has always been there to explain things that could not be explained through science, and then once science HAS sufficiently explained things, and the people have had time to digest it, those religions disappear and new ones take their place that try to answer questions for which there are no answers.

When I watch religious people talk, they seem so miserable here, that they would welcome the entire world blowing up just so they could leave... I am sorry that I am not so unhappy with my life that I need to hope for armageddon to have something to look forward to.

I'm supposed to serve God because I love him and not because of the gnawing little fact that if I don't serve him he will send me to an eternal torment.

People claim that it is about relationship not religion, and that prayer is a literal two-way conversation with God, yet all of these people who pray (claiming regular two-way conversations with God) cannot agree on some of the most minute details of how we should dress and behave... and each side says the other side has not prayed enough and that is the reason why their answer is different).

I see no evidence of an infallible Bible, or even that we have the exact right books in the canon... if a group of men sat around with stacks of text and these men decided what went into the compilation of books that we now call the bible, and 1700 years later we accept that it came directly from God? Aren't we forgetting that the bible did NOT just fall out of the sky, it is just a copy of a copy of texts and letters translated from translations from translations and there is not even an original ANYWHERE... even the originals had multiple copies which were sent out across the land... and then compound that with the fact that groups of men several centuries later would decide what should actually go into the Bible. Religion itself is like the ultimate "telephone/gossip" game... you send something out and there is no telling what it will be 15 minutes later. Christianity and Islam are a perfect example of this... it is just a centuries old family squabble.

You say that God has "preserved his word" and that is evident because your specific school of thought has existed since the beginning? Every other flavor makes the exact same claim... am I saying that they are right and you are wrong? Not at all, just that EVERY hard question comes back with the answer that you need to have faith. Just because I was born into something doesn't mean I should accept it and not question... if I was born a Muslim or a Jew, I would be expected to question things and eventually become a Pentecostal, but if I was born a Pentecostal, I should just accept things and have faith... I would have a better chance of being saved if I was mentally handicapped (as long as I was lucky enough to be born Pentecostal) because then I would just accept whatever people told me.

Everyone believes that they have the truth and that everyone else is wrong... this happens within the Apostolic ranks, and also within Christianity as a whole, and also within religion as a whole... everyone believes that God has spoke to themselves, yet they are not on the same page... we are told to just have faith and believe... believe in what? it's like being presented with a grocery store aisle of ice cream that stretches on for infinity and being told that you have to choose not only one brand but one specific flavor and then have faith that you have made the right decision and your entire eternity is based on that one decision. Even within Pentecost you have people saying that you can't be baptised in the name of Jesus, because Jesus is an improper translation of the original name which we now call Jesus.

I do believe in God (intelligent design of the universe), but see no concrete way to clear up any of the confusion that religion has created short of God himself appearing on my doorstep and straightening it all out. This is why I don't take any of this stuff seriously anymore... picking the right school of thought to have faith in is like winning the lottery... unless God is really bigger than all of the petty squabbling, which I sincerely hope.
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