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03-28-2018, 12:26 AM
Yeshua is God
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Does He still have His beard?
I don't know, maybe he still does or he does not, but it does not matter to me.
I do not get worked up over natural growing facial hair.
Yes I shave every day, but only because I just simply can't grow a decent beard, I tried, but I failed miserable, so I just gave up my rebellious ways.
So I guess I would be welcomed to preach in the platform.
03-28-2018, 12:28 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by Aquila
I'll never go camping again. Lol
Especially in California.
Originally Posted by Aquila
True. But we can be catalysts for change, where we are, if we have the courage.
Who is the we? There is only the they, and they like what they are doing. They believe that all their men should sport beards. They have Bible, which has a huge amount of beard toting prophets, and apostles. Yet, you come along and want to disrupt what they are doing? Hasn't forums taught you anything? That people believe what they believe, and wanting to be the avenger just makes the GROUP turn a deaf ear. It isn't even because they are being unkind, they really like what is going on. They love the preacher, the preacher loves them. If you go hang out with them they are really cool people, who will love you. But when you tell them that the Bible doesn't make beards or non beards mandertory, they start telling you about Aaron's beard, Jesus' beard, did you have a beard when you got the Holy Ghost, and did you have your whiskers when you were baptized, and why do you trim your beard? Because the beard isn't supposed to be trimmed. Your voice shouting in the wilderness will go full horse before they stop what they are doing. If you don't like it, then it is time to shout in some other wilderness.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Yes. But there needs to be a voice in the wilderness denouncing such unbiblical garbage. We need to identify the error, and identify the false churches.
What happened to "when the student is ready the teacher will appear?"
Umbilical garbage? They don't believe so, they don't believe it's error, they don't see their church is false. 80,000 denominations, churches, and schisms. You think they are all on the same page?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
03-28-2018, 12:31 AM
Yeshua is God
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by Aquila
I agree. I remember chiding you a little about this, saying essentially the same thing. Then you taught me what gay bears were. I want to say for the record, I don't think that men without beards are effeminate. I will say that many, not all, do LOOK effeminate. Lol
Please I do want to even take a chance that I might look effeminate, I shall start growing a beard right away.
Ha ha just kidding, nope, sorry bro, I will still shave every day.
03-28-2018, 12:34 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by FlamingZword
I don't know, maybe he still does or he does not, but it does not matter to me.
I do not get worked up over natural growing facial hair.
Yes I shave every day, but only because I just simply can't grow a decent beard, I tried, but I failed miserable, so I just gave up my rebellious ways.
So I guess I would be welcomed to preach in the platform.
Well, issues with growing a beard is genetics. Or hair loss at an early age, due to high cortisol, and low T levels. Causing the sebum to harden. On the face getting spotty or scraggly facial hair could be a T level issue, but still genetics plays a big role. All women have facial hair, but genetics cause that hair not to grow like men. If a woman takes hormone shots the beard will grow. Therefore taking tests to see where your T level is at may help.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
03-28-2018, 12:54 AM
Yeshua is God
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Los Angeles
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Well, issues with growing a beard is genetics. Or hair loss at an early age, due to high cortisol, and low T levels. Causing the sebum to harden. On the face getting spotty or scraggly facial hair could be a T level issue, but still genetics plays a big role. All women have facial hair, but genetics cause that hair not to grow like men. If a woman takes hormone shots the beard will grow. Therefore taking tests to see where your T level is at may help.
So if I take some kind of hormones I might be able to grow a decent beard?
Wow, I think I might look into that, so that I can join Aquila and bro Michael.
03-28-2018, 09:49 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Especially in California.
Who is the we? There is only the they, and they like what they are doing. They believe that all their men should sport beards. They have Bible, which has a huge amount of beard toting prophets, and apostles. Yet, you come along and want to disrupt what they are doing? Hasn't forums taught you anything? That people believe what they believe, and wanting to be the avenger just makes the GROUP turn a deaf ear. It isn't even because they are being unkind, they really like what is going on. They love the preacher, the preacher loves them. If you go hang out with them they are really cool people, who will love you. But when you tell them that the Bible doesn't make beards or non beards mandertory, they start telling you about Aaron's beard, Jesus' beard, did you have a beard when you got the Holy Ghost, and did you have your whiskers when you were baptized, and why do you trim your beard? Because the beard isn't supposed to be trimmed. Your voice shouting in the wilderness will go full horse before they stop what they are doing. If you don't like it, then it is time to shout in some other wilderness.
What happened to "when the student is ready the teacher will appear?"
Umbilical garbage? They don't believe so, they don't believe it's error, they don't see their church is false. 80,000 denominations, churches, and schisms. You think they are all on the same page?
Taking such a stand, being vocal about it, denouncing legalisms involving both shaving and required beards isn't so much to win over or effect those who believe in these false doctrines. It is to call attention to the error publically so that fewer embrace their notions without question, and to help bring reconciliation and healing to those whose lives, ministries, dreams, and passions were crushed by some legalistic pastor with a passion for or against something as truly meaningless as a beard.
Ministering in the rear of the flock is often the most rewarding of ministries. You see the sheep that were battered and broken by circumstance, who are failing to keep up. You see those who have given up. You see those who have wondered form the flock through temptation or frustration.
I know it seems so small... but I know grown men on this forum who have beards. And they would weep like babies with healing tears if they were apologized to for all the unnecessary and unbiblical rejection, slander, character assassination, and denunciations they've faced merely for wearing a beard.
When I started wearing a beard it wasn't out of rebellion. It was because Christina thought I looked more "distinguished" instead of so "baby faced". I've always had a baby face. The facial hair was a nice look. It also helped me see myself in a new light. After all the drama of family trauma, military trauma, church abuse, a divorce, financial ruin, etc. to see myself differently was kinda healing. I had weathered the storm. God carried me through. Life happened, and I survived. That old me, that old life, it's gone. New me. A new me who has fallen even more in love with Jesus than the old me.
Think about it, since I was from an ultra-conservative background, I had looked the same for decades. After all I had been through, I needed a change. I'm not saying everyone does. I'm saying, I did. Growing my beard out symbolically represented my letting go of so much pain. I was no longer the abused boy who was brutally beaten as child. I was no longer the crisp, pressed, and shaved soldier I had become as a young man. I was no longer the subjugated, trapped, and spiritually bound clean shaven ultra-con legalist. I was no longer the failure of a husband. The change helped me look into the mirror and see someone new. Someone fresh. Someone older. Someone that accepted the past and closed the book on it. A man with a new life.
Then, feeling I visited a local Apostolic church. One I hoped was more moderate based on what I had heard.
Do I really need to go into detail about what happened within 10 minutes of being there and seeing a couple people who knew me way back when? After dealing with the mind numbing teasing, whispering, and eventual harassment over my beard... I realized something. At what point do I refuse to allow them to own me?
Some say, "But it's just a beard." No it isn't. It's far bigger than that. I'm reminded of a story...
2 Samuel 23:11-12 English Standard Version (ESV)
11 And next to him was Shammah, the son of Agee the Hararite. The Philistines gathered together at Lehi, where there was a plot of ground full of lentils, and the men fled from the Philistines. 12 But he took his stand in the midst of the plot and defended it and struck down the Philistines, and the Lord worked a great victory. Here, a man took a stand. He'd not be pushed around any more. Yes, it was only a plot of land with a pea patch. Sure, many might say, "Why risk your life Shammah? It's only a pea patch!" They were right. It was only a pea patch. But it was... his pea patch. And when something is yours and you have very little else... no matter how seemingly insignificant it might seem. It's worth fighting and dying for.
I know that it's only a beard. But... it is my beard. And I refuse to surrender to the bullying, slander, character assassination, and pressure to become subjugated to the unbiblical standard of overreaching, and spiritually abusive, human authority.
And if having something as small an issue as a beard makes me an outcast... if having a beard makes my church reject me... if having a beard makes them treat me like a second class citizen in the church... then it isn't me who has the big problem with this little ol' beard. It's... them.
Sometimes you have to take a stand and defend your pea patch.
03-28-2018, 09:56 AM
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
I don't know Chris, I'm wondering if you are being a drama queen about the beard just to stir the pot. I honestly don't think having a beard is that much of an issue in churches today. And in time, once the old timers have passed on, it will be no issue at all.
What is much more of a concern is preserving like precious faith from the onslaught of worldliness and compromise that is buffeting the church.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
Refusing to sit under the false gospel and false doctrine of false teachers is not "forsaking the Assembly"
03-28-2018, 10:13 AM
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by Amanah
I honestly don't think having a beard is that much of an issue in churches today. And in time, once the old timers have passed on, it will be no issue at all.
What is much more of a concern is preserving like precious faith from the onslaught of worldliness and compromise that is buffeting the church.
Amen, Sister!
03-28-2018, 10:35 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by Amanah
I don't know Chris, I'm wondering if you are being a drama queen about the beard just to stir the pot.
Yeah, I was being a bit dramatic. But I'm only doing that because it's hard to capture the emotion one feels when being singled out, held in contempt, told they can't serve, treated differently, over something like their preference for a beard...and there's absolutely NO SCRIPTURE to warrant such treatment.
So, now not only have we the issue of how it feels to be singled out over something like a beard, but we have a mindset that is conditioned to embrace unbiblical standards, i.e. unbiblical teachings. We need to be people of the book. We're always told that we need have our faith grounded in the Scripture... but when one turns to the Scriptures and finds all the unbiblical gobblygook that is crammed down our throats by the organization or the pulpit... we're being rebellious. That's a catch 22. Do we embrace the unbiblical? Or do we take a stand against the unbiblical?
Embracing unbiblical standards leads to embracing other unbiblical teachings. We've seen a slew of them - divine flesh, holy magic hair, head coverings, the list could go on and on. The outcry against standards against beards is more than a cry against a standard. It is a cry to return to the book.
I honestly don't think having a beard is that much of an issue in churches today. And in time, once the old timers have passed on, it will be no issue at all.
I think it depends on the district and perhaps the church in question. I've heard of churches that are beard-friendly. But I know a whole lot more that are not. I'd say it's almost 3 to 1. Then you have to factor in the one's where the pastor slowly migrated to a "platform policy" and relegated bearded men to second class saints. These will say they have no issue with beards when you speak to them about it. But when you actually attend they break it down that while there is nothing wrong with a beard... you can't sing in the choir with one. Ummm...if there is nothing wrong with a beard...why can't I sing in the choir??? It's like saying, "We're not racist, we welcome minorities and people of color." But if a minority attends, they discover they are not allowed to sing in the choir because they aren't white. It's talking out of both sides of their mouths.
And if you've ever frequented other Christian forums where people know about Apostolics... they point out these unbiblical standards as evidence that we're not biblically centered, but authority of man and tradition centered. Sure, some men have fallen away or left Apostolic churches over the treatment they received for just having a beard. But there are countless more men who have been invited to an Apostolic church and heard, "Oh, you don't want to go there, they believe beards are bad. They'd not even let Jesus on their platforms!" And guess what... that soul thinks we're some unbiblical legalistic cult... and never comes.
Errors like these, though they seem so small, cost souls. How many souls have been cast into Hell because they thought we were unbiblical on account of unbiblical standards like these? Even if it were one soul, one eternity, a stupid and unbiblical standard such as this is unforgiveable. It's the little foxes that spoil the vineyard.
What is much more of a concern is preserving like precious faith from the onslaught of worldliness and compromise that is buffeting the church.
False doctrine is of the world Amanah. Every world religion and philosophy of this world is predicated upon what is false and unbiblical. So, those opposing unbiblical traditions and practices in the church ARE trying to preserve the faith from the onslaught of worldliness and compromise. We're attacking the foxes that have gotten into the house, while so many others are only focused on keeping the foxes outside the house at bay. Protecting from outside influences is important. But so is cleansing the house of alien influences that have gotten in. We don't just coddle a false teaching, enshrine it as a beloved "standard of the elders", and let it breathe it's hellish breath into the lives of saints and rails against lost souls who would otherwise attend.
Every false way, false doctrine, tradition of man IS a category of worldliness. And sister... we're chin deep in it. Just ask any man who was run out of a church over preferring a beard after asking for Bible on the position. They treat us like unwed mothers. They treat us like second class saints.
Correction... I know mothers who had children out of wedlock who sing in the choir. But, oh no, a beard on a man. Can't have that up there! lol Why can't we all just serve the Lord freely??? I mean, they take my money without complaint.
Last edited by Aquila; 03-28-2018 at 10:40 AM.
03-28-2018, 10:36 AM
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Re: "Beards are sin!" False doctrine?
Originally Posted by Amanah
I don't know Chris, I'm wondering if you are being a drama queen about the beard just to stir the pot.
Well, he has a history of making posts he claims were "devil's advocate" posts and others in which he was "hypothesizing."
Hard to take the posts too seriously.
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